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Write To Her Heart
Write To Her Heart
Write To Her Heart
Ebook39 pages30 minutes

Write To Her Heart

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About this ebook

When an online romance finally bites the dust, Ashley wants to get back to her first love, writing. She jumps at the chance to meet Thomas, another online friend and fellow writer who has been both supportive and helpful with her recent writing projects. Thomas knows his late night chats with Ashley have inspired both of them in their writing careers, but he's ready to inspire her heart and body the way he's inspired her mind. Once they're finally face to face, he intends to go far beyond words to show her how romantic and erotic their own story could be.
PublisherTorrid Books
Release dateOct 1, 2012
Write To Her Heart

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    Book preview

    Write To Her Heart - Marie Medina

    Chapter 1

    Gerry: Maybe you should edit your own stories. You’d obviously do a better job than your publisher’s editing team does.

    Ashley stared at the words that had just popped up in the Yahoo Messenger window. What was he talking about? She’d just told him about a lukewarm review she’d gotten on a recent release, but the review hadn’t said anything about editing. Her eyes focused on the quotation marks he’d chosen to use. She glanced back over her own messages and realized what he was referring to.

    In reply, she typed, No. I meant the review had typos. Not my novel. The review had five typos. Plus the reviewer got the hero’s name wrong. That’s why I was saying it’s easy to take the constructive comments and discard the rest.

    Gerry: Oh.

    Why had he thought she was referring to her own work? More importantly, why wasn’t he apologizing for the jab at her publisher? After a moment, she sighed because she knew the answer. He didn’t respect her work because it was romance, and he didn’t respect her publisher because they focused on e-books and only did some print. She had been so excited when she and Gerry met online almost a year ago. The attraction had been immediate. His being a writer had thrilled her, but as months had passed that thrill had faded as he had time and again backhandedly criticized her publisher and very subtly put her down. He’d published a short story in a very successful science fiction anthology ten years earlier, and he was still riding high off of that. She’d been in several traditional print anthologies as well, but even her own science fiction offering hadn’t pleased him. He’d said it was pretty good for a story that was mostly talking heads. When she’d laughed and pointed out that the main character was a sentient computer that could not gesture or have facial expressions, he’d replied with a yeah and then said he needed to sign off to get ready for

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