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Bribing the Babysitter
Bribing the Babysitter
Bribing the Babysitter
Ebook52 pages39 minutes

Bribing the Babysitter

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Jenni isn't blind. She sees the way Mr. Taylor looks at her. She's used to it, though. With her long legs and carefree attitude to bras, this 19-year-old knows exactly what boys what. That's why Jenni's not surprised when Mr. Taylor gives her a wad of cash and makes a very dirty request. This older man is willing to risk his marriage just to have his way with his busty babysitter. But little does he know Jenni will do anything for cold, hard cash, no matter how kinky, no matter how taboo!

Release dateJul 9, 2016
Bribing the Babysitter

Veronica Sloan

Veronica Sloan writes dirty stories and naughty romances. Her erotica is explicit and steamy, and no topic is too taboo. A Chicago girl at heart, Veronica graduated from the Columbia School of Journalism with every intention of writing very important things about very important people. Currently, she spends her days writing about pop culture and her nights writing about lusty men and women and their naughty predilections. She loves big dogs, hot yoga and songs that are stupidly catchy. Visit her at

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    Book preview

    Bribing the Babysitter - Veronica Sloan

    Bribing the Babysitter

    Copyright © 2016, Veronica Sloan, All Rights Reserved

    NOTICE: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

    Author’s Note: This story contains explicit content and is intended for adults only. All characters depicted are over the age of 18.

    Cover edited by Veronica Sloan. Cover Photo © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Zametalov. Cover Font Copyright Dieter Steffmann

    * * *

    Chapter 1

    It had been two months since Jenni had first let Mr. Taylor masturbate on her. It was becoming a bad habit.

    Mr. Taylor didn't make a mess on her thighs every week. Jenni typically babysat for the Taylors on Tuesdays and Thursdays when no one would be home until late, and on the occasions that Mrs. Taylor drove her, the nights went by uneventfully (and if Carol suspected anything, she kept it to herself).

    Most nights went by uneventfully. It was only sometimes that Mr. Taylor would stop at the dirt road that led away from the entrance to her neighborhood, and when he stopped he would give her a look. Jenni knew what the look meant.

    Her street was a typical North Carolina affair, with her neighborhood bordered by a small wood, backroads criss-crossed by nature trails and biking paths. Just before the track of modest suburban houses there was an offroad trail that led to a picnic area. That was where Mr. Taylor would drive her if he wanted to cum on her, away from where anyone might see - in the dark woods, lit only by the lights of the car and the stars.

    The first time it happened, it was a late June evening. The moon was out, but the sky was still half-lit by the red and yellow horizon. Mr. Taylor had come home early from his job in downtown Raleigh.

    The man worked for one of the major pharmaceutical companies in the Triangle, and he was usually tired long before he walked through the front door. If he was too tired, he'd ask Mrs. Taylor to drive Jenni home. Mrs. Taylor also worked long hours, and if Jenni was still at the house by the time both of them arrived, neither was in a mood to make dinner for the kid. But Jenni didn't mind doing that, and Teddy said he liked her macaroni and cheese better than his grandma's.

    Jenni lived further out than the Taylors cared to drive, she knew, but their house was right next to her community college. When her classes were done, she walked to the Taylors' house to look after Teddy, and freed up the grandmother to do whatever it was grandmothers did. Now that it was summer, Jenni had more time to watch Teddy, and she and the boy would spend their days at the park or singing along with his favorite videos. It wasn't the kind of job that had a future in it, but the kid was cute and the Taylors paid better than any family she knew.

    That June evening, Mr. Taylor got home earlier than usual. It was just after she had put Teddy

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