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Ghost Squad 9 - Dressed to Haunt: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #9
Ghost Squad 9 - Dressed to Haunt: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #9
Ghost Squad 9 - Dressed to Haunt: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #9
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Ghost Squad 9 - Dressed to Haunt: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #9

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Detroit Police Detective Russ Baker is in charge of Cold Cases and with his partner, Mary, and their ghostly friend and partner, Wes Loomis, they have to solve murders to be able to send the victim’s spirits to the hereafter.
Three women who turned out to be transgendered men are murdered by the same killer. It’s up to the Ghost Squad to track him down. Along the way, Wes finds another killer who murdered his wife. Now they have two cases to solve, sending four ghosts on to the hereafter.
 Murder, mayhem, humor, ghosts galore, and lots of fun are in store in this paranormal ghost crime story by Bob Moats.

PublisherBob Moats
Release dateJul 10, 2016
Ghost Squad 9 - Dressed to Haunt: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #9

Bob Moats

Detroit area resident, Bob Moats, has been writing short stories and plays for as long as he can remember. He has lost most of his original stories, typed or handwritten, in the numerous moves he has made from his hometown of Fraser, Michigan to Northern Michigan, to Las Vegas and back to Fraser, where he now lives. Moats became one of the causalities of unemployment a year ago, and had time on his hands to finally pursue a life long dream of writing a full blown crime novel. Thus was born the first book, "Classmate Murders".What followed was a series of seven books starting with "The Classmate Murders" which introduces the main character, Jim Richards, who has to admit he has become a senior citizen, reluctantly. Richards, one day, receives an email from a childhood sweetheart asking for his help, but by the time he reaches her, she has been murdered. His life turns around and he is pulled into numerous murders of women from his high school who he hasn't seen in forty years. Along with a friend of his, Buck, a big, mustached biker, they go off to track down the killer before he can get to one former classmate, Penny Wickens, a TV talk show host who Jim has just fallen for while protecting her. The killer is also murdering the women right out from under police protection, driving homicide detective Will Trapper crazy, and he slowly depends on Jim to help. There's humor, suspense, wild chases across suburban Detroit with cops, classic cars and motorcycle clubs; murder, mayhem, a good amount of romance and a twist ending.Jim and his crime fighters, continue in the other books, traveling to Las Vegas twice, back to Detroit and out to New York to solve murders involving dominatrix; mistresses; Bridezillas; magic and strip clubs.Book titles: Classmate Murders; Vegas Showgirl Murders; Dominatrix Murders; Mistress Murders; Bridezilla Murders; Magic Murders; Strip Club Murders and Made-for-TV Murders.

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    Ghost Squad 9 - Dressed to Haunt - Bob Moats

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    This is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


    For information and address:

    Magic 1 Productions

    P.O. Box 524, Fraser MI 48026-0524



    Cover design by Bob Moats

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    Extra special thanks to:


    To Susan Haughton, for editing my chapters.


    To the proof readers, Amy Morningstar, Cindy Valstad, and Al Norris for proofing the final copy and hopefully catching all those annoying little errors that slip through.


    To Russ Holthaus, a police officer, who made sure my characters didn't violate any laws.


    To my ARC readers for their comments, Beth Rosin, Pamela Cooke Malone-O'Brien, Carolyn Linington,  and Lisa Keller,. I thank you.


    Thank you to all the people who purchased this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it for my faithful readers.


    The Bob Moats Family of Readers is listed in the back of the book.


    Chapter 1


    I sat waiting for my ghost partner, Wes, to come back from the file room with the first ghost we would help cross over. We had just finished a case of a dead ghostwriter, the type who writes books for others and takes no credit. Then we became involved in a separate case of a serial killer who was one of the suspects in the writer's murder. It was nice that Wes could get into people's minds and discover crimes and secrets.

    My lovely partner and now wife, Mary, was at her desk, working on her laptop. I knew she said she was going to email her mother to see how she was doing. Mary's mother was now living with Mary's dead father who became a haunting ghost after he was murdered a few months back. But that was another story.

    It seemed our lives were overrun with ghosts ever since Wes appeared in my bedroom late one night. I was assigned to the Cold Case Department and he was sent to help me solve cases so the murdered victims could to go to the hereafter, wherever that was. Even Wes wasn't sure.

    Wes suddenly appeared and smiled. Got an interesting and complicated case to work on, he said.

    Complicated? How? I replied.

    Well, there is more than one ghost who was murdered by the same person, Wes said. But none of them know who it was. Plus you're going to love their backstory.

    Okay, tell us, I said, as Mary rolled her chair over.

    Okay, how much do you know about Gender Dysphoria? Wes asked.

    I do know it used to be called gender identity disorder, but the medical community, mostly the psychiatric experts, have updated the term, Mary said.

    Very good, Mary. Well, the ghosts who are grouping together on this case are all either transgendered, transsexuals or crossdressers. The condition is very complicated and there's a lot of grey area depending on the person.

    Wes, how do you know about this? I asked.

    When I was alive back in homicide, I had a case of a murdered drag queen and I got to know a number of the men who dressed as women. They were very nice in explaining it all to me. They're very misunderstood by people who think they are abnormal. People can be so stupid in not accepting a person with a condition they were born with. People are born every day with a variety of dysfunctions, such as mental disorders, disfigured bodies, Downs Syndrome, all types of things people find disgusting because they aren't what they feel is normal. Even people who are born gay are having a hard time being accepted.

    With all the celebrities who are coming out, it's getting a little more acceptable, I said.

    Yes, but if your neighbor was gay, you'd have a hard time accepting it. Being famous, people excuse the life style. Now with the media playing on the bathroom situation for transgendered persons, it's getting worse.

    If a mother is so worried about her daughter being in the restroom with a transgendered person, why do they let the daughter go in alone? I blame the parent, Mary said.

    For years, transsexual and transgendered persons have used the women's restrooms, Wes explained. They just go in and do their business and get out. It's unfortunate lately that a few pedophiles have given the media a firestorm to ruin it all for everyone. A handful of creeps have made it a big deal. It's nothing new, just an excuse for a pedophile to be in a woman's restroom under the guise of being transgendered. An uprising to give those normal people an opportunity to bitch about it.

    Well, despite the unpleasantness of the new situation, it takes away our attention from things like homelessness, governmental stupidity and terrorism. What do we have? I asked Wes.

    The women have appointed one person to speak for the group. Her fem name is Lisa Jaymes and she was very attractive when alive. She couldn't pass for a sleazy pedophile if she tried.

    Bring her in then, I said.

    Oh, she's been here all this time, listening to us, Wes said with a grin.

    Thanks for the heads up, Wes, I said, sarcastically. What's her name again?

    Lisa Jaymes.

    Okay, let's talk. I said.

    Wes conferred with the spirit, then said, She was at a local gay bar, a safe place for transgendered persons to go. No one thinks twice about them. She was leaving and went to her car, but was grabbed from behind and she felt a stabbing pain in her side. Coroner reported she was murdered due to her vital organs being punctured by what looked like a serrated hunting knife.

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