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Forged in Fire: A Tempered Steel Novel, #5
Forged in Fire: A Tempered Steel Novel, #5
Forged in Fire: A Tempered Steel Novel, #5
Ebook194 pages3 hours

Forged in Fire: A Tempered Steel Novel, #5

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"Lady, if I were you, I'd get the hell away from here 'cause when I make it up this hill, I'm gonna be looking for you." Lucky Coalson's luck has run out.  His ex-wife turned out to be a con artist; his business is in a shambles; and he's been tossed into a muddy river by a smart assed feminist with a chip on her shoulder.  Things couldn't get much worse…or so he thought.

When Lucky's accused of murdering his ex-wife, the Coalson family enlists the help of a private investigator to gather the clues necessary to prove his innocence. Little did they know that Renee Morgan is the same woman that sent Lucky scrambling up a sodden river bank at the height of a storm.

The two square off immediately, but Renee's admiration of the Coalson family, despite her dislike of Lucky, is the deciding factor in her acceptance of the job. And although Lucky bristles every time she speaks, he grudgingly respects her intelligence and savvy skills as a private investigator.

As the hunt for the killer escalates, the two find they are not the only ones looking for the mysterious assassin. And the other people are more than willing to take out anyone that gets in their way, including those that Lucky and Renee hold dear to their hearts. 

In a moment of passion that rocks them to the core, they realize their love may be forged in fire, but both have been badly burned by past lovers, and too stubborn to admit the truth.  Can they find a way around their fears, or will Lucky's ex-wife continue to plague him from the grave?

PublisherMaggie Adams
Release dateJun 28, 2016
Forged in Fire: A Tempered Steel Novel, #5

Maggie Adams

Maggie Adams is an internationally known contemporary romance author. Her first book in the Tempered Steel Series, Whistlin’ Dixie, debuted in Top 100 for Women’s Fiction, humor, on November 2014. Since then, she has consistently made the best seller 5-star list with her Tempered Steel Series.  She also writes erotica, paranormal romance, young adult romance and women’s fiction. Maggie’s books can be found on eBook and paperback on her website and all book sites. When she’s not writing, she can be found dancing, singing and cooking (usually all at the same time), and spending time with her family and friends. .

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    Forged in Fire - Maggie Adams


    BRANDON! GET UP! BRANDON heard the frantic cry mere seconds before the bedroom door burst open and Lucky barged in.

    What the hell is going on?! he roared as he sat up in the bed, adjusting the quilt to cover Anna’s breasts from Lucky’s gaze. She slid under the covers with an embarrassed squeal, pulling the blankets over her head.

    Sorry, but you’ve gotta come quick. We’ve got trouble. Lucky explained as he tossed Brandon his pants. The levee near Nutwood has cracked. Ben thinks it’s only a matter of a few hours before the whole thing goes. We’re evacuating the town now.

    A flash of lightning lit the night sky and thunder rolled in the distance as Brandon pulled on his pants and grabbed a shirt. Stay here, honey, and put on some coffee. We’ll get you some help before the town starts coming up. I’ll send someone over to the office with blankets and pillows and food staples. We’ll turn it into a shelter as well.

    Kinda like de’ja’ vu’, huh? Lucky commented as he threw some boots at his brother.

    Yeah, I had hoped to never go through another flood like the one we’re still recovering from dammit, but it looks like we’re about to.

    Omigod! The kids, Anna grabbed the quilt around her and jumped out of bed, her dark hair floating around her shoulders as she searched for her clothes.

    Don’t worry. Dixie should be pulling into the drive anytime with them. When I saw them, they were all tuckered out from the party and ready to sleep. We gotta go! With a nod, Lucky left the room.

    Anna grabbed Brandon and hugged him, then reached up to smooth down his dark hair. Don’t do anything foolish. I love you.

    Brandon squeezed her tight. It’s going to be fine. We’ve been through this before. I won’t take any risks. There’s no way I’m going to chance losing what I’ve just found. I love you, He kissed her softly on her still swollen lips. Then he was gone.

    Anna prayed for their safety while she tossed on a pair of comfy pale pink yoga pants and Brandon’s white T-shirt. She gathered all the spare blankets and pillows from the bedrooms. She was running down the stairs when the front door opened and Dixie and Georgia appeared with the Anna’s twins and Harrison, Mac and Dixie’s baby, their backs turned to Anna.

    I’m telling you, Chance will not allow it. You’re due to have the babies any day, Dixie argued.

    I’m due in three weeks, Georgia corrected.

    Well, there is no way I’m letting you out in this storm to help evacuate Nutwood, even if you’ve been trained for this. Now sit down somewhere.

    A flash of lightning illuminated the room, as the thunder rolled. It shook the windows and Anna jumped. Snuggled safely in Brandon’s strong arms, she hadn’t paid any attention to the fierce storm raging outside. It’s getting worse, she whispered. What’s that going to do to the evacuation efforts?

    Oh Anna! Dixie squealed and whirled around, clutching her heart. I didn’t see you standing there. You scared me.

    I’ll tell you what it’s doing to the evacuation, Georgia replied. It’s making it damn difficult and the rain is adding more pressure to the crack in the levee wall. She turned to Dixie, C’mon, Dix, I’ve done it before. I could wear a raincoat and just supervise. I’ll be perfectly safe, she wheedled.

    The answer is no. I told Chance I would protect you and that’s what I’m gonna do. Dixie glowered at her sister-in-law.

    Anna stepped in. Why don’t you supervise the set up here? Brandon wants to send whoever needs shelter either here, or over to the offices. I need to get these supplies over there as soon as possible, she said, just as another bolt of lightning struck nearby and the lights went out.

    Great! Now what?" Dixie muttered as the baby began to fuss in her arms, signaling his need to be fed and changed.

    I know there’s a back-up generator in the barn. I can go out and get it primed. We’ll have electricity in a few minutes, Georgia declared as she put her dripping, yellow raincoat back on.

    I don’t know, Dixie fretted as she patted Harris’ back.

    C’mon, Dix. It’s just to the barn, Georgia whined.

    ‘Look, I’ll follow her out before I head to the company offices. Promise to stay put until I get back and we’ll head to the house together," Anna suggested.

    Okay, I guess that will work, Dixie mumbled as she maneuvered the twins and Harris into the darkened living room.

    We’ll light some candles before we go, Anna said.

    The storm let up enough for the women to load blankets and supplies into Anna’s van. Georgia and Anna headed for the barn and Dixie went back inside. A few minutes later, the headlights of the van flashed past the living room windows, then turned in the direction of the offices.

    Over in Nutwood, the evacuation was almost complete. The sandbagging efforts appeared to be futile. The crack had widened, sending a steady stream of water onto the main street. Cows, pigs and other farm animals waded through the ever increasing water, their owners setting them free because evacuation of animals would take too long.

    Hey, Big and Brawny, you want to get over here and give me a hand with this? a brunette in a black leather jacket motioned to Lucky. With a sigh, he obediently flung the sandbag over his shoulder then motioned for another one.

    Good God, don’t get a hernia on my account, she mumbled as she handed him another sack.

    He frowned down at her. This is a serious situation. I can handle it. I’ve been through it before. What about you?

    She smiled at him, droplets of water running off her nose. The rain had plastered her hair against her head and a streak of mud ran across her forehead, but her blue eyes twinkled. If you can, I can, she challenged as she reached for another sack.

    Lucky glanced at her. She was of average build, average height, and a woman to boot, but she thought she could keep up with him? He smacked the sacks down along the water line.

    It was hard to tell where the land ended and the river began. The murky waters combined with the muddy shore and the pounding rain from the blackened sky reduced visibility to near zero. The only good thing to be said about this night was since it was early June, people were only wet and miserable, not cold, wet and miserable.

    I haven’t seen you around here. You just move to the area? Lucky shouted over a clap of thunder. He knew he would have remembered her. She was beautiful, not in the classic sense, but in a bohemian, earthy way.

    I’m from Alton. We were in the neighborhood when the news about Nutwood came in. she wiped grimy hands on her skinny jeans.

    Renee Morgan, at your service, she stuck out her hand and Lucky grasped it in his own. The strange tingling of contact unnerved him and he pulled away quickly. Too quickly. The already soaking brunette suddenly lost her anchor in him and her footing slipped. With a cry, she tried to steady herself, but overcompensated and slid down the muddy gully, landing on her backside in a small stream of muddy water.

    Blowing her hair out of her face, she glared up at him. You did that on purpose! She tried to regain her footing, but the ditch was a mud pit. Try as she might, she couldn’t get up the small incline.

    Lucky smirked at her. She looked like a drowned rat crawling out of the sewer. If you apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusion, I’ll give you a hand, he grinned. The fact that she had accused him of such conduct irked him.

    Go to hell, she flipped him off then grabbed onto an exposed tree root, hoping to pull herself up. Gingerly, she tested it for strength, then started to climb. She was almost there when a bolt of lightning hit a tree nearby, sending sparks flying with the immediate smell of burning wood that startled her causing her to lose her balance. With a frightened cry, she accidentally released the vine and fell back into the river with a splash.

    Oh, for God’s sake, Lucky mumbled in disgust as he ambled down the muddy slope to fish her out of the water. Grabbing her by the collar, he hauled her up against him. Work needed to be done and she was wasting precious time.

    Let me go, dammit! she batted at his hands.

    Okay, he smirked and dropped her slightly. She clung to him fiercely but her eyes threw off fire.

    Lucky laughed and hauled her over his shoulder, easily climbing out and depositing her on the ground.

    He bent down to retrieve more sandbags and felt a sharp pain shoot up his left leg. He turned swiftly.  Did you just kick me? he asked incredulously.

    Yes I did!

    What the hell’s the matter with you?

    With me? First you knock me in the river, then refuse to help me out, then when you do finally give in, you... you... she sputtered.

    Lucky sighed. Look, I’ve got work to do. I didn’t knock you in the river. You fell. Now do us all a favor and stay out of trouble and stop trying to handle the big stuff. Go help getting the elderly to the shelters.

    Are you saying because I’m a woman I can’t handle this? she screeched in indignation.

    Lucky lost his patience. No! I’m saying it because you’re clumsy and weak and you’re going to get yourself or someone else hurt. Now move! We don’t know how much longer the levee is going to hold and we’ve got work to do!

    He turned back to his work, dismissing her. Whack! He felt the rush of air as a sandbag connected with his bent knees, unbalancing him. With a splash and a spray of mud, he toppled head first into the water.

    Renee grinned at him from above. Too bad I’m such a clumsy woman. If I wasn’t so weak, I’d help you out. She shrugged. Maybe if you yell loud enough, a big, strong man will come to your rescue.

    Lucky swiped a muddy hand across his face dislodging the water, Lady, if I were you, I’d get the hell away from here ‘cause when I make it up this hill, I’m gonna be looking for you. He sloshed across the muddy divide and started to climb out of the river. He slipped and fell back with a splash.

    Tough words, big man, but can you do it? Renee laughed as she disappeared from Lucky’s view. A nearby volunteer witnessed the whole confrontation and chuckled as he gave Lucky a boost up the incline.

    Everyone in the area glanced away as Lucky emerged from the gully. Great! More witnesses! He knew they were laughing at him, but he didn’t care. He had one goal in mind and that was to find that sharp tongued little shrew that had knocked him in the water.

    Hey, what happened to you? Nick inquired as he approached driving a forklift filled with a pallet of sandbags.

    A woman, what else? Lucky growled. I swear, Nick. I’m going celibate. They are not worth the trouble. Lucky shook his head, spraying water and mud in all directions.

    Nick started to agree but his eyes caught a glimpse of the small red haired woman handing out coffee to the volunteers. Their eyes met, and she blushed and turned away. He grinned. Rebecca Morgan was a fine sight tonight. The trouble with you, brother is you always manage to pick the troublesome ones. Find yourself a nice quiet girl and you won’t have to fish yourself out of the river, he said.

    The levee’s broken! The levee’s broken! Evacuate immediately! Ben rush over to the volunteers with bullhorn in hand. Get these people outta here!

    Nick and Lucky broke into a run, desperate to secure the remaining sandbags before the rushing water hit. Mac ran over to help and they finished their section in record time. Let’s go! You can hear the roar! It’s coming! Lucky shouted above the wind and rain beating him in the face.

    Where are the others? Nick yelled as they raced to the truck.

    They’re at the base of the flood road, Mac answered, turning the truck to the frontage road made to carry supplies when the town had flooded a few years back.

    The men piled into the truck and headed through the small town, peering through the darkness and driving rain, scanning streets and alleys for signs of inhabitants.

    I think we’re all clear. Let’s get home. I know the women are worried. Mac turned off Main Street and headed up the gravel road near the center of town.

    Stop! Lucky roared. He grasped the dashboard as several figures ran across the slick pavement. Mac slammed on the brakes, fishtailing slightly. He yelled out the window at the rain soaked figures heading for the truck. What the hell are you doing?

    Chance got a call from Georgia and took off, leaving us behind. Brandon, Angel and Sam clambered into the back of the truck. Brandon banged his hand on the side of the truck to get his brother’s attention. Go!

    Climbing the winding road to the top of the hill, the group in the truck bed huddled to stay warm against the driving rain. As they crested the top, Mac pulled over, and they looked down at the tiny town. The rain had dispersed for the moment and an eerie stillness blanketed the area.

    The dull roar of the rushing waters sounded from the north side of town, they saw trees sway and heard the branches crack like thunder from the impact of

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