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Sex Crazy Cops, Minolski And Frenton
Sex Crazy Cops, Minolski And Frenton
Sex Crazy Cops, Minolski And Frenton
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Sex Crazy Cops, Minolski And Frenton

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'Sex Crazy Cops' ( Minolski and Frenton)
The wild sexy improbable adventures of two of the best looking Precinct Patrolwomen you'll ever read about. The bane of their Desk Seargents lives these two irresponsible babes get into so many sexual escapades you'll wonder why their still on the force. Luckily for us they seem to slip through the icy fingers of Desk Seargent McBain 's attempts to catch them out time after time.
They are sassy, demanding and prone to throwing caution to the wind in order to get their wicked way with men, preferably but not always of the darker variety with unusually large endowments and I dont mean of the financial sort either.
There are two opening adventures followed by a much longer story. This book is funny, cheeky and deliciously sexy and I'm sure this is going to be one you'll enjoy reading
Charlie B.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateJul 14, 2016
Sex Crazy Cops, Minolski And Frenton

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Sex Crazy Cops, Minolski And Frenton - Charlie B.

    Patrolwoman Patricia Minolski is horny; nothing new there then. She shares the police patrol car with her best friend and partner Lisa Frenton, a hot blonde who has the sort of attractive looks that drive fellow patrol-men crazy with lust, but Lisa never plays at home. Sex in the bedroom is ok, but it’s sex in the most unlikely situations that really turns her on; sex with big, black hunky guys with dicks that will stretch her tight pink pussy open with each of their hard thrusts. That’s the sort of hot wild action that turns this Patrolwoman on time after time.

    Did I say Trisha is horny, I meant to say that both patrol women are getting steamy hot as they patrol the downtown area, looking firstly for suspicious activities of the criminal kind but also noting the open air activities of the various studs that are working out so diligently in front of their homes.

    The inner lust that they are both feeling isn’t too apparent as yet, but soon will be as their sunglass shaded eyes roam over the actions of the streetwise guys who gather on street corners or sit outside their apartment blocks, dressed in little more than tight singlet’s and shorts or are even bare chested. These naked, rippling chests and narrow hips with shorts slung low to barely hide their sparse, pubic hair, and whose dark skin gleams with a light sheen of moisture, are driving both womens’ hormone levels higher and higher in this summer heat.

    The cars air-con had been doing a good job until the last half hour when it had suddenly decided to pack up. Now Lisa wishes she were wearing a skirt, not the regulation trousers, because the hot air is getting her sweaty in some pretty sensitive places, places that are beginning to request some attention before she goes crazy with frustration.

    Trisha has lush blonde hair. Her tall, sultry figure looks real good in police blue’s most especially her full, jutting breasts as they punch at her slightly damp, taut-stretched cotton shirt. Big and high riding; they precede the delicious woman like twin headlamps and they really make guys beam broadly too. Men notice this sort of thing, get excited as they take in her otherwise slim figure, although her hips do flare out enticingly as well.

    Damn it; look at that guy, his fucking cocks virtually hanging out of his shorts?

    Trisha looks, feels her breasts tighten in her bra as she takes in his muscle-bound torso, his so tight, bulging lycra shorts packed out with a semi=hard prick that jiggles each time he lifts the dumbbells that he’s exercising with. His dark skin drips with sweat, but that just turns on both of these women even more as their gazes run over his well-muscled body most appreciatively. He catches them looking as Trisha slows down the vehicle to a crawl, winks and then slides a hand down into his speedo to stroke his thick prick salaciously, as they groan with lust and then she guns the car away.

    That dirty Fucker, rubbing his fucking dick like that in pubic; we ought to have arrested him for public indecency.

    Yeah right; you just want an excuse to pat him down you dirty slut, get your fingers on that big damn black dick of his.

    Lisa laughs and then slows again as she spots a couple of guys razzing a passing, hot, wriggly-ass passing chick. The banter is however good natured, the girl smiling as she puts a little more jiggle into wiggle. Her round butt clad in tight denim cut-off shorts is certainly quite a sight to ogle at.

    Let’s get a cool drink; I can’t take much more of this heat.

    Lisa pulls up under the shade of a tree as Trisha leaves the car to get the iced drinks. She watches her associate as she struts away, the woman’s firm ass swivelling in her tight uniform pants just as the street girls butts had done earlier. Sometimes she wishes she is bi-sexual, she’d certainly give her friend a good seeing too if that were so, but the blonde babe prefers men, hot, sexy, dark skinned men with dicks that can make a girl scream with joy as they fill her pussy to the brim, and in this fetish, Lisa shares with her those desires. Sometimes they even shared cocks too.

    Trisha sips at her drink slowly, her attractive face thoughtful as she leans back in the police vehicle stretching her legs out. The heat is not really a problem; the damn itching between her thighs is another problem altogether though. The fact that she needs to get off is the real problem, and it’s time to do something about it. She opens her bag, gropes all around inside it and then pulls out her dildo. Not just a regular dildo but an eight inch, black one eyed monster of a sex-toy that droops slightly in her hand as she loosens off her uniform trousers.

    Dammit Trisha, you can’t do it in here, were on duty.

    Fuck duty. I need to get my rocks off Lisa. I’m going crazy here. I can’t think of anything but those fucking jocks we keep spotting. I swear those guys get hard-ons on purpose when they see us coming along the street; their damn shorts are always so damn full of dick.

    Trisha is easing her pants down, her knees parting open wider as they reach her ankles. She gropes between her pale thighs and then runs her fingers over her pussy, tracing the slightly damp line of her randy snatch through herf white cotton panties.

    For fucks sake, stop that; you’re getting me hot too you dirty bitch.

    Can’t, won’t, don’t want to. If you don’t like it, stop looking then. Oh fuck, that’s so good, I’m so fucking horny right now.

    Lisa however can’t take her eyes off of this salacious scene. She can’t stop her fingers seeking out her own excited pussy and then rubbing herself down there; she can’t stop them popping her pants open before dipping her hand into the opening to frig her muff because she is just so damn hot to get her jollies.

    Trisha has the thick dildo in her mouth, her saliva running down its length, the dark, gleaming shaft sliding in and out of it as she pulls her panties aside to bare her pale-pink pussy. She spreads it wide, her moans filling the squad car as she finds her clit and then begins to rub at it lightly. Lisa watches the woman with narrowed eyes; her own muff so wet that her panties are now juice drenched; sticking to her snatch as she diddles herself faster.

    If anyone had looked into the vehicle, they wouldn’t have believed their eyes. The two Police Patrolwomen getting their rocks off as they frig their pussies like crazy, inside the gently rocking vehicle. Trisha spreads her cunt wide with two fingers and then pushes the fat head of her thick dildo up to her creamy slit. She drools more spit down between her legs, her fingers coating the toys gleaming surface with it too and then she grips the thing tight in her hand and pushes it into herself really hard.

    Oh yes, so fucking big, oh fuck it’s so cool in my cunt Lisa, its fucking great.

    Lisa stares in near disbelief as her gorgeous friend begins to work the fat, fake dick into herself. She hunches her hips forwards until her twat is jutting up at a higher angle and then begins to ease the rubber, fuck-pole in and out with measured thrusts; each time crying out as it goes into her cunt deeper and deeper. It’s so hot in the vehicle that the windows are steaming up with condensation as the black-haired, attractive woman digs her fingers into her own cunt with voracious intent; her cotton panties trapping her hand as she plunders her pussy wildly in search of her own relieving climax.

    It’s right in, fuck, I love the way it stretches my pussy. It’s so fucking good Lisa. Oh fuck, I think I’m going to come soon, it’s so damn realistic, just like a real cock. Just like one of those guy’s big dongs that we’ve been staring at today. Oh fuck, listen to my pussy slurping all over this fucking thing Lisa.

    You’re a dirty bitch, fucking yourself like this Trisha. You’re nothing but a black cock fuck-queen, screwing yourself silly in our squad car. That’s just so filthy. I bet you wish it was a real cock in there you dirty slut.

    The suggestive words send the blonde-haired vixen crazy and of course that is exactly what she wants; black cock, big and hard, fucking into her tight snatch, filling it with dark, swollen fuck-meat until it comes like crazy, all over her tits or face.

    The big dildo is flying now; its whole length poling into her snatch as she suddenly feels her orgasmic contractions begin. Her lithe, wriggling body is soon convulsing as she rams it deep once more and then holds it there, as she lets loose with a demented scream.

    I’m fucking coming on this big fucker. It’s so good. Fucking hell; big filthy black dick in my twat, so fucking wild, she cries out, her body shuddering with the continual climaxes that rip through it. The woman’s heaving breasts rise and fall in time with her orgasmic bliss until she eventually subsides before pulling the dildo free of herself. She sucks it clean and then giggles as she watches her partner strive for her own release.

    Lisa’s attractive features are screwed up as she urgently rifles her horny twat with three stiff penetrating fingers. She is gasping for breath, her mouth wide open as the first tremor hits, her, her body shivering as she continues to frig herself off like crazy. Three or four times she convulses and then sinks back into the cars-seat, a self-conscious smile across her pretty face as she mops up with a tissue and then does up her pants.

    Mercifully the air-con comes back on when they restart the vehicle and it soon cools the air and

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