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Vivid Dreams and Nightmares
Vivid Dreams and Nightmares
Vivid Dreams and Nightmares
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Vivid Dreams and Nightmares

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...the vivid dreams and nightmares are the result of intense emotional activity of an unconscious nature that is present in all human beings. For this reason if we want to decipher and benefit from the message that they are providing us with, it is essential from the beginning that we learn to recognize and acknowledge the great influence exerted by our most hidden and remote emotions and in the diverse and various moods that determine our daily behavior. For though it may seem incredible, the way we dream is closely linked to the vast majority of our worries and illnesses, worries and illnesses whose true source, for our misfortune, we ignore altogether.

Release dateJul 4, 2016
Vivid Dreams and Nightmares

Publio S. Colmenares B.

Acerca del Autor Nacido en la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela en 1950, es un filósofo metafísico, instruido y formado en las antiguas enseñanzas de los Maestros Constructores*, cuyo conocimiento forma parte de la llamada Tradición Oral de Occidente. Actualmente se desempeña como escritor, ensayista, conferencista, y en forma estrictamente privada, como asesor y consejero vocacional, personal y de emprendimientos. Hoy por hoy, es uno de los pocos sobrevivientes de su generación, herederos y continuadores de la antigua tradición del Arte Regio**; una tradición proveniente de la antigua Grecia, transmitida exclusivamente a un grupo selecto de sus alumnos de la Academia de Atenas, por el gran filósofo griego Aristocles de Atenas, mejor conocido como Platón. El Arte Regio, es una enseñanza filosófica, metafísica, y holística, mencionada mas no revelada públicamente por Platón, en sus diálogos “Eutidemo” o “El Discutidor” y “El Político” o “De la Realeza”; y legada a la posteridad, también en forma privada y tradicional, por su discípulo y segundo sucesor en la Academia, el también filósofo, Jenócrates de Sición. *La Masonería Primigenia u Operativa, que no debe confundirse con la mundialmente conocida Franc-Masonería o Masonería Especulativa; creada en el año 1717, cuya labor se orienta principalmente hacia lo político, social, filantrópico y fraternal. **Ars Regia, Arte Real o Arte de Reinar. About the author Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1950, he is a metaphysical philosopher, instructed and trained in the ancient teachings of the Master Builders*, whose knowledge is part of the so-called Oral Tradition of the West. He currently works as a writer, essayist, lecturer, and in addition as a vocational, personal and entrepreneurial advisor. Today, he is one of the few survivors of his generation, heirs and continuators of the ancient tradition of Royal Art**; a tradition from ancient Greece, transmitted exclusively to a select group of its students of the Academy of Athens, by the great Greek philosopher Aristocles of Athens, better known as Plato. The Royal Art, is a philosophical, metaphysical, and holistic teaching, mentioned but not publicly revealed by Plato, in his dialogues "Eutidemo" ("The Disputer") and "The Politician" ("Of the Royalty"); and bequeathed to posterity, also privately and traditionally, by his disciple and second successor in the Academy, the philosopher, Jenócrates de Sición. *Primal or Operational Freemasonry, which should not be confused with the world-known, Freemasonry or Speculative Freemasonry; created in the year 1717, whose work is mainly oriented towards the political, social, philanthropic and fraternal. **Ars Regia

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    Vivid Dreams and Nightmares - Publio S. Colmenares B.




    Discover its true meanings!


    Discover its true meanings!

    Publio S. Colmenares B.

    Copyright 2010 Publio S. Colmenares B.

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover Design: Architect Max D. Hernandez G.

    English translation of the original in Spanish:

    Publio S. Colmenares B.

    Correction of style:

    Helen Mortlock and Silvia Wikander.

    Smashwords Edition Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dedicated to

    Tonny Jan Hulshoff Pol-von Teichgraeber

    my Initiator in the dream world



    1 - Our inner world

    2 - The inner conflict

    3 - Gnóthi seautón

    4 - The five ghosts of our personality

    5 - What are we?

    6 - Origin of our vivid dreams and nightmares

    7 - The language of dreams

    8 - The Dream and its background

    9 - Dreams and our diseases

    10 - The power of the unconsciousness



    Almost 40 years ago, I met a strange character. A middle-aged man who spoke with a thick foreign accent, but with a very good command of the Spanish language. On the ring finger of his left hand, he wore an old gold ring, it had an embedded flat emerald stone, with a coat of arms carved in low relief.

    This man, at that time, had an unusual passion, (and I believe he still carries on the habit), he had a written record of all the dreams he had had in the last 30 years of his life, something that I considered almost obsessive, it struck me powerfully. I never thought that this unusual passion would be contagious, and that the teachings of Tonny would completely change my whole outlook on life. At the time I had no idea that something so out of the ordinary would change the future of a young man like me, a man whose internal world was characterized by innumerable existential conflicts. This book is the product of an inner investigation that I decided to make after meeting this character, with the purpose of trying to understand the methods he showed me, to understand the meanings of dreams.

    Do not think, dear reader that you have in your hands a psychological treatise, I am far from making such a claim. But do not think that you will find here one of those many books that can be found on the market that divine or speculate. I just want to give a simple testimony of my personal experiences regarding the true nature of vivid dreams and nightmares and what I could learn about the role they play in our lives. These experiences and acquired knowledge, in large part, are the result of 15 years as an instructor and lecturer in a very old and traditional organization that gives great importance to both physical health and emotional balance, and mental and spiritual development of its members. This has allowed me to interact and share experiences with a considerable number of people of different ages, creeds and social status, that just like me, have seen the importance and felt the need to penetrate such an appreciated enigma.

    I thought it necessary to show a thorough analysis of some unknown or little understood factors behind our dreams, before showing the way to the art of understanding the origins and nature of vivid dreams

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