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The Alien Artifact 9
The Alien Artifact 9
The Alien Artifact 9
Ebook213 pages2 hours

The Alien Artifact 9

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During World War II a detective agency investigates the sightings of strange ghostly formations, witnessed haunting a region, never heard of before, even by the most advanced paranormal scientists, and one investigator gains strange magically like powers.
The investigation is almost unsolvable and their investigations with paranormal scientists lead them to use a new highly advanced surveillance technology to scan deep beneath the site, where they discover far more than they expect.
The source of what is occurring is deep underground, buried away, in a cavity, where they discover one of the strangest extraordinary extraterrestrial formations encountered, existing there for centuries, in dormant states, trapped in reality.

Workmen constructing a new section of the London underground near London Bridge during the Second World War uncover a large underground cavity and a workman discovers an ancient map on a tattered piece of parchment inside, which he believes leads to lost treasure.
He hires a detective agency to search for it, before the railway company starts filling in the cavity to complete the railway line, and while they do they investigate sightings of ghostly formations and a killer Santa, and they bring in archaeologists to excavate the cavity and find the remains of an underground Roman burial site.
Leading archeologists are brought in to excavate the site and discover why it is buried away there, so deep beneath the ground, and start digging up what they believe are unknown prehistoric creatures, but soon find they are far more, and they find strange unknown species of life forms, frozen in strange states, as though frozen in ice.
They are far more different than anything they have encountered, and could not have survived on this world, and are some form of mutants, and have a strange energy current running through them, from an unknown source, preserving them.
Scientists unsuccessfully scan below the ground, searching for what is below, but while using a new form of the scanning technology they uncover things that never showed up on the original scans, and realize something below is stopping them from seeing what is there.
Something strange is buried deep below, hundreds of feet below, at least thousands of years old, and a blurred image of it is detected, and after examinations of it they grasp its immense size.
Eventually a tunnel is located, of Roman origins, going straight down towards it!
Deep underground they make contact with an immense celestial formation, five miles in size, under central London, and discover the truth, and of its entrance to the universe, and mankind being created by it, knowing mankind would someday advance and discover it.

Release dateJul 20, 2016
The Alien Artifact 9

V Bertolaccini

A 21st century publisher/author famous for his unique classic mind-bending beyond space and time, alien artifact, and exploration themed science fiction, who did his first mind-boggling science fiction classic From Beyond Space and Time in 1998, who likes and writes 21st century potential blockbusters, headline action thrillers, high quality action-packed movie-style science fiction horror.

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    Book preview

    The Alien Artifact 9 - V Bertolaccini


    The Ancient Visitation

    McMurdo had encountered something beyond his comprehension, of a diabolical nature, and he shook, barely able to speak.

    Malone strained his eyes to see him, in the darkness of the newly dug underground train tunnel.

    He lit a match and saw the ancient cavity, which they had uncovered in the side of the train tunnel, which McMurdo had just climbed out.

    What did you see down there? Malone gasped, at what he had suggested existed.

    McMurdo had never seen anything like it and could not explain its existence and struggled to explain it and its strangeness grasped Malone’s imagination.

    Malone gasped and lit another match and watched the golden and white radiances loom over a shadowed region of the cavity, where there was a tunnel going deep beneath the ground, where McMurdo’s rope was hanging down, going down to the bottom, and for a moment he thought he saw it shift.

    What the hell is down there? Malone moaned.

    I saw something … he muttered. Something’s trapped down there somewhere …

    Malone stood frigid, and staggered at the danger, and he started to comprehend what they were up against, and had been missing.

    He wondered what the hell could be powerful enough to trap it, and if there was even anything in existence to free it!

    Its origins go beyond the human race, and has been dormant, waiting to be revived, and uncovered, and has remained undetected by their technology …

    He continued, Our methods of detection are created and function to discover normal things, and normal unidentified objects, and their investigations are futile …

    Malone stood frigid, realizing the mistake they had made and what the outcome of what was occurring could be, and by trying to handle something of its nature, which could destroy them.

    Some scientists found traces of it, which were kept confidential – and they unsuccessfully tried to locate and investigate it …

    Malone asked firmly, What made it come to this place, in the first place?

    There’s something here – which it came to investigate … If it was less dormant it might have been located by some means ... It is still powerful!

    Malone was amazed that he thought it could have a form of powerful presence, and believed it could be supernatural, and was sure he was destined to discover its existence, and full potential, and believed it could be buried away deep below, and under the cavity they unearthed below, and he believed he had been up to something when he discovered its existence.

    He was sure McMurdo had barely survived, and seemed to believe he could be killed in some hideous way!

    It was lucky Marple had not been able to get hold of the archaeologists to investigate his accounts of the lost treasure being there, and Roman map he had found, as they were working on another project, but Malone knew they soon would and that they could not do anything about it, and he thanked McMurdo for warning him.

    In the ground below his feet Malone was surprised to see an object, which he saw was a Roman coin, and he grabbed it and cleaned dirt away from it, in the dim light in the tunnel, and he entered further into the massive cavity in the side of the tunnel wall, and looked down into the large hole there, going deep below, and into the hideous cavity, and he wondered why the hell it was there, and why the railway company had not filled the hole in, but he knew they would once they had completed the rest of the railway line ahead, and what was there would be buried away for future explorers to uncover.

    Suddenly he recalled the incident he had investigated at Battlefield Road, and after all the observations, research, and by leading scientists, the scientists admitted that the thing found in the woman’s house they investigated had unknown origins, mainly by its appearance and tremendous unknown powers. Although they still had a lot of work and investigations to carry out, and had found little, and they were trying to keep it confidential.

    We’ll have to investigate it! McMurdo warned. The future of everything could be at stake …

    We should investigate it! Malone agreed, recalling a newspaper article. There may soon be many more constructions being built around here! They’re building many more constructions … We have to get anything we can on it – and as much information on it and its origins …

    There’s little! That’s been found! It’s mainly in ancient lost legends, which show its hideous features – and of the devil …

    Malone was left confused, at what he really had discovered, and stated, If it has a physical presence we could discover something new about it – and it would be worthwhile to investigate!

    McMurdo gasped, in horror, still badly shaken from his confrontation with it, and replied, I never thought I would live to see it and survive!


    The Thing from Beyond Reality

    Gigantic eruptions blasted out everywhere, waking Malone from his sleep in horror, and he saw nothing but blinding light, and energy exploding everywhere, threatening to do damage to the physical universe, and he imagined space and time going out for light years, going across vast reaches of space.

    Their last conversations and actions before they had gone to sleep went through his mind as he tried to grasp what happened, and as he did his eyes altered to the unadulterated dazzling light, and he wondered where the hell the tunnel and cavity had gone, and he felt the ground beneath him, and he considered what could have happened, and looked about for his companion explorers, and saw their vague shapes further out.

    The vast powers surrounding him staggered him and he wondered how they could escape alive, as surely they were still underground somewhere, and he started searching everywhere he could see, and saw that the cave and cavity had vanished, and all about him he realized he was surrounded by strange energy formations, energy formation, and he watched its energy in vast complex formations doing strange things, and some regions altering to other formations, as though reforming, and he watched Marple and Oswald examining it.

    Away in the distance he saw a cavity wall, and he saw it going around them, which he measured at around four miles away, going across their front, and the roof a few hundred feet above.

    He realized if he was going to die that he was best being on his own, and having the others away at a distance, and he wondered if he would get what they were up against, and what they were actually investigating, and what had just happened.

    After a long time he realized it had a definite state, and had been in another state, and it was close to completion, and he was surprised to see they were actually at its edge, with Marple and Oswald at two different positions at his side, and he tried to realize what it was.

    It was a perfect energy formation of some sort, clearly of transcendent origins, and pulsated in the center of it, and the cavity, and he examined the rim of the cavity all round him and saw that it held, and never looked as though it would collapse.

    He sensed something would happen and he saw it happen and an immense whirlpool of energy lines magically shifting around it, and he studied it for a long time fascinated and realized that it had no proper presence in the universe and was some form of force formation, perhaps going through many dimensions, and he saw signs of a vortex within it, and its energy patterns.

    He realized the black boulder that had been blocking the cavity had been its edge, and subconscious region, in the dormant formation it had taken, and it had not actually been solid, and made of matter, and it had mixed rock atoms within it and over its edge to conceal itself, as a black rock formation, within rock, which stretched out for nearly four miles, under central London, and the tunnel and cavity had been built in front of it, which he looked about behind him for and discovered, in the surrounding cavity wall.

    He realized that he had seen it as a rock formation and a vague line in the last scan the scientists had taken in the cavity above, and that they had described it as something else.

    He realized they had activated it, and revived it, and he sensed its communications, and he gasped at the vast complexity of it, and it was exchanging information, and suddenly he realized it was in communication with the thing they had discovered under the building at Battlefield Road, which was now in the basement of the museum, and he realized it had been part of it, and the lost section of it, which it used for exploration, and it had been unable to leave the universe without it, and it had put part of itself in him, and it had him locate it under London, and he realized that it had been trapped on the Earth.

    Its subconscious, created to protect and awaken it, had created the Santa formation, and other formations, and Malone realized it had been activated again by McMurdo in the cavity at the underground railway line, and had scared him away.

    In the past it had attempted to get what it needed and had people build tunnels, and it had created tunnels and cavities, and many had later been hidden or destroyed.

    It had a way to leave the universe to where it had come from, but it had never been able to go through with it, and he staggered at its sheer power and forces, and magnitude, and realized it could have even created humans to achieve its goal, from other species, in Europe.

    It originally had been unable to even define what existed in this universe, and its first attempts at making and altering species were left in the cavity McMurdo uncovered, in suspended states, and many had been found on other worlds, in the depths of the universe, and it determined humans would progress far enough to give it what it wanted, to complete its mission, and its subconscious state helped humans progress.

    It detected humans creating plutonium atomic bombs and had realized they had enough power for it to leave the universe!

    Malone recalled two of the scientists secretively talking about the atomic bombs, and the sheer magnitude of them, and he recalled the army mention there had been a break in at their secret military bases, and something being taken.

    Everything around him seemed to explode with energy and alter, reviving it, putting life back into it, and it pulsated furiously with more energy than it had since it arrived, and arrived on this desolate world, with its strange existence.

    It completed its mission, and he felt energy blast through him, and everything transformed, and it vanished, leaving emptiness, blackness, and he saw Marple and Oswald turn on their lights, and they stood mystified in the massive empty cavity.

    Malone looked for the tunnel and where they had been, where the small cavity they slept in had been, and saw it, and marched over to it.

    When he reached it, and was about to enter the tunnel, with Marple and Oswald behind him, he spotted something strange hidden in the darkness at his side, and after close examinations he realized it was large black wooden chests, heaped in a pile on top of one another, and he rushed over and crouched down in front of them, and held one, which was partly open.

    He watched something shine in its dark interior, as Marple and Oswald approached, and their torches shone from it, and he saw them looking startled, coming to a halt, and looking about their front, more astonished than he had seen them, with them trying to control themselves, and he knew it was the real treasure, and it belonged to them this time!

    The treasure room had been buried away behind part of the cavity wall, and he recalled seeing a boulder over where the entrance must have been, at the bottom of the wall.

    Most of it belonged to ancient kings, who bestowed the treasures to it, and he knew it when he threw open the chest lid, and found colossal royal crowns and jewelry, and where he had seen the shine there was an ancient gold Roman cup, embedded with large diamonds, and he watched the torches directly shine on it, and its gold radiance explode out, with bright white sparkles.

    Part I

    The Ancient Discovery

    Chapter 1

    Reality Investigations

    At the time Malone never suspected in his wildest fantasies what would occur, and the discovery of the lost historical treasure.

    Marple had investigators in all major worldwide cities and was one of the best investigators he had encountered, who was known to him for many years, before he arrived, and became his assistant chief investigator.

    Marple handled cases other detective agencies never, especially at that time, as the Second World War began.

    Reality Investigations headquarters, at the time, was beside the river Clyde, and Marple arrived to welcome him when he entered the building, and rushed him up to his office, and he was introduced, as Malone, the news reporter, to the other investigators, and given a seat.

    Marple held a meeting with his investigators and discussed the onslaught of the war, and its deadliness, which had become apparent all across the world.

    At the end of the meeting Marple stopped in front of him with an envelope, and removed a small document from it and handed to Malone and he anxiously took it, and realized it was his first case, and realized there was virtually nothing about the case on the document, and little knowledge of anything, and Marple asked him to handle it, to see what he would come up with.

    Chapter 2

    The First Investigation

    All Malone was given was an elderly widow witnessed something in the night, while she went to bed, and there seemed to him to be no case to investigate and no crime committed.

    Nothing seemed to suggest anything, and he went to the client confused and repeatedly going over the document he was given, which consisted of nothing but a few paragraphs about a few lines she had given the agency, and he came to the conclusion that she might have stopped an attempted burglary and wanted him to secretively handle the problem.

    What could she have confronted at night in the hall of her ground floor tenement flat that could have caused her to seek such dramatic action?

    The location was in the south of the city, at Craigmillar Road in Langside, and when he entered the building he expected little. It was his first mission,

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