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Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)
Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)
Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)
Ebook21 pages13 minutes

Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)

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Wez Kessler was a good boy. Handsome. Good-natured. A rule-follower. However, as a teen, he went through a very long and lonely rough patch. Even though there were people all around him, Wez felt alone. Lost. Depressed. And then, as he entered college, he felt seemingly back on track again. And yet, not quite right. Though Wez was happy, overall, even giddy at times, he was also possibly going crazy. He heard voices. A female voice. Giggling, to be exact. Wez was medicated for it. Then he heard nothing. Felt nothing. So, he went off the meds. And in time, the giggling returned. Fuck this, he thought to himself. "I'm going mad! Fine. I rather be mad than be a fucking zombie!" he said aloud, one day. Then, almost in response, came the giggling. "Ahhh! Fuck this shit!" This sort of thing became something of a sad routine for Wez. It affected basically every aspect of his life. He barely finished college. He barely found employment. And he barely found love. And when he did, only intermittently. And so, there he was, at the end of his twenties. Living alone. Working at a lackluster job. And for the most part, hating his life. Lucky for Wez, his entire life was about to change. Lucky for Wez, his every wish was about to come true.

Release dateJul 11, 2016
Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)

Byzantine Thomas

Byzantine Thomas is an extraordinary scoundrel with a wicked imagination. He needs to be stopped! Or encouraged in every way. The best way to do this is by showing him your support. And the best way to show him your support is by purchasing his ebooks, specifically from his series The Amazing Mosely Untreu Sex Guide, Eldon And The Sorority House Zombie Apocalypse, Weird Sex Tales, and others. Another great way to show him your support is by leaving reviews. Good ones. But honest ones as well. BT thanks you for your support.Hey you! Would you like to get discounts on Luca Satana and Byzantine Thomas books? All you have to do is go to the Legion Of Filth Website and become a member (only 1 buck a month) and you'll get instant access to tons of coupon codes! Tons of savings! Check it out now!

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    Wisher - Byzantine Thomas


    Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)

    Wisher Erotic Series

    By Byzantine Thomas

    Copyright 2016, 2017 Legion Of Filth

    Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories

    Smashwords Edition

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    Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1 & 2)

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    Author's Note

    Wisher Erotic Series Intro

    Wez Kessler was a good boy. Handsome. Good-natured. A rule-follower. However, as a teen, he went through a very long and lonely rough patch. Even though there were people all around him, Wez

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