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Jumpers Between Worlds 2: New Stockholm
Jumpers Between Worlds 2: New Stockholm
Jumpers Between Worlds 2: New Stockholm
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Jumpers Between Worlds 2: New Stockholm

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Inger Svensson has the ability to jump between worlds. She was born on a very poor world but now she lives in the City of New Stockholm on a rich world. She has an office on the 212th floor on one of the huge tower blocks facing the ocean. She has done well and she is happy but now someone is trying to change her world. She is friends with the wife of the man who might be the future president of the most powerful country in this world but two weeks ago her friend was replaced by a duplicate from another world.

Inger's world is under attack and she is determined to stop this. While she is following one of the conspirators she comes across Jacob Eastman who is also a jumper from another world. She does not know whether Jacob is with the people she is chasing or whether he is an innocent bystander but she has lured him to a corridor which exists in multiple worlds and that corridor can be closed off at both ends from normal reality. Now they face each other at different ends of the corridor but Inger cannot decide whether this man is friend or foe. Circumstances tell her that he is against her but her instincts tell her something else. What will she do? Read on and find out.

PublisherMike Ward
Release dateJul 16, 2016
Jumpers Between Worlds 2: New Stockholm

Mike Ward

Mike Ward was born in Glasgow, Scotland and currently lives in Florida, United States with his wife and two children. He is the author of two novels, two non-fiction books and six series of novellas:Parallel Realities seriesThe House on Mars seriesJacksonville Jack seriesStephen Haggerty Assassin seriesLisa Molin Assassin seriesDangerous Scotsman seriesHe is also the author of 60 short stories and novellas

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    Book preview

    Jumpers Between Worlds 2 - Mike Ward

    Jumpers Between Worlds 2 - New Stockholm

    by Mike Ward

    (Author of The Banker With a Face Full of Evil)

    Copyright 2016 Mike Ward

    Published by Mike Ward at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Jumpers Between Worlds 2 - New Stockholm

    Excerpt from Lisa Molin Assassin – One Hell of an Execution in Tallinn in Estonia

    About Mike Ward

    Other Books by Mike Ward

    Connect with Mike Ward

    Excerpt from The Banker With a Face Full of Evil

    Jumpers Between Worlds 2 - New Stockholm

    Jacob Eastman walked slowly down the corridor. He felt like there was danger all around him and maybe there was. The woman at the end of the corridor was looking at him. She wore a short skirt, a matching jacket and she was hot, very hot. He wondered if they had done that deliberately.

    I know who you are, the woman said.

    I don't know your name, Jacob said. Enlighten me.

    I am Nemesis, the woman said.

    Are you a woman or a machine? Jacob said. He did not know at this stage whether he would have to kill her.

    I'm a woman, she said.

    Why the name Nemesis? Jacob said. He was still moving towards her but much more warily now.

    I can kill you if I want, the woman said.

    I doubt that, Jacob said. He drew his sword and she jumped. He ran quickly to the end of the corridor, trying to get there in time to tell where she had jumped to. At first there was nothing and then he had it. There were four possible worlds. He picked one and jumped to it.

    The woman stood at the other end of the corridor. She wore the same clothes but the wall was a different color. You're good, she said.

    I just guessed right, Jacob said. I'm not that good. But that statement wasn't correct. Jacob was damn good. The woman jumped again. This time he was faster He had felt her start the jump before she jumped. He was beginning to get attuned to her. This time there were two possible places. He picked the most likely. They were back in the original corridor.

    She was still watching him. She stood leaning against the wall.

    You're hot, he said.

    I know I am, the woman said. But that shouldn't matter.

    It doesn't, he said and he charged her. She was gone but he caught her perfume this time. It was French or at least from an alternate France. He jumped again and got it wrong. She was nowhere to be seen.

    He jumped back and she was standing waiting for him. You missed, she said. Perhaps I'm better than you think.

    I don't underestimate people, Jacob said. "I know that you're good. He charged her again. This time she waited until he had almost caught her. He jumped again and he could smell her hair in the wind.

    He was on top of a high cliff and it was freezing. It was probably ten degrees below. She still wore her short skirt and matching jacket. Aren't you cold, he said.

    Not as cold as you, she said. It is very cold on my version of Earth.

    And where would that be? Jacob said.

    Follow me, she yelled and jumped off the cliff.

    He watched her fall for a second and then she was gone. He could have left it there and gone home but he didn't. Damn you, he said. He took a run at it and jumped off the cliff where she had jumped. He dropped for a second and then he caught her destination. It shouldn't have been that easy, which meant she wanted him to follow her.

    The world he jumped to was warm and he jumped in one foot above the water. She was sitting on a rock six feet away and her clothes were soaking wet. And then he landed in the water and his were too. He swam to the rock where she was sitting and held his hand out. Help me up please, he said and to his surprise she did.

    She was strong, maybe stronger than him. She pulled him up easily and effortlessly and sat him on the rock beside her. That ought to have hurt her back but he didn't think it had. You'll get cold, he said. You should take your clothes off.

    Her eyes widened at that comment. He had caught her by surprise and then she laughed and was gone again. He jumped after her and when he arrived her jacket caught him in the face. She had thrown it at him. Catch me if you can, she yelled and jumped.

    He jumped again and this time it was cold. This world was in an ice age. She stood there in her skirt and bra, she had already taken her shirt off. She threw that at him too and then jumped again. He jumped after her but when he arrived the ground was slippery and he fell. He slid down a slope at high speed and then fell into a river. He was a good swimmer but the current was fast. When he made it to shore she was gone. He hiked back to the spot where he had jumped in and when he arrived there the rest of her clothes were piled neatly on a rock. There was an envelope on top of her clothes held down by a rock.

    He knew she was gone. There was no jump trail. He opened the envelope. The note inside said. You didn't catch me. Your loss.

    He looked around. He pushed his senses out to see if he could find a jump trail. There was nothing. Damn, he said.

    So where was she? Julia said.

    She never jumped, Jacob said. She was hiding in the trees looking at the rock. I jumped back half and hour later and I found her jump point.

    Did you follow her? Julia said.

    Yes I did.

    Did you find her?

    No, she jumped right into a city of 17 million people, Even I couldn't find her with that many signatures."

    So there is no trace of her.

    I still have her clothes, Jacob said.

    Julia gasped in surprise. She jumped naked into a city of 17 million people?

    It would appear so, Jacob said. There was a naturist beach half a mile away. I think that's where she went.

    "You need to find

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