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Accuracy or Defeat: In All Thy Getting , Get Understanding!
Accuracy or Defeat: In All Thy Getting , Get Understanding!
Accuracy or Defeat: In All Thy Getting , Get Understanding!
Ebook128 pages2 hours

Accuracy or Defeat: In All Thy Getting , Get Understanding!

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About this ebook

Accuracy or Defeat has taken over one and a half years to complete. Although the book is less than 100 pages, it is a filled with biblical truths of accuracy from extensive hours of study and research, revelation and prayer.

This book will cause inquiry and is a source of motivation to confirm biblically the contents of the book, which will promote scriptural understanding. True believers want to know the truth regardless of where it leads, concerning scripture and their God given destiny.
Release dateAug 8, 2016
Accuracy or Defeat: In All Thy Getting , Get Understanding!

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    Accuracy or Defeat - Kenneth Michael Jones


    Do you really know who you are?

    This chapter will deal with the creation of mankind, and Gods intention when he created him. I intend to show you through the scriptures, you have only scratched the surface of your very being, as one of Gods most calculated creations.

    When God had a discussion in Genesis with the word, the Lord God, and the Holy Spirit. They decided to make man in their image and after their likeness. They did it exactly in this order. Genesis 1:26. And God said, "let us make man in our Image, after our likeness. Now if you notice, there is a comma in that statement from God almighty himself, this comma in the text is to show the order of Gods intention, because God did make man exactly in that order; in his image first, and secondarily he made man after his likeness. Go with me as we dig into the text.

    In Genesis 1:27, the text says: So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Take note that verse 27 does mention man was created in Gods image, mission accomplished. However, what you do not yet see is the part about the likeness, and people of God this is not by mistake, because God must set up a few things with the image part of man first, before he deals with the likeness part of man.

    Notice in Genesis 1:28, God is giving the male and female instructions; there is no formed Man or Woman yet. God tells them to be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. You might be thinking ok brother Jones, we know all this, now what? To that I ask you to consider this. God created male and female in his image, but God still refers to both as Him (singular), God gave a set of instructions to them, now here is the kicker.

    God has not yet formed man out of the dust of the ground, so to whom could he be giving instructions too? Let us peel away the layers of mankind to find out.


    PHASE 1

    When we think of an image, we think picture, photo, reflection. Let me give you the definition of image. In the dictionary, there are several definitions of image, but they interchange between mental connotations and optical connotations.

    The very first definition says that an image is a mental picture of someone or something, produced by the imagination or memory. In Hebrew the word is (tsehlem) and it means something cut out, yet in phantom form, meaning currently non-visible. Now when we think about the bible as it talks about graven images or the imaginations of the heart, this gives us insight into what God means when he says image.

    When God says image, he is referring to imagination and cognitive attributes. Anything that is visibly tangible comes from the imagination first. Only when produced into tangible form does it become the likeness of that imagination. Stay with me, I will allow for more detail as we go along.

    In Genesis 1:27, God created male and female, they have his imagination, and God gave them instructions before he ever-formed man from the dust of the ground, according to Genesis 1:28.

    Think about this, if there is not yet a visible form, what does one multiply?

    I will tell you, one multiplies Gods imagination or mindset in the earth, one replenishes the earth with Gods imagination, one subdues the earth with Gods imagination, and one operates in dominion with Gods imagination. What do we know? We know that God intends to make man in his image and after his likeness, but thus far, we do not see likeness. We also know that God has given instructions to mankind, and thus far they are in the state of male and female (spirit), but God has not yet formed man and woman. You have the very imaginative mindset of God in your spirit man.


    PHASE 2

    When talking about likeness we need to establish a few things, the definition of likeness

    1) Resemblance (seen)

    2) Portrait (seen)

    3) An imitative appearance (seen)

    Notice that all the definitions of likeness denote visible attributes, but imagination does not have visible attributes unless it is, for lack of a better word or example, graven, as used biblically for made visible.

    God has already taken care of the first part of his plan, concerning the creation of mankind in his image. Now just as he stated in the scriptures, let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Note that the Hebrew word for after means, kind or species. Now he is about to carry out the part of his plan called after, and now form the likeness. When we think of God, we know that he is a spirit. In the physical man there are limitations, examples are, we only have two hands, two feet, etc….. At the same time, we know that God has no bounds, so how are we after his likeness?

    Let us think of our five senses. We know that God sees, he hears, he smells, and he tastes. We always refer to God and his hands moving, touching and reaching. These attributes make us like God in some of our abilities. God walked with Adam in the garden, and our praise is a sweet-smelling savor. If you are lukewarm, he will spew thee out of his mouth. God designed us just as he imagined, and we are a visible representation of Gods attributes. Our physical properties are extensions of these attributes. Furthermore, we are more like God in our physical properties and less limited, when we are one in mindset with (Gods imagination) and work together with one another like those at the tower of Babel, working as one unit. The difference being, motivated by the right intentions of course.

    Notice that just as the plants that God created had not yet grown, we too, had not yet grown so to speak, or been made visible until Genesis 2:6.

    There went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. Verse 7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul.

    The likeness part of Gods plan is now complete. The form that God has created from the dust of the ground has been completed, and is Gods Glory, (kabod – abundance, honor, splendor, wealth and bosom). Now that man has been created in Gods image and formed after his likeness, we need to be careful to observe the following events for further understanding of Gods plan. First notice, Genesis 2:8 says, and the Lord God planted a garden eastward of Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

    We must stop here because a crucial event is currently taking place; let us go back to Genesis 2:5, the last part of the paragraph says, For the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Here is where we see that man was formed to till the ground, not a serious revelation, right? Well, take note of following verses Genesis 2:8. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Genesis 2:15. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress and keep it.

    Wait! just a few verses earlier, did not we see that man was formed to till the ground?

    So why does God take him out of his intended element, away from his intended purpose (to till the ground,) and put him in a garden to dress and keep it?

    Before we go any further, let us get a couple of definitions, first we will see what it means to till. To cultivate land for the raising of crops, to cultivate. One definition is to prepare or work on land in order to raise crops. Another definition is to promote or improve the growth of (plant, crop etc.) by labor and attention. To till is hard work, to cultivate is labor- intensive work.

    Now to dress means to trim, ornament, adorn and to keep, to keep is to maintain, to hold or to have the use of for a period, to cause to continue in a given position, state, course or action. This does not sound as labor intensive. One more interesting note about this is in Young’s literal translation Genesis 2:15. And Jehovah God taketh the man, and causeth him to rest in the Garden of Eden to serve and keep. I ask you, is rest labor intensive? In young’s literal translation, the word serve is used for both till and dress. By the scriptures coupling dress it, and keep it, as it references events concerning the garden, and by using the words caused man to rest in the garden, this denotes that his assignment was less labor intensive in the garden, as opposed to tilling the ground in the earth. Right about now you might need a breath, if so, take this time to gather your thoughts, reflect, and move on, when you have grasped this concept. If you think it is complicated to understand, you should try explaining it.

    Now what have we established, we have established that man was formed to till the ground, yet he finds himself in the garden to dress and keep it. How can man fulfill his destiny to till the ground, if he is in a virtually self-sufficient garden? Could this mean that God only wanted man in the garden to set a few things in motion? I say yes and intend to show you why.

    For me to show that God intended for your image, which is the imagination of God, and your likeness,

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