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Mariel's Marriage Mayhem
Mariel's Marriage Mayhem
Mariel's Marriage Mayhem
Ebook88 pages58 minutes

Mariel's Marriage Mayhem

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On the day of her wedding, feisty Mariel Crain discovers that her fiancé, Duane Davenport, has been carrying on an affair with best friend Melissa Meadows behind her back. All hell breaks loose at the church, as Mariel gives Duane and Melissa a piece of her mind, to mother Aretha’s delight, who never liked Duane.

Mariel is comforted by Duane’s best friend Damian Anders, the man who exposed his shenanigans. Wanting to seek revenge for Damian’s betrayal, the wily Duane concocts a plot involving Damian’s lifelong friend Sawyer Mandrell, but will this bring him closer to Mariel, or drive an even bigger wedge between them?

Release dateAug 6, 2016
Mariel's Marriage Mayhem

Marcia Carrington

Marcia Carrington writes about the human condition, exploring what makes people tick, but in an upbeat and optimistic tone. She writes in a variety of genres, mainly romance but also, comedy, suspense, crime, paranormal, mystery, YA and NA. Her collection of thirty-four books vary in length from full-length works to novellas, novelettes to short stories. Marcia's latest books are short story romance THE FUNERAL, released in September 2019, and venturing again into science fiction/paranormal territory with DREAM STATE, a novelette released in December 2019. Apart from writing and reading, Marcia also has a great love for coffee. The morning coffee has always been a staple for Marcia, and something which she cannot do without. There is just something about the fresh aroma of coffee early in the morning, and anytime for that fact, which proves irresistible to her. Marcia can be contacted on Twitter, and you can also visit her on her Blog at and on Pinterest.

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    Book preview

    Mariel's Marriage Mayhem - Marcia Carrington

    Mariel’s Marriage Mayhem

    Marcia Carrington

    Published by Marcia Carrington at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Marcia Carrington

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

    Credit for the cover image:

    (C) - Mariematata:

    Chapter One

    Honey, you look so beautiful, the perfect bride, Aretha said, as daughter Mariel looked on, tears in her eyes. If your father was here, he’d be so proud of you.

    Thanks mom, he’s here with us, I know it, Mariel said, as she dabbed her eyes with a delicate white handkerchief. With her other hand, Mariel stroked her sparkly silver locket which contained father Jeff’s photo, as Aretha’s eyes fell upon this, its filigree design giving her a warm sensation.

    I’m sure he’s watching, Aretha said, about to cry, but stopping herself. Aretha laughed, and shook her head.

    I’m sorry honey, but I didn’t want you to spoil your makeup, Aretha said, as Mariel chuckled.

    It’s okay mom, we’ve gotten this far, Mariel said, looking in the gold framed mirror, slowly fixing her eyeliner, which had run a little.

    Yes, I know, Aretha intoned, moving away from Mariel, and standing near the tulle veil, which was draped over a wingchair. Mariel saw Aretha twitch her mouth, and lick her lips.

    Oh mom, we’re not going to get into that again, are we? Mariel said, shaking her head. Aretha turned back to Mariel, her face neutral.

    Oh Mariel, I think you’re marrying the wrong man. Aretha sighed, and slapped one hand on the other. I don’t like Duane at all - there’s just something about him, something that’s not quite right. But with Damian, on the other hand…

    Mariel peered in the wide mirror, capturing her mother’s glance.

    But I love Duane, he’s become a part of me. Damian always has been, and always will be, my best friend, Mariel said, patting her hair with her hand.

    Aretha raised her eyebrows, puffing her lips.

    "I think it should be the other way around, except you should run Duane out of your life," Aretha said, with a naughty grimace.

    Mom! Mariel exclaimed, mouth falling open.

    I think he’s suffering from roving eye syndrome; I’ve seen how he acts when other woman are around, Aretha said, as Mariel sighed. He won’t be a good husband, as he won’t have eyes only for you, but, for every woman around. On the other hand, Damian… Aretha said, giggling naughtily. There was a knock on the door, as Mariel threw her mother an insolent look.

    Come in, Mariel said.

    The door gradually opened, and Damian’s head popped into the room.

    Damian! Mariel said, as he seemed tentative.

    Okay if I come in?

    Of course it is Damian, you’re always welcome - I’ll leave you with Mariel, Aretha said, winking at Damian, as she exited the room, and Mariel rolled her eyes. Once the door closed, Mariel gave him a pained expression.

    What is it? Damian said.

    Oh, nothing, mom’s just been having a joke at my expense, Mariel said, eyeing Damian carefully. He was wearing a white tuxedo, and looked so dapper and handsome, standing ruler straight as he always did. Mariel’s mind rehashed her mother’s words about Damian, but she shook her head to dismiss these.

    Your mom’s a wonderful lady, the best, Damian said, his white teeth glowing in the afternoon light from the large window opposite.

    Mariel squinted her eyes at him, fixing her diamond necklace which had moved slightly.

    Looks like you’re each other’s best cheerleaders; she raves about you, and you rave about her, Mariel said, raising her eyebrows.

    Well, it looks like it’s a generational thing - I get on well with the mother, but even better with her daughter, Damian said, placing his hand on Mariel’s white gloved hand. Mariel nervously laughed at him, as his blue eyes consumed hers, but she shyly looked away from him, Damian chuckling at this. Anyway, I’d better go, we have a wedding to attend to, Damian said, lightly leaving her hand.

    Yes, Mariel said quietly. See you soon.

    See ya, Damian said, giving her a small smile before bowing his head, and leaving the room. Mariel looked at the door after Damian exited; she knew once she married Duane today, things really would not be the same, and she would not see Damian as much as she always had in the past. Stroking the hand Damian had touched with her other hand, Mariel shook her head, inspecting herself in the mirror.

    In another part of the church, Duane Davenport was speaking with Mariel’s best friend Melissa Meadows, treating her to one of his steamy glances. She pouted at Duane, whose eyes traveled all over Melissa.

    Well, it looks like it’s over between us, Melissa said, eyes hooked to Duane’s.

    Duane moved closer to her, and shook his head.

    Doesn’t have to be. We’ve gotten away with this so far, we can find a way to continue what we’ve been doing. Mariel hasn’t suspected a thing, and probably never will, Duane said, placing his hand under Melissa’s chin. She rotated her head in discomfort, and moved away from him. What it is, Melissa?

    Melissa groaned, and shrugged her shoulders.

    I don’t think it’ll work; you’ll be with Mariel, and I’ll be all alone. I’ll have to resign myself to this, being the one on the side, Melissa said, as Duane wagged his finger at her.

    No honey, we can make this work - you’ll see, Duane said, as Melissa studied him intensely, Duane not twigging at her scrutiny.

    Damian was outside the door the entire time, and his mouth fell open.

    Oh my god, what have they been doing? How long has this been going on? Damian said, as he walked away from the room, and proceeded up the corridor. His heart was now heavy with the knowledge that Duane had been cheating on Mariel, and he hung his head.

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