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Through the Path to Her: Poetic Reflections of my Love Life
Through the Path to Her: Poetic Reflections of my Love Life
Through the Path to Her: Poetic Reflections of my Love Life
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Through the Path to Her: Poetic Reflections of my Love Life

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About this ebook

In my relationship walk I salivated, dreamt and fantasized; went in search of relevance, there I met her and her and her.... When I finally met her, I still had doubts but I stepped on by faith and took her on. And though we keep wrestling foes along our path, we also have victory chants!

Release dateJun 7, 2016
Through the Path to Her: Poetic Reflections of my Love Life

Bill Bassey Okpa

Bill Bassey is a Reverend Minister, a very creative person and freelance writer. He is married and love children, and developing and guiding young people.

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    Through the Path to Her - Bill Bassey Okpa


    Poetic Reflections of My Love Life

    By Bill Bassey Okpa

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2016 Bill Bassey Okpa

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To my lovely and priceless gift,


    And the giver of the gift,



    I appreciate God Almighty who gave me everything that I have and made me everything that I am and will ever be. May His name forever be praised in all realms of existence. Amen.

    I am also grateful to all the girls and ladies I have met, both those mentioned here and other whom I did not mention. Thank you for being a part of my life and for contributing in any little or big way to whom and where I am today. May God who brought you at that time to fulfill His purpose in my life richly bless you and give you peace. I know that some of you wanted to be with me for life, but don’t be disappointed; God did not want it. Besides, He will give you yours if you haven’t met your Mr. Right yet.

    I also will not fail to acknowledge all those who read through this piece and made their corrections and suggestions. Thank you very much for your time and help to make this work what it is. May God reward you more than any human being can!

    To all those who sponsored the publication of the work; I am very glad you did. Thank you for seeing me a fertile ground to sow your seeds in. May God cause those seeds to germinate and yield in hundreds of million and billion folds. Amen.

    I won’t forget to acknowledge the publisher of the work and the marketers and marketing agents. As you promote my work, may God promote your business and cause you to expand to new territories and gain grounds that those there before you came will seek to partner with you.

    Thank you all for partnering with me and for promoting the gifts of God in my life. May God bless you all!





    Chapter One: I Salivated and Dreamt and Fantasized

    Chapter Two: In Search of Relevance

    Chapter Three: I Met Her and Her and Her…

    Chapter Four: A Flash of her, I Questioned

    Chapter Five: By Faith, Stepped On

    Chapter Six: I Found Her, and Took Her On

    Chapter Seven: Wrestling Foes Along Our Path

    Chapter Eight: Victory Chants


    About Bill Bassey Okpa

    About the Book


    There is always a new and more lovely way to tell love stories. This is because everyone is involved in a love affair –seem to me like a standard. Some are enjoying the affair, some are lost wondering how they got in or struggling to find their rhythm –battling foes, in-house and with the world and others are looking for a way out of it.

    Being creative with everything I find is my blessing from God, and I thought it would be beautiful if I wrote this piece this way. The sketchings were already written long before I gathered them to form this work. I thought it would be nice to trace my relationship story through the various sketchings that contained part of this whole story. The Sketchings were written between 2012 through 2015. And though some of the events had already taken place, I nostalgia them and penned them down as I thought them necessary.

    The collection has been divided into chapters or sections. The first, titled; I Salivated and Dreamt and Fantasized tells of the times that I imagined and painted pictures of me falling in love and having a family and all the beauties to enjoy. The second; In Search of Relevance tells of what I learned about life as I went to do first things first, like studying, discovering myself and determining the path in life I will take. The next title; I Met Her and Her and Her… contains my encounters with various girls and ladies as I went on living my life. These are not all the girls or ladies I met but the ones that had impact on my love life. A Flash of her, I Questioned recounts how I did not just accept my wife but had to be sure she is the right woman for me; before By Faith, Stepped On and proposed to her, which is the next title.

    After proposing to her, I declared that I Found Her, and Took Her On the journey of life with me. And that I found her and took her did not mean everything was rosy. We started Wrestling Foes Along Our Path and this we are still doing till death do us part. And God

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