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Fault Lines: Adirondack Pack, #4
Fault Lines: Adirondack Pack, #4
Fault Lines: Adirondack Pack, #4
Ebook269 pages4 hours

Fault Lines: Adirondack Pack, #4

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Mira James is out for blood after feeling abandoned by her sister, her closest confidante. But when she stumbles upon her sister's new life, everything changes. Suddenly, a rugged and sexy brute is calling the shots and separating her from her sister.

Adirondack Pack alpha, Owen Purcell meets his match when the feisty Mira demands action. The little Rabbit exudes sex and sass. Owen vows to do anything he can to keep her around--and in his bed. But when the pack's biggest enemy changes their antics, Owen knows Mira is their number one prey. Now, he must protect the Rabbit who's trapped in the wolf's den. Can he tame the spitfire to save his heart?

PublisherK.C. Stewart
Release dateAug 6, 2015
Fault Lines: Adirondack Pack, #4

K.C. Stewart

K.C. Stewart is the USA Today Bestselling author of the Hailey Holloway series and most recently, the Adirondack Pack series. All her life she had fantasized and day-dreamed on a regular basis but it wasn’t until she began writing short stories that she made those fantasies a reality. She has graduated to novels but still dabbles in the occasional flash fiction and short story. Because of her love for reading and the written word, K.C. is currently working towards her Masters in Library Science. When she isn’t taking photographs, studying or writing, she is supporting a very real gummy bear habit. Currently, she lives with her husband and pack of german sheperds.

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    Fault Lines - K.C. Stewart


    "You open this door right now or I will bust this sucker right down! Mira yelled. You can’t avoid me forever! Her fist pounded on the door. I mean it Sa—who the hell are you?"

    A man, broad, brutish and bronze, opened the door. He eyed her as if she were a little piece of lint on his shirt, fuzzy and cute but an annoyance nonetheless. I was about to ask the same thing?

    None of your business. Had she gotten the wrong house? A quick glance at the house number told her she was at the right place. Where’s Sadie?

    He crossed his arms over his massive chest and gave her a look that told her just how eager he was to answer her questions. And that is none of yours. Now, I’m going to ask you again. Who are you?

    I’m the woman here to kill Sadie. Now if you’ll excuse me. She had no time or patience for this. Mira had just driven four hours to kick her sister’s ass and she was not going to be deterred by some guard dog. So he was big, she was used to people being larger than her. This just meant she could use her short stature to her advantage. The guard dog blocked the doorway but he stood a foot or two inside the house. If she was fast, and she had been state champion back in high school at 12.54 seconds in the 100 meter dash, then she could slip inside before his mountainous form could catch her.

    Mira, however, had miscalculated his attentiveness.

    Where do you think you’re going Little Rabbit? His hands snagged around her middle and to her surprise, lifted her off the ground. He held her as if she was a doll and weighed no more than a feather.

    Oh hell no, I am not a rabbit. Tigress, definitely. Rabbit, no.

    Not with a mouth like that you aren’t. But you’re little like a rabbit and soft like a rabbit. Soft? Right, her fat could be considered soft to some. She preferred the term rubenesque. The word always made her feel more beautiful and less bountiful.

    Mira was done with pleasantries even if the brute was a handsome one. Besides, she had a sister to kill. Let go of me you Neanderthal! She kicked and squirmed hoping to wiggle her way free of his grip. He only tightened his hold.

    What have you caught, Owen? Mira stopped fighting just long enough to look up at the new man. He was a shaggy haired blonde with the most striking eyes she had ever seen, and he was incredibly pissed off, eying her with hostility and no sense of welcome.

    A rabbit, her captor said amused.

    Neanderthal, she reminded him.

    Actually, it’s Owen.

    Whatever. This was not going well. Mira had taken off work, driven to this speck of a town in order to find and kill her sister if she wasn’t dead already. It had been four weeks since she last heard from her. Four weeks of unanswered texts, calls and emails. She didn’t count, I’ll call you later, as a response either. Thankfully her mother had gotten a little more out of her from time to time otherwise, Mira would have been more worried than angry.

    This is where you say your name, Rabbit, Owen prompted with a squeeze.

    She sneered at him. It’s Miranda, not Rabbit. Put me down.

    No, he said easily. Tyson this little Rabbit is here to kill your woman.

    Is she now? He looked surprised but he sounded more amused.


    The both of them.

    Well bring her through. I’m sure Sadie would like to see her sister before she is killed.

    Owen laughed. Your Sadie’s sister? Why didn’t you just say so? He began to walk with her, still held captive, into another room.

    Are you going to put me down now that you know?

    Nope, he said with a pop.

    She had never been carried by a man, in hostility or romantically. She was too round for that. The men she dated tended to be twigs. The women too, for that matter. Mira was bisexual and recently single. It was part of the reason she was so mad at her sister and why she was there now. She had broken up with her girlfriend, Sophia, a few days earlier. It had been amicable but awkward. Neither of them had done anything wrong, per say, but it had taken signing a lease and moving in together for them to realize that they weren’t in love anymore. Thankfully it was a two bedroom apartment and they could each take a room and live as roommates. That is until Mira found out Sophia had been cheating on her for the past six months. Mira had needed her sister but her sister was nowhere to be found.

    Mira packed a bag and left. She refused to be ignored, especially by her sister. Sadie had a hard time of it this past year, she wasn’t denying that, but so had the rest of them. So caught up in her own troubles, Sadie never stopped to see how the rest of them were faring, even after she just picked up and moved one day without even telling her or their mother where she was going. It had scared them shitless. For the first day, they thought she had been in trouble, kidnapped or worse. Then the text came that said she was safe but gone. Mira still hadn’t forgiven her for the fright she had given them or the apology that never came.

    So she was here to kill her sister for not being her sister when she needed her. For not caring about anyone but herself. For being selfish. For abandoning her.

    She heard Sadie before she saw her. Her sister’s laugh was a warming sound that left her bitter cold. She was happy. She was happy, while the rest of them worried over her from afar. Not once had any of them been invited to see her and be put at ease.

    The man, Tyson, who they had been following went and wrapped an arm around her waist and whispered in her ear. Sadie cocked her head and said, Miranda? before turning to see her sister tucked like a football in Owen’s arms. Mira, what are you doing here? Shock at seeing her wasn’t enough to outweigh the oh so obvious unhappiness in her voice. Great, she wasn’t happy Mira had come. That just…well, it sucked.

    Kicking your ass, she replied and crossed her arms as best as she could. So Sadie wasn’t thrilled to see her. Tough shit. She was there and Sadie would just have to deal with it. Owen took one look at her face and laughed. She sent her glower up to him.

    Owen put her down, please.

    Do I have too? She’s a nice little armful. Little armful? She was going to kill him too.

    Mira felt the glare of someone beside her. She looked to find another woman bouncing her glaze between her and Owen. Looked like she found the brute’s girlfriend.


    Down, Owen, Sadie told him but her eyes were laughing all the same.

    Instead of putting her on her feet like a normal person would, the Neanderthal dropped her, face first, into the couch and walked away. She bounced and scrambled to a sitting position.

    Why are you here? Sadie asked with restrained accusation in her voice. Is something wrong?

    No hug or I’ve missed you. Not even a smile. God, she felt so unwanted at that moment. Like she was intruding, which technically she was, but that wasn’t the point. It had been months since they had seen each other and all Sadie could do was question her reason for showing up. Because being family wasn’t reason enough to see her?

    Because you don’t pick up my calls.

    I’ve been busy. As if that should explain it all.

    Mira looked at her, seeing Sadie for the first time since she disappeared. She looked good, healthy. She had gained back some of the weight she had lost after Peter. There was a glow about her that Mira hadn’t seen in over a year. She was happy and healed. Something she hadn’t been able to achieve with her family.

    So that just left the rest of them battered and broken.

    Obviously, she said glancing in everyone else’s direction. Sadie had been busy moving on with her life. One that didn’t involve the people from her old one, the people who knew her before. Here she had friends and a guy who obviously loved her if his look of adoration meant anything. It didn’t look like, or feel like for that matter, that she needed anyone else.

    Whatever. I’m out. I came to see that you were alive and I have. I’ll let you get on with your new life.

    Mira turned from her sister. No one said anything to her until she got to the door. Sadie didn’t try to stop her from leaving, which just about said everything that needed to be said, didn’t it? As she opened the door, telling her tears that they better hold themselves together, she found the brute had followed her.

    Little Rabbit, he began but her snarl had cut him off. The rabbit shit was annoying.

    Cute, he said amused. May I ask where you are staying in town?

    No. Mira wasn’t sure she was staying. Sadie was obviously fine to let her go. It didn’t seem she had any place in her world anymore. Mira didn’t have a place in anyone’s world. Hell, what was she going to do now? She couldn’t go home to the apartment she shared with Sophia. She just couldn’t go back there. Mom was always an option but…it was mom. That seemed like a last resort. So yeah, nowhere to go.

    I see. May I suggest The Wick? They have a few rooms above the restaurant that they rent out. I know the owner and would be happy to call and secure you one for as long as you need.

    Did you not just see what happened in there? She doesn’t want me here. What makes you think I’m going to stick around?

    His smile was a panty dropper. You don’t strike me as one who gives up easily.

    She wasn’t but Mira was tired of chasing and worrying over Sadie. It was time she worried about herself. Thank you, but no.

    The offer stands. You can find me at the veterinary clinic on Third Street if you need me.

    Of course, the big, handsome, charming man worked with small furry animals. Just once she’d like one to work at a funeral home or something.

    What makes you think I’ll need you?

    Owen smirked and crowded her against the door. He bent his body down so he could whisper in her ear. Just wishful thinking, Rabbit. The door behind her gave way and she stumbled back a step. His hands, which had been suspiciously hovering near her waist, grabbed and steadied her. See, like that. You never know when a door will mysteriously open and threaten to drop you on your ass.

    You did that on purpose, she huffed.

    Prove it, he said with his hands still on her waist and sinking a little low in the back. Any further and he’d be cupping her butt.

    Given the chance, Mira knew she would have responded with something witty, endearing and just a bit flirty. However, Sadie ruined that chance. She was in no mood for his overtures.

    Owen, is she gone—oh, hey.

    I’m trying, she snapped. One rejection was enough for the day. She forcibly removed Owen’s grabby hands and stepped out of reach.

    The offer stands, he reminded her.

    You’re crazy, she told him with the utmost seriousness.

    Nah, he said with a smile. Just seen a pretty face is all.

    Mira stared open mouthed at him. She didn’t know if that was a line to get into her size 12 pants or if he really just said shit like that. Right. Well, bye.

    She jogged down the porch steps to her car, a beat up jeep named Trixie, that had been with her since high school. Like always, it took her a few tries before it started up. Trixie a was spunky thing that did what she wanted when she wanted. Mira could see the four of them watching from the house. Owen being the only one smiling at her. Seriously, what was with that guy? Strangers typically didn’t hold her, grab her or just plain touch her when they first met. Let alone look at her like she was the gooey toasted marshmallow in a s’more. It was…well, it was exciting if she was being honest. Guys usually treated her like their kid sister. It’s why she started dating girls too. They at least looked at her as a sexual being and not an asexual younger family member. Then again, girls were bitches and the games got old after a while.

    If Mira had to choose which sex she liked to be with more she would probably pick men, but women were easier for her to date. They weren’t as intimidating as men could be. At least to her. Men were always so much taller than her and overwhelming with their broadness and their deep voices. It’s why she stuck to the nerdy gamer type with guys. They were safe and they let her wear the pants in the relationship.

    Owen was everything she stayed away from in a man. But as she swung Trixie around the driveway and started down the road, she caught that big brute in her mirror. Everyone else had abandoned the windows, probably to go talk about her, but Owen remained on the porch. His arms crossed easily over his chest with one shoulder leaning against the door frame. Mira knew that this was not going to be the last she saw of this man. She sighed. And damned if she could figure out how she felt about that.

    What offer? Sadie asked immediately when he closed the door after the Rabbit had driven away.

    Miranda had been…a surprise. He had opened the door unsure of what he would find but the short, spunky woman had not been what he expected. Her hair was what had caught him at first. The top was the color of caramel all soft and smooth, but it lightened as the length did and ended up in a light blonde. There was a word for it, he was sure of it, but it was beautiful to him. So many different shades all in one strand of hair. Her bright red lips were what had done him in, though. She wore little other makeup save for the juiciness of her lips. They were like berries ready to burst with sweetness. Had she not tried to weasel her way around him, he never would have gotten to hold the little Rabbit in his arms and would have probably just kept her there on the porch to look at her.

    Owen wasn’t forward with women. He usually got to know someone first, giving them plenty of time to make up their mind about him before he began to come on to them, but that little woman with all her spunk had brought out the wolf in him. There was no denying it. He wanted to see her again.

    Owen! What did you offer my sister? Oh Jesus. You have your wolfy grin on. Why do you have your wolfy grin on?

    Wolfy grin? he asked coming in and taking the empty chair beside Lee. She looked at him like he had gone crazy. Well, part of him felt like he had. It had been a long time since a woman had jump started his libido like that. A long time since he felt the pull to chase after her.

    You get a smirk, or whatever, on your face that is part mischievous, part amusement, a bit of trouble and all wolf. Sadie sat on the couch holding her hands in her lap. She was picking at her nails. Tyson noticed the movement and tugged a wrist free so he could weave his fingers through hers. Tyson had been back officially for a month now. Owen had worried that after so long as a wolf he would have trouble adjusting back to the human way of things but Sadie kept him moving in the right direction. She was also making waves with her new found wolf self. They were good for each other. They balanced each other. The pack needed a little good after so much bad had happened with Jack. The man’s secrets were still being found. He was Canidae and the ultimate cause for Tyson’s sister’s death. Tyson had run off after doing his job, in haste and without asking for help but doing his job nonetheless. Had he stuck around for even five minutes longer, many of the pack issues from the past year could have been resolved. But then Sadie would never have gotten together with Tyson and Miranda would never have found her way onto Sadie’s front porch this afternoon.

    So? she prompted.

    What? Oh, the offer. Just finding her a place to stay while she is in town. He didn’t think she was leaving just as soon as she thought she was. Then again, he didn’t know her either, but just from looking at her, he knew she wasn’t going to give up so easily. Sadie had something to answer for and Miranda seemed to be of the sort to not stop until she got what she wanted.

    You were a bit harsh on her, don’t you think?

    What? Geez, that’s none of your business. I was just surprised is all. Sadie’s back went straight and her chin held high and steady. He, however, was her Alpha and could see right through the facade. Sadie was embarrassed at her reaction. As she should be. She all but told her sister to leave after not answering her calls.

    Why didn’t you want to see her?

    Tyson frowned at him and asked, What’s gotten into you, Owen? But he could tell Tyson was wondering the same thing. It wasn’t like Sadie to be so dismissing of someone.

    He rubbed his neck. I’m not really sure. Sorry Sadie. You’re right, it’s not my place. A small hand pushed his out of the way and began to knead his neck. He was surprised to find Lee sitting on the arm of the chair. She gave him a small, almost shy smile.

    It had been a year since their break up. A year of pure misery. He loved her and wanted her for his own, but she couldn’t give him that in return. Too scared of what the pack thought of their relationship, she cowered under their comments and sidelong looks until it broke her. Broke them. Tyson coming back had helped ease his pain. Instead of losing the three people he loved most in this world, he had only lost two. Owen had pulled himself together and had focused on what really mattered, the pack.

    He looked up at Lee with curiosity. They were still friends. They couldn’t be anything less. It had taken time but they were now comfortable around each other with none of the tension. But this was more than a friendly gesture. She looked at him now with a shimmer of something more.

    Owen cocked his head. What are you doing?

    You looked stiff, Lee answered honestly. A piece of her short cider colored hair fell into her eyes as she smiled down at him. At one point he would have taken the opportunity to touch her and tuck it aside. Now he…well he didn’t have time to decide what to do. Sadie’s foot had begun to bounce rapidly. He saw it from the corner of his eye.


    I don’t know why I did that. She sighed and pulled her legs up onto the couch. I’ve been a horrible sister lately. I haven’t told her about you at all, she said to Tyson who only pulled her closer and kissed the side of her head.

    Why not? I said they could come to visit anytime.

    I know but I didn’t want to share you. Share any of you. I’m not the Sadie I was back in Buffalo and I was just not ready to make the reveal to my family. She bit her lip and looked around the room. I wasn’t that bad, was I?

    She hadn’t been but even just the small blow had seemed to hit Miranda. There was more to the story but it was not his place to unearth it.

    I’d be happy to go track her down for you. She couldn’t have gotten far, he offered.

    Sadie rolled her eyes. I’m sure you would, Casanova. You know she’s bisexual, right? And she is living with a woman.

    Well, that sure did dampen his mood.

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