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Call Girls
Call Girls
Call Girls
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Call Girls

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About this ebook

So how do four women all end up as call girls whilst sharing a flat between them?
This is really two books in one, follow each of them as they show up for their clients and read about what happens next. See how they interact with each other while carrying on one of the worlds oldest professions. Also interspersed throughout this book each girl tells her story in her own words and describes some of her most unusual experiences. If your looking for a hot read that delves the lives of these four girlfriend's then this might be a book for you.

Release dateJul 12, 2016
Call Girls

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Book preview

    Call Girls - Charlie B.

    Mandy knows that she is one hot chick. She exudes feminine sexuality with each little gesture, with every step she takes and every pose she assumes. She’s a sexy nineteen-year-old and the main driving force in her life is sex. What else matters when a girl has the whole world in front of her, looks like a cheeky wood-nymph and has those lust-filled desires peculiar to a horny teenager?

    Mandy can seduce any man she wants, she and her three friends like nothing better than to go on a group pull, get guys to buy them drinks and treat them well in return for a good shag, at a price of course. They pick their targets well, sometimes as a group, other times one will go gaga over some guy and then put on the style in order to gain his attention, but the guys always pay, nothing comes for free.

    She doesn’t have the blonde devastating looks of Sindy Mae, nor the long straight auburn hair that Corinne continually brushes until it shines. Her locks are long, dark and curly, fall around her pretty face to frame it beautifully. She has a mischievous demeanour, wilful ways and will take on a man anywhere from a back alley quickie to a sumptuous Hotel room, where she loves to pretend that she is not quite what she is. Mandy just loves hard cock.

    She adjusts her tight-stretched vest top over her cute, well-formed tits, pinches her nipples until they spike the taut pink cotton then she yanks her tight blue denim skirt up i a little higher. She admires her long smooth legs; bare except for little white ankle socks and white trainers. All the girls in their expensive shared apartment that’s just a little way out of town in a big house in Keston, south of Bromley, dress in the classiest clothes. Casual but chic is their collective word.

    Corinne bursts into the bedroom and jumps onto the bed spreading her body out in a splayed, face down, human star as she hammers against the mattress in frustration.

    Well, hi, nice to see you too Corinne. Please do feel free to attack my bed. I don’t suppose I’ll need it again.

    I’m really pissed off, really annoyed. I had it all set up with big dicked Delton, you know; huge cock, all muscles, great smile and what happens?

    Oh, please do tell before my bed gives up on you dearest?

    I get his cock out, fucking huge it is as usual, and he’s got his hands all over my boobs and I’m kissing him like crazy as I work on his stiff dick and his phone goes off and for some reason it scares the shit out of the man. His damn cock wilts and then virtually disappears back in his pants and he legs it out of the window.

    Oh, so no nookie for you then today, shame huh?

    Well I had a little frig, but it ain‘t the same. Fuck, I’m just so damn pissed off. I’ve been trying to get him on his back for ages; all I wanted was to fuck his huge cock to see if I could take it all in my pussy? Fuck him.

    A little diddle huh, just a little one?

    Well, maybe a bit longer, I mean a girl has to have her goodies, doesn’t she?

    Of course; so, this Delton’s cock; how big is it exactly?

    Corinne holds up her hands and Mandy’s eyes widen in disbelief.

    Oh, come on, that’s ridiculous. That’s like nine inches; no guys that big.

    Oh no, well maybe I’ll take a picture of it next time and show it you then.

    Mandy grins as her friend finally rolls over onto her front, her short, pleated skirt riding up to show off her long slim legs. Corinne has something in her lithe figure that reminds one of a deer, supple and limber. She has a doe-eyed look too that can be quite devastating if she turns it on a guy she likes. Her flat, naked tummy shows delightfully below her short tight top, slightly curved in that teenaged way that some girls have. She brushes her hair out of her eyes then stares up at Mandy.

    So have you thought about what I said? What did you decide?

    Yes of course I have, but I don’t think I can do it. Pussy really isn’t my thing. Maybe I’ll change my mind sometime, but I think you should talk to Sindy Mae. I heard she tried it once when she was younger and she never said she didn’t like it.

    Oh, I never knew that. Hmmmm, she’s really hot, maybe I will. Well, no rush. I just wanted to have some all-girl fun is all. If I didn’t try I’d never know what I might be missing.

    So, shall we go out then? Maybe find the others, or should we hit the café? I’m so hungry.

    Oh really; for food or just some hard-on dick?

    Both; come on; there might be that guy I like in there, he smiled at me last time.

    The old guy; the one with the glasses? You must be desperate.

    "Of course, I’m desperate, for cash and for a good screwing.

    I need some more cock already now, since you won’t fool around with me.

    Mandy stares at her friend and then makes to leap on top of her. Corinne squeals and then flees through the house as Mandy chases after her; the two girls bursting out onto the pavement as a crew of workmen whistle in appreciation. They both wave, pile into her car and drive to the local Cafékia on the far side of Bromley.

    The place is fairly empty, it being a little late in the afternoon; a smattering of people eating or talking. Corinne takes a moment to check herself out in the mirrored wall her raised hands emphasizing her jutting tits. A trick that she knows will have guys ogling her as she poses in this way; and then she takes a seat at a table as Mandy does her usual flirt with Osman across the counter. It isn’t that she fancies him, she just likes to flirt; anyway he is due to marry soon.

    She orders two milk shakes and cheeseburgers and then joins her friend at the table she chose to sit at. Both girls surreptitiously look around to check out the guys, nothing very exciting catches their eyes

    Things change when three footballers come in from the local training ground, semi-professionals; fit young and noisy as they run their appreciative gazes over the two sexy girls and it is immediately obvious where their thoughts are taking them. Both girls smell cash. Corinne and Mandy look at each other, grin and then giggle as the guys soon move into seats next to them and start up with their cheeky chat up lines.

    Hi girls, you’re really cute, so what are you doing later?

    Corinne pulls one of those rolling eye expressions at her friend, then turns and stares straight into the man’s face.

    What’s it to you?

    Uh oh. Sorry, just asking. I’m just wondering is all?

    Yeah, like we don’t know why. You’re looking for some pussy, why don’t you admit it and stop dicking about.

    What? Guys this chick thinks I wanna screw her just because I said hi.

    Well I wouldn’t mind, retorts one. I’ll take them both on, I got the biggest dick so I should get first go at them.

    Fuck off you should; hey girls, be honest; who’s the main guy huh?

    None of you, you’re all too full of it. Now go sit somewhere else unless you’re willing to pay for your fun.

    Ok, I guess if you don’t want some of this black cock then that’s your loss.

    Mandy sighs at his crudeness. She’s always getting hassled by guys and this one is no different; except for that he is now pulling out his cock from his jogging pants and that action has her staring at it in surprise as it begins to lift into the air between his thighs as he jerks on it. Corinne sees her friends gaze fix on this surprising sight, so she dips her head under the table to see what has caught the girl’s attention. She gasps as she sees not one, but three naked dicks jutting out from undone shorts or pants; two black and one white, and all three growing harder by the second as their owners surreptitiously work their fingers over their thickening cocks.

    Both girls feel their bodies shiver as they goggle at the trio of released cocks, hardly believing their eyes at the three young lad’s totally audacious behaviour in such a public place. Their pricks are quickly hidden as the drinks arrive, the café’s owner giving the guys a grin as he passes the glasses over. The girls look at each other once more and giggle. Maybe, just maybe, there is a hot fuck going at this table? Waiting underneath it at the moment; but when a girls horny and there are pricks out on show for the taking, the pussy juices start to flow, but like I said, nothing comes for free.

    So, girls, don’t be shy. We saw you checking out the goodies. I bet you want some of this prime dick really, what about it?

    Fuck off, we ain’t some cheap little tarts that will fall at your feet, we are class. You want some pussy; you gotta pay us for it up front.

    The three guys huddle their heads together for a moment, then the talkative one grins.

    You don’t look like tarts.

    We aren’t but we aren’t cheap cunt either, it costs us to look this good, and we do look good, so if you want to dip your wicks in our of our cookie jars you gotta pay the price.

    Heads get back together again in a huddle. Much chatter and whispering; a slight disagreement, eyes roaming over the girls again to check them out. Masculine appreciation is evident but still more chat follows and then Mister talkative turns back to Mandy.

    Ok, how much?

    Depends on what you want, don’t it?

    The food arrives, both girls move to another table to eat leaving the three guys to mull over the girls proposition. It’s the first time that Mandy has ever suggested a double deal for money and Corinne is a little surprised, but then again, she thinks, ‘nothing wrong with splitting the cash in return for a little fun.’

    Mister talkative gets up and crosses the room; leans in toward Mandy conspirationally.

    We can manage a hundred quid then for both of you to give us a good time.

    Each, retorts the girl offhandedly, Take it or leave it.

    Fuck, hang on, he mutters returning for another heated discussion with his pals before returning.

    This is for both of you, yeah, suck and fuck?

    Mandy glances across at Corinne who merely nods back at her; but inside her head the thought of taking on three different cocks from these fit football players, one after the other, is making her pussy drool in her expensive knickers.

    That’s right and you have to use protection so go get some condoms.

    Ok, girls, we need to stop at a cash-point then; one of the guys has a summer house……

    No way, book us a Hotel room. We don’t know you three. It’s a Hotel or nothing doing.

    No problem, I’m staying in a Hotel anyway. That big one just up the road there. Do you know it?

    Uh huh; what’s your room number; hold on. Mehmet, have you got a paper and pencil? Thanks. Here you go, write your names down, the Hotel and the room number, says Mandy, taking no chances. Oh, and one of you get the money.

    The bookings agreed the money handed over in an envelope; she walks back to the café owner who she knows and trusts to hold the money; whispers in his ear then leaves the details and the cash with him for safekeeping. Next, she picks up his phone and takes a couple of snaps of the guys. Feeling safe now, the two girls nip to the lady’s restroom where a hurried conversation takes place. When they return the guys have settled their bill for their lunch, so they all pile into their car and then drive up the hill to the Hotel.

    Ok, give me a minute to open the side door; this place is a bit wary of call girls, says one of the guys slipping away as the car is parked up out of sight of the security

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