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The Hot Moms Club *an Older Woman Younger Man MILF Fantasy*
The Hot Moms Club *an Older Woman Younger Man MILF Fantasy*
The Hot Moms Club *an Older Woman Younger Man MILF Fantasy*
Ebook70 pages56 minutes

The Hot Moms Club *an Older Woman Younger Man MILF Fantasy*

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~ Not every young man has to deal with it, but those that do are the luckiest in the world. ~

For Stanley Meyers, senior year at Sneid High comes with all the usual cool advantages and downright annoying responsibilities. In fact, his own best friends may be the most annoying of all.

Just when he needs them the most, when he's plagued with an impossibly mind-boggling predicament no 18-year-old should ever have to deal with, his friends Derek, Todd, and Colin all have a veritable party with Stan's embarrassing "issue" at home. There's a new woman in his life: his dad's new wife. And she's more than he can cope with, considering how much his hormones are raging.

But being the brunt of his friends' teasing is something Stan's learned to take in stride. And his taboo confession actually ends up relieving much of his extreme tension as of late. In fact, not only does he learn to relax about the issue, he learns that all of his friends have to deal with it too. All four of them are afflicted with what could be considered the biggest possible misfortune—until they realize it's actually the most fortunate situation of all.

And thus, The Hot Moms Club is officially formed... against Stan's better judgment but much to his extreme advantage as he's about to discover.

The adventure is just beginning—the rewards of club membership are just coming to light—as Stan finds himself suddenly learning to appreciate the older woman in so many enlightening, fully gratifying ways.

You could say Stan's fully embracing the appeal of the MILF. In fact, he's handling it like a pro.

~ His Tormenting, Torturous Temptations ~ Their Unrelenting Attraction ~


This intense tale of older women younger men erotica brings all of your favorite MILF stories themes to life for you to experience intimately in the form of a juicy novelette: MILF cougar, older woman younger man, MILFs in heat, MILF seduces, forbidden lust

Adult Erotica Warning:
This book contains adult sex situations infused with explicit erotic sex scenes in explicit detail and graphic sex and language and is intended for mature adult audiences only. All characters are fictionally created and all engaged in sexual fantasy situations and activities are mutually consenting and 18 years of age or older.

About the Author

~ Tina Tirrell Knows Fetish, and She's Not Afraid to Write the Forbidden ~

Tina Tirrell's writing is unique among all erotica authors in its drenching intensity, true-to-life detail, driving pace that picks up your pulse at every peak moment (ensuring your gratification, repeatedly, while reading), and even a touch of erotic comedy that you're guaranteed to grow addicted to. Tina's passion for each theme she personally delves into and every erotic taste she caters to is evident in her believable characters and genuine story progression. Her readers come away content, spent, and breathless for more, as if they've just enjoyed a new, intimate encounter all their own.

PublisherArdour Press
Release dateJul 4, 2016
The Hot Moms Club *an Older Woman Younger Man MILF Fantasy*

Tina Tirrell

~ Tina Tirrell Knows Fetish, and She's Not Afraid to Write the Forbidden ~ I love to write stories. Some of them are dirty little stories. They help me express myself: those things that I’ve done, the ones that I’d love to do, and even the things I swear I’d never, ever do... There’s a big, wide world of experiences out there. Some of the most interesting ones are erotic experiences... some of them more taboo than others. Believe me, I know ALL the possibilities. I’ve been learning from my big sister for years, just peeking in when she’s in front of the camera doing one of her über sexy solo acts. She seduces the camera and all her viewing fans like I woo with words. It’s about time that I put all that pent up sexual energy to good use! I’m a bit shy... you’d never tell from my writing. I like to just let my mind wander to the most deviant corners and share all my naughty written adventures with you. And I'd love to know what YOU would love for me to write about! Email me at TinaTirrell @, and thank you for supporting my work with your star ratings, reviews, and recommendations to your friends! Be sure to sign up to join my mailing list so you never miss any discounts, promotions, free stuff, and special announcements: Now, onto the good stuff! These are my dirty little stories...

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    The Hot Moms Club *an Older Woman Younger Man MILF Fantasy* - Tina Tirrell

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    reserved only for our treasured fans of Ardour Press, the créme de la créme of arousing writing!

    Adult Content Warning:

    This book contains adult situations, explicit sex scenes, and graphic language and is intended for mature audiences only.


    The Hot Moms Club


    Tina Tirrell

    Published by Ardour Press


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 Tina Tirrell, All Rights Reserved

    Thank you for choosing this book and supporting your favorite authors.

    This book is solely a work of fiction.

    All characters are fictionally created and all engaged in sexual activities are mutually consenting and 18 years of age or older. Any perceived resemblance to persons, living or dead, places, events, or locales within is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. All characters, names, places, events, businesses, incidents, and other details contained herein are creations of the author’s imagination or are used completely fictitiously.

    This book is for your personal enjoyment only.

    In accordance with international copyright law, this book, in full or in part, may not be scanned, copied, duplicated, reproduced, uploaded, transmitted, resold, or distributed online or offline without prior, explicit permission of the author.


    Table of Contents

    The Hot Moms Club

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    The Hot Moms Club

    It came on suddenly. Totally unexpectedly.

    My dick swelled so fast, I thought it was going to rip right through my shorts. Right in front of her.

    And that was just the first time my mom made me hard.

    After that, I stopped counting.

    I mean, what's the point, really? It's fun to think of the chicks you've slept with or how many blowjobs you've racked up by the time you're eighteen—talk about bragging rights—but do you really need to know how many erections you pop over the years? And do you really want to remember how many were prompted by your mom herself?

    No, definitely not. And that's not the kind of thing you tell your friends either.

    But when Derek walked up to me Monday morning and leaned up against my locker in his usual, nonchalant way, I heard myself confessing that very thing to him. It grossed me out at the same time I realized it sounded like the setup for a hot scene in a porno, and I had to tell someone. It seemed safe enough right there in the hallway at school with hundreds of students passing by, all lost in telling their own recaps of their weekend.

    My mom... she's.... I sputtered like an idiot.

    What? Carolyn?

    Derek had met her just once. Right after Dad married her, confirming he and my real mother would never be getting back together. I used to call Carolyn by her first name, when she and my dad were dating, but they had managed to retrain me to actually call her Mom. It felt a bit weird, but it made them happy.

    Yeah... she...

    Come on, Stan the Man, we don't have all day. Did she finally turn psycho or something? They all do, you know. He inspected the shoulder strap on his backpack as if it was more important that what I needed to tell him.

    No, she... I began to wonder if it was even possible for me to describe the excruciating torture I was going through at home. Almost everyday.

    Derek looked up at me, forgetting his backpack. Is it that serious? Do you need the school shrink or something? That creepy smiled worked its way across his lips.

    No! It's just... well, I gotta tell somebody. It's... disturbing.

    I'm sure it is, but if you don't spit it out soon, you're gonna have to share it with the Toad too.

    Todd was lumbering in our direction, already fidgeting with his glasses and smiling much more than Monday morning called for. Predictably, he was in another stained polo shirt stretched over his jiggling belly. He kinda looked like a 40-year-old trapped in high school. But with more hair.

    The timing that kid has. I had about four seconds to get it out: My mom turns me on!

    What?! Derek's mouth dropped open, and his backpack slung over one shoulder slipped to the floor.

    Hey, guys! Todd was an anomaly, a kind of mystery of science. We wondered if he ever had any friends outside of school—and us. He was always eerily excited

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