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Grass of Parnassus
Grass of Parnassus
Grass of Parnassus
Ebook117 pages45 minutes

Grass of Parnassus

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Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a prolific Scots man of letters, a poet, novelist, literary critic and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, St Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford. As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the ablest and most versatile writers of the day. Lang was one of the founders of the study of "Psychical Research," and his other writings on anthropology include The Book of Dreams and Ghosts (1897), Magic and Religion (1901) and The Secret of the Totem (1905). He was a Homeric scholar of conservative views. Other works include Homer and the Epic (1893); a prose translation of The Homeric Hymns (1899), with literary and mythological essays in which he draws parallels between Greek myths and other mythologies; and Homer and his Age (1906). He also wrote Ballades in Blue China (1880) and Rhymes la Mode (1884).
Release dateApr 11, 2014
Grass of Parnassus

Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a Scottish editor, poet, author, literary critic, and historian. He is best known for his work regarding folklore, mythology, and religion, for which he had an extreme interest in. Lang was a skilled and respected historian, writing in great detail and exploring obscure topics. Lang often combined his studies of history and anthropology with literature, creating works rich with diverse culture. He married Leonora Blanche Alleyne in 1875. With her help, Lang published a prolific amount of work, including his popular series, Rainbow Fairy Books.

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    Grass of Parnassus - Andrew Lang


    Pale star that by the lochs of Galloway,

    In wet green places 'twixt the depth and height

    Dost keep thine hour while Autumn ebbs away,

    When now the moors have doffed the heather bright,

    Grass of Parnassus, flower of my delight,

    How gladly with the unpermitted bay--

    Garlands not mine, and leaves that not decay--

    How gladly would I twine thee if I might!

    The bays are out of reach! But far below

    The peaks forbidden of the Muses' Hill,

    Grass of Parnassus, thy returning snow

    Between September and October chill

    Doth speak to me of Autumns long ago,

    And these kind faces that are with me still.


    [Greek text]

    To Colonel Ian Hamilton.

    To you, who know the face of war,

    You, that for England wander far,

    You that have seen the Ghazis fly

    From English lads not sworn to die,

    You that have lain where, deadly chill,

    The mist crept o'er the Shameful Hill,

    You that have conquered, mile by mile,

    The currents of unfriendly Nile,

    And cheered the march, and eased the strain

    When Politics made valour vain,

    Ian, to you, from banks of Ken,

    We send our lays of Englishmen!


    "Believe me, if that blissful, that beautiful place, were set on a hill visible to all the world, I should long ago have journeyed thither. . . But the number and variety of the ways! For you know, THERE IS BUT ONE ROAD THAT LEADS TO CORINTH."

    HERMOTIMUS (Mr Pater's Version).

    "The Poet says, DEAR CITY OF CECROPS, and wilt thou not say, DEAR CITY OF ZEUS?"



    Is there a Corinth, or a way?

    Each bland or blatant preacher hath

    His painful or his primrose path,

    And not a soul of all of these

    But knows the city 'twixt the seas,

    Her fair unnumbered homes and all

    Her gleaming amethystine wall!

    Blind are the guides who know the way,

    The guides who write, and preach, and pray,

    I watch their lives, and I divine

    They differ not from yours and mine!

    One man we knew, and only one,

    Whose seeking for a city's done,

    For what he greatly sought he found,

    A city girt with fire around,

    A city in an empty land

    Between the wastes of sky and sand,

    A city on a river-side,

    Where by the folk he loved, he died. {1}

    Alas! it is not ours to tread

    That path wherein his life he led,

    Not ours his heart to dare and feel,

    Keen as the fragrant Syrian steel;

    Yet are we not quite city-less,

    Not wholly left in our distress--

    Is it not said by One of old,

    Sheep have I of another fold?

    Ah! faint of heart, and weak of will,

    For us there is a city still!

    Dear city of Zeus, the Stoic says, {2}

    The Voice from Rome's imperial days,

    In Thee meet all things, and disperse,

    In Thee, for Thee, O Universe!

    To me all's fruit thy seasons bring,

    Alike thy summer and thy spring;

    The winds that wail, the suns that burn,

    From Thee proceed, to Thee return.

    Dear city of Zeus, shall WE not

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