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A Weekend of Romance: Billionaire in Paris, #2
A Weekend of Romance: Billionaire in Paris, #2
A Weekend of Romance: Billionaire in Paris, #2
Ebook163 pages2 hours

A Weekend of Romance: Billionaire in Paris, #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A Steamy Billionaire Romance Series

Rebuilding her life after she split with billionaire shipping mogul, Tony Petrides, Grace Delacourt is content sharing her Dupont Circle condo with her good friend Rachel Bilton who she knows from her modeling days. Grace is focused on work. Grace is working as the event director for one of the hottest charity events of the season, when who should appear but the globe-trotting Tony Petrides, looking devastatingly handsome as always.

Beneath their breakup-bruised egos smolder the sparks of passion. One look at each other, and Grace and Tony are more smokin' than ever. They engage in nearly nonstop unbridled passion that makes them wonder why they ever were apart in the first place.

When all-too-alpha Tony finds out Grace and her roommate are being stalked, he's not pleased Grace hasn't told him sooner. Wanting to be independent, Grace tries to brush it off. However, when the pest turns predator and the stalking turns serious, Tony stops at nothing to take control.

Money can buy adventure, but it can't put an end to danger when a loved one's safety is at stake. Will Tony's dominating nature be the death of the love he shares with Grace?

Billionaire in Paris Series
Weekend of Passion
Weekend of Romance
Weekend of Kisses
Weekend of Love 

Release dateJul 2, 2016
A Weekend of Romance: Billionaire in Paris, #2

Roxie Odell

Steamy Romance author Roxie Odell brings you heat, steam and romance in her stories. Be ready to sweat! Find her on Facebook: Follow her newsletter: Twitter @roxieodellauthor

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    A Weekend of Romance - Roxie Odell

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    Billionaire in Paris

    Book 1:

    Weekend of Passion

    Book 2:

    Weekend of Romance

    Book 3:

    Weekend of Kisses

    Book 4:

    Weekend of Love


    Her Tycoon Lover



    Rebuilding her life after she split with billionaire shipping mogul, Tony Petrides, Grace Delacourt is content sharing her Dupont Circle condo with her good friend Rachel Bilton who she knows from her modeling days. Grace is focused on work. Grace is working as the event director for one of the hottest charity events of the season, when who should appear but the globe-trotting Tony Petrides, looking devastatingly handsome as always.

    Beneath their breakup-bruised egos smolder the sparks of passion. One look at each other, and Grace and Tony are more smokin’ than ever. They engage in nearly nonstop unbridled passion that makes them wonder why they ever were apart in the first place.

    When all-too-alpha Tony finds out Grace and her roommate are being stalked, he’s not pleased Grace hasn’t told him sooner. Wanting to be independent, Grace tries to brush it off. However, when the pest turns predator and the stalking turns serious, Tony stops at nothing to take control.

    Money can buy adventure, but it can’t put an end to danger when a loved one’s safety is at stake. Will Tony’s dominating nature be the death of the love he shares with Grace?


    Find Roxie Odell:

    Billionaire in Paris



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    A Weekend of Kisses - Book 3 Blurb

    Billionaire in Paris


    Find Roxie Odell:


    GRACE RAN, WITH RACHEL, her best friend, right behind her. Even at just shy of six feet and in spiky heels, Grace managed to smoothly navigate the restaurant, maneuvering her way through the kitchen and out the back, at a pretty good clip. Out in the alley, home to private parking and smelly dumpsters, brick walls rose around her, seemingly endless columns stretching to the sky. The two dashed to the next lot over, pleased with their progress until it became stickily and painfully obvious that they were plodding along in very soft cement.

    Crap! Grace cursed. I forgot the tenant next door just repaved!

    Rachel shrieked behind her. I think I’m stuck! It’s like quicksand!

    They both knew they had just ruined someone’s very expensive work, not to mention their shoes, but they pressed on until they reached solid ground again, behind the cover of a building.

    Grace bravely leaned around the corner of the building, just far enough to catch a peek down the alley they’d come from.

    Well? Is he there? whispered Rachel.

    Grace shook her head; she saw no sign of anyone, other than the footprints she and her pal had left in the cement. No, said Grace, relaxing somewhat. Let’s go back to work.

    We’re gonna get fired if we keep running off the floor like this. You need to tell the manager someone is after you, said Rachel. And how in the heck are we gonna hose our feet off, she complained, grimacing as she looked down at the gray globs on her soles.

    "How can you be so sure he’s after me?" Grace asked reluctantly, not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

    "Because I don’t have a past," said Rachel.

    I know who it is, Grace finally admitted with a sigh, feeling a deep tangle of heartache and warmth. She knew exactly who it was, but she also wished he’d knock it off. Enough is enough. If he wants to get in touch with me, he needs to just grow a pair and call me! Frankly, I’m tired of these games, she muttered aloud, not realizing she was audibly voicing her thoughts.

    "Games? Grace, you know? demanded Rachel. We’ve been chased how many times? And you freaking know?"

    Yeah, said Grace, or at least I think I do. We’ll talk about it when we get home. Let’s go back in.

    Chapter 1

    EVEN IN A ROOMFUL OF people, Grace Delacourt was able to take a quiet moment and enjoy the fruits of her hard labor. She glanced around and had to give herself a pat on the back. She was a talented producer, and she’d secured the venue – a very cool art gallery – and coordinated all the vendors, from the caterers to the decorations. She’d even arranged for the press to be there, lucking out and getting The Washingtonian to cover the event.

    Her experience as a Ford model actually came in handy in ways she never thought possible. Putting together a gala was really not much different from assembling the elements of a fashion show. Until she worked on that gig, Grace didn’t realize how much she could draw on that experience. Modeling wasn’t just about looking great in a dress. It was really all about using all available resources and coordinating teams to create an amazing result. Of course she did, in fact, look amazing in her beautiful emerald chiffon; the form-fitting fabric encased her sleek body like a second skin, though it wasn’t constricting at all. Every little nuance of her frame – her bones, dimples, and temperature – was pleasantly featured. The dress had a deep-cut back, showcasing her spectacular musculature. Her long, fine hair was twisted softly and rested over her shoulder, in a cascading, auburn fall. Grace was fit for a runway, but she knew it was a job requirement. If I’m asking for money, I’d better look like money!

    It didn’t hurt the turnout that it was an election year, and everyone with half a political career at any level made an appearance at the gala in an attempt to boost their PR and media presence and to prove they cared, whether they actually did or not. They packed the Gallery Ink, with bright, fake smiles plastered on their plastic faces, as painted as the artwork on the walls. The low, buttery light made a wonderful backdrop for their festive, expensive fashions. Grace had tried everything to land an industrial location, and she hoped the art gallery would hold all in attendance. From the looks of it, based on the body count alone, the gala for the D.C. Construction Trades Foundation seemed to be a raging success. Of course, the true test of that would be just how many checks cleared in the wake of the gathering.

    The only thing Grace had no hand in were the invitations. The guest list for the annual event was really years in the making. When shipping tycoon Tony Petrides, the man she’d had an affair with just months prior, cut across the floor in a tux and with a beautiful brunette on his arm, it was a complete surprise to her – and not necessarily a pleasant one. As soon as she caught sight of him, Grace was slammed with a tornado of emotion: intense attraction, anger, and love, the one thing she’d tried so desperately to avoid admitting to herself when it came to Tony. As Grace watched her former flame glide smoothly, almost effortlessly, from one cluster of handshakers to the next, with his gorgeous date floating along beside him, an inferno of jealousy ignited within her.

    It had been a few months since she’d last laid eyes on his perfect, magnificent face. She rarely allowed herself the luxury of thinking about him, let alone speaking about him. It took some time before she mentioned Tony to anyone, and then she only spoke of him casually to her roommate and bestie, Rachel Bilton, someone she trusted. Rachel, too, had left the modeling industry, and the two of them were almost as close as sisters. Grace shared her night job, her living space, and just about everything else with Rachel, but Tony was too special, too sacred, and too painful to discuss. Grace actually tried to pretend like her crazy, impetuous involvement with a man who had technically been her boss never happened, but her mind and body seldom let her forget it.

    It was only under the force of circumstances that Grace even brought the subject up. Some weirdo had been cropping up everywhere she and Rachel went, and she had to confess that she knew who was probably responsible for the stalking. Tony Petrides was the only one with the mind and the means to find her whenever he wanted. Without full explanation, Grace alluded to him vaguely, but when she mentioned him to Rachel it opened the floodgates. Once again he haunted her, occupying her every waking thought and the great majority of her dreams.

    Now, there he was in living color, awash in the gilded light of the gallery, a Greek god made manifest, appearing on one coast clear from the other and doing amazing things for an Armani tuxedo. Grace stared, frozen. When his gaze met hers, she was captured, completely paralyzed.

    Tony was dressed to the nines, yet he had so many working-class characteristics about him that it was easy to forget he was worth a ridiculous fortune. That was part of his allure, though. He was just as respectful to the construction guys working on his house or the busboys and waiters at restaurants, if not more so, as he was to the moneyed people he did business with.

    Grace had seen him in a suit before – and in a lot less, as a matter of fact – but he usually sported unassuming, everyday attire, like a regular guy. She knew the suit he was currently garbed in was worth at least one of her mortgage payments, and as he rubbed elbows with the most elite of the elite, she found him almost irresistible. After all that time, he still carried a magnetism so forceful that Grace didn’t know if she would survive it.

    She had shared unearthly passion with that man who had once held her in his powerful arms. They’d laughed and had shared adventures in their history. He was controlling, while she was impetuous. Now he was in the same room, but he was there with someone else, a

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