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Three Crazy Days In Luna Falls
Three Crazy Days In Luna Falls
Three Crazy Days In Luna Falls
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Three Crazy Days In Luna Falls

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Luna falls, a small town off the freeway, in Oregon. Never heard of? it? Nor had Tawny when she pulled off the freeway because she wanted to have a little fun. Her companion, Inga didn't want fun, wasn't very happy when she woke up in the passenger seat and got into a filibuster of a struggle to get back on course for Seattle.
What happens next? well lets just say that Tawny gets her way and goes wild during the stay, she uses up guys one after the other and cant get enough. Inga, of course is not immune to all this while its going on, and certainly does her bit too, but then , for her, things change a little when she meets someone a little different.
A sorta road trip book with a difference, and a story about different relationship in opposition to each other.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateJul 12, 2016
Three Crazy Days In Luna Falls

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Three Crazy Days In Luna Falls - Charlie B.

    In life, a small seemingly innocuous decision can set in motion a chain of events that are not only unforeseen, but that can change future actions in the most unexpected ways. When Tawny pulls off of Route 84 on a whim and heads toward some, off the main highway small town called Luna Falls, her travelling companion Inga comes awake and then stares at her with wide, incredulous eyes as she realises what has transpired.

    Watcha doing?

    I’m horny?


    I need a man. There’s gotta be one here can take care of my business.

    You’re crazy, we ain’t got time for this?

    Always got time for some loving woman. I need it real bad.

    Louis ain’t gonna like this; he’s gonna get mad.

    Fuck Louis, this to Louis, cries out Tawny, grabbing her cellphone and switching it off before she throws it down onto the floor of the car.

    Oh lordy, that’s not good. Look why don’tcher just go frig yourself? Get it out of your damn system?

    Nope, I need some cock. some nice, hard juicy, pussy reaming prick to soothe my aching twat. Frigging one out ain’t gonna do it.

    Damn stupid. You’re gonna jeopardize it all for some guy’s dick? You’re some crazy woman.

    Yeah that’s me, crazy for some cock. Whoooo; here I come guys. Tawny is on the prowl so ladies, lock up your menfolk cos I am one horny for it, crazy, fucking bitch.

    Fucking crazy, repeats Inga as she turns her head to stare out at the wooded hillsides on either side of the twisting road that they were driving along.

    Oregon is always like this, tree’s. Trees and mountains with the occasional river crossing to break up the view. Pretty scenery, wild maybe in places, but no place for two girls travelling northwards alone to go exploring.

    Turn back, we ain’t got time for this crap.

    Nope, gotta have me some cock, going crazy for it.

    Tawny turns up the radio, rock music blasting out as they drive through the forested scenery. It’s loud and is accompanied by Tawny’s screeching singing as she sets her face firmly.

    This is stupid, get back on the freeway, before we get in trouble.

    Nope. Look? Luna Falls, eight miles. I always wanted to see Luna Falls.

    You ain’t never heard of the place, now pull over and let’s get back on the right road.


    Yes, gimme the wheel.

    Let go. Fuck, let go you idiot. Stop. Fuck, look out, screeches Tawny, as her companion yanks and tugs at the steering wheel; the car now veering back and forth across the road.

    It’s a fully loaded, logging, eight-wheeler that sends them into the ditch, the car ending up slewed across the road, front end down at the roadside.

    You idiot; now look what you’ve done. Damn stupid bitch.

    Well you turned off the freeway in the first place; it ain’t my fault.

    Stupid bitch, repeats Tawny as she restarts the car and puts it into reverse to no avail however. The back end of the vehicle just slews around, and that just drops the rear wheel into the ditch as well.

    Hey, what the fuck? Are you two girls ok?

    There, see, there’s your man. Go fuck him, mutters Inga.


    Huh, not me. You was the ones driving all over the road like crazy. Sure don’t need you calling me names, mutters the new arrival starting to turn away to return to his unit.

    Sorry, no offense Mister; I meant this crazy bitch.

    Hmmm, well you ain’t going no further today, least not without some repairs lady. Judging by the angle of your nearside wheel I’d say you got some broken steering right there.

    Shit, see what you done Inga, now we’re stuck here.

    Weren’t my damn fault, it was you getting horny that done it; damn stupid woman.

    Well, if’n all you two is gonna do is argue some, I’ll be on my way. I gotta schedule to keep.

    Tawny suddenly turns her full attention on the man, and then slaps her sweetest, ‘please help a poor girl in trouble,’ smile across her pretty, teenaged face as she struggles out of the car. She smiles again as she hears the man’s sharp intake of breath as he stares at her curvy figure. A figure that’s clad in just a tiny pair of denim shorts that barely cover half of her butt cheeks and a clingy, pink sheath of a top that clearly reveals the lack of a bra over her large, all ajiggle, breasts. Breasts that shiver slightly as she brushes her hands over the quivering, hard tipped globes to dust herself down. Tawny certainly works hard at the brushing down stuff.

    Hey mister, we need a little help here, do you have a phone? Can you call someone? Is there a repair shop in town? she asks fluttering her lashes.

    Now when men stare at Tawny they get a certain look in their eyes. One that says, ‘fuck is this chick hot or what, is she even legal?’ This middle aged, trucker has that self-same look for sure, and then his eyes narrow as he takes in Inga’s hot statuesque figure as well. If Tawny is a nine on his appreciation scale, Inga is a ten, what with her thick, dark, pony-tailed long hair and a face that Helen of Troy would have loved to own; except that she wouldn’t have been dressed in a tight, short, clingy sheath of a denim skirt and a tight halter top that is made of some kind of shiny, silver material that sparkles in the evening sunlight.

    Well, I guess I could call up the local Sherriff’s office; not sure as I really got time right now though, not unless…..

    You get a blow job is all! Choose who from. It’s getting late and it’ll soon be dark.

    Huh? ??His eyes narrow further as he looks from one girl to the other like it is his birthday and Christmas all rolled up into one heady moment.

    A blow job, do I get it afore-hand?

    No, not till after you make the call.

    "How do I know you’ll….?

    Damn it man, come here. Now make the damn call while I suck your damn dick buster or I’ll bite the fucker right off, cries Inga, as she yanks at his pants, pulls them open, dips her hand into them to find his stiffening dick and then she pulls it free. It droops down, semi hard, from his blue jeans like an uncoiling snake that’s beginning to rear its head in anger.

    The man stares down at Inga as she fists his thickening length back and forth, her eyes set on his rising dick as it grows bigger and longer under her teasing. She stops and glares up into his eyes. He needs a shave, isn’t good looking by any means, even a little paunchy, but for some reason Inga, as usual, becomes excited at the situation and her fingers begin to rub at her revealed slash of white, bulging, pantie covered, crotch.

    The call, she mutters, pausing and waiting until he makes it before continuing to deep throat the man’s straining dick.

    Yeah, I got….fuck. I got two girls out near the Rawston Bridge. Cars in need of a tow in, ….. Yeah, oh yeah, fuck that’s good. Huh?.…..Yeah they broke down, …..oh lordy yes,…..what? Yeah stuck in a ditch, need a breakdown truck to get them out. ….. Fuck, yes, oh my lord, I’m nearly there.

    He pauses with his cellphone and then he stares down at Inga’s face as her soft, full lips run up and down on what is now quite a thick, spit-shiny cock with practised skill. She seems to be enjoying this a little too much for it to be a thing done under duress. To Inga, sucking a guy’s dick is an art form in itself. The drawn in cheeks, the pursed lips, the contact with the swollen, male flesh is a moment to savour to the full, and the drawing out of a guy’s semen is a victory to be savoured.

    What? Yeah, looks like a broken track-end joint. What?..... Holy cow, harder, stroke my balls baby. Yeah, fuck.

    His eyes lift, settle on Tawny, run over her lush body as she sprawls across the hood of the electric blue, 1970 Chevrolet Malibu. They drop lower to take in her bulging crotch under the narrow seam of her denim daisy dukes as she lays right back and dips her slender fingers into her stretched pink panties after loosening off the shorts. His cock lurches, his eyes bulge as he thrusts his prick deeper into Inga’s sucking mouth. His tautened balls and the shaft of his rampant cock clutched in both of Inga’s squeezing hands. He suddenly lets out a low growl that any wolf would be proud of when he lets loose his cum load straight into her cock-sucking, sexy mouth. Inga jerks as she orgasms too under her own cunny-fingering and on the hood of the car, Tawny also quivers as she wriggles two fingers deep inside herself before screaming out aloud.

    Damn, girl, that was something else. You sure have drained mah damn balls good baby.

    Ain’t no baby of yours Mister, retorts Inga, as she spits his load into the dust, anyways, are they sending help?

    Yeah, should be here soon; like maybe in an hour or so, but I gotta go. Damn lady, that was something.

    The two girls compose themselves as he climbs back into his truck and then drives away. The sudden silence of the surroundings suddenly broken by the cars blaring radio as it comes back to life. Inga punches it off, then slumps back into the cream leather of the car seat, closes her eyes and then begins giggling.

    What’s so funny?

    That guy’s conversation. Not sure what the person on the other end thought but you can do the next one. I already did my bit.

    Yeah, he’s probably hightailing it out here at top speed looking for a little fun. Shit, I could do a highway patrol trooper right now, I’m still fucking horny.

    Bitch, mutters Inga, as she closes her eyes and falls asleep just like that.

    Tawny stares at her companion, shrugs to herself then slips into the nearby woods to pee before

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