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Carnal Hunger
Carnal Hunger
Carnal Hunger
Ebook338 pages6 hours

Carnal Hunger

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“Looks like you’ve been stood up.” Humor danced in his eyes.

I decided not to mention my connection to his club. “It’s not the first time,” I smiled back.

“Can we drop you off at the hospital?”

I was so tempted to say yes, anything to spend more time with this sexy hunk, but I knew that I wouldn’t. I was sure someone would come for me. “That’s very nice of you, but I’d better not.” As I declined I saw Dickie’s brother, Marvin, walking up the stairs, and with a sinking heart I knew that he’d come for me. Marvin had never been my favorite person. He was nice enough, but he tried too hard, and he always came on to me. He couldn’t seem to get it through his head that I wasn’t attracted to him.

Something in my face must have revealed how I felt.

“Are you sure about that, darlin’?”

His gaze moved back and forth between me and Marvin. He must have guessed that Marvin was my ride. I returned his grin with a sigh of resignation. “He’s harmless.”

“But you don’t like him.”

“Very intuitive,” I commented with surprise. “I’d better watch my expressions from now on or they’ll get me into trouble.”

Without warning he wrapped a large hand around the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I caught my breath, my hands automatically landing on his chest. “Maybe this will help him get the message, yeah?” I didn’t think he’d really kiss me until he was doing it.

I swooned against him like a smitten teenager kissing her favorite rock star. It had been years since I’d been kissed like this, so long that it felt like my first kiss, and let me tell you, the man knew how to kiss. It was no soft, sweet, brushing of our lips, either. There was nothing shy about him. He crushed my mouth beneath his in a rough claiming that left no doubt to anyone observing that I was his. Well, at least for that moment. I should have gotten angry at his highhandedness, but it was all I could do to grip the front of his jacket to keep from sinking to the floor.

My white cotton panties were instantly wet and I was burning up inside, sure that everyone there knew exactly how I was feeling at that moment. A fireball of need uncurled deep in my belly as he continued to work his masterful mouth against mine, being as bold as to force mine open for his probing tongue.




Desire thrummed through me as if someone had shot me up with a powerful aphrodisiac, and the moan I let loose sounded like a canon blast going off. I’d never felt anything like it. He was fucking my mouth, there was no other explanation, working his tongue in and out, and that’s when I felt his erection against my belly. Sweet Jesus he was going to have to pick me up off the floor if he didn’t release me soon. His low growl vibrated through me, adding to the sweet intensity.

Holy-fucking-smokes! When he finally pulled back it wasn’t far enough. Our breaths collided, warm and erratic. I knew that I was shaking badly. His eyes stayed glued to mine for what seemed like a hundred years, intensifying the electricity of the unexpected kiss. Hell, it had been more than just a kiss. The man had touched my soul. If it hadn’t been for the clearing of someone’s throat I might have remained against him until the end of time.

I don’t know how I managed it but I stepped back, shaken, and certain that my face was as red-hot as I felt. He appeared unaffected though, his expression stretched taut over his square jawbone. Yet I knew that he was affected. His hard-on was unmistakable, and his eyes were glazed with dark passion, and something else that I couldn’t quite identify.


PublisherTory Richards
Release dateAug 25, 2016
Carnal Hunger

Tory Richards

Tory Richards is a fun-loving grandma who writes smut with a plot. Born in 1955 in the small town of Milo, Maine, she's lived most of her life in Florida where she went to school,  married and raised a daughter. Penning stories by hand at ten, and then on manual typewriter at the age of thirteen, Tory was a closet writer until the encouragement of her family prompted her into submitting to a publisher. She's been published since 2005, and has since retired from Disney to focus on family, friends, traveling, and writing. 

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    Carnal Hunger - Tory Richards

    Carnal Hunger


    Tory Richards

    Copyright © 2024 Tory Richards Audio Edition

    Copyright © 2020 Tory Richards Print Edition

    Copyright © 2016 Tory Richards eBook edition

    All Rights Reserved.

    Published by Tory Richards

    Tory Richards:


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Editor: Alisha Corsi

    Chapter 1


    ‘Come home.’ Those two little words played over and over in my mind, as I sat back in my assigned seat and closed my eyes. No explanations. No other comment. Nothing else was necessary. Just two little words that said so damned much. ‘Come home.’ I could still hear the tired, teary, resigned tone uttered less than two hours ago that had caused me to drop everything, pack a small bag, and head to the airport.

    I’d been lucky to get a seat on such short notice.

    Not for the first time I fought back tears. Somehow keeping my eyes closed, forcing myself to breathe in slowly and deeply, and ignoring everything going on around me would get me through the three-hour flight to Bangor. It had to, because nothing else was unacceptable. I had to make it home in time. I would make it home in time. I’d convinced myself that this was all a terrible mistake and that it would be okay, but I knew in my heart that it wasn’t going to be.

    This time there’d been something different in Penny’s weepy tone, a kind of final acceptance that the clock was running out, if it hadn’t already. We’d all been expecting it, Dickie had put up a good fight and he’d lasted far longer than the doctors had predicted, but the advanced stages of his cancer, along with the harsh treatments from radiation and chemo that hadn’t been able to do enough to help him, had taken a toll. He’d always been a fighter, but he was tired and had told me the last time I was home that he was ready to go.

    I hadn’t told Penny what he’d said. It would have crushed her to know that he felt that way. She’d been a rock during Dickie’s illness, had taken care of him and stayed optimistic, and had encouraged him to stay strong and fight. Had she known that her husband and love of her life of twenty years had given up, it would have devastated her. Knowing my sister, she wouldn’t have been able to cope with that news. That made me wonder if that was the reason that Dickie had told me that.

    He’d wanted someone to know, and since I was Penny’s sister it made sense that he’d confess how he felt to me. I remember telling him at the time that it was okay to feel the way he did, it was natural, but it wasn’t until I’d told him that it was okay to let go that the look of intense relief had come over Dickie’s face, as if he’d needed to hear those words from someone. I loved my brother-in-law, but it was hard seeing him suffer so much, and know that Penny was suffering just as deeply.

    Had he decided to let go? I didn’t even want to think about what that would mean right now. One day at a time, that was all I could handle. Penny would need me, and I would be there for her as long as she did. I’d even considered moving back home when we’d first found out about Dickie and was still considering it.

    Finally, the pilot’s voice came over the intercom instructing passengers to prepare for landing. Thank God. I made sure that my seat belt was fastened, wondering who was meeting me to take me to the hospital. I could always call a cab, but I knew that Penny would have sent someone for me. Once the plane had come to a complete stop everyone left their seats and began to search in the overhead compartments for their belongings. I strained to reach for my small bag, which had somehow been crammed in the back.

    Here, let me.

    I didn’t have time to respond before an arm reached over my head and a large hand grasped the handle to my red carry-on. It was good and jammed beneath other bags, but with one sharp jerk the man managed to dislodge it and pull it free. I turned slightly to thank him, having to look a long way up to meet his serious brown eyes.

    Thank you so much. The words were difficult to get out, as the stranger’s overwhelming presence took my breath away. He was tall, at least six four or five, and he was built like a tank. Solid, muscular, powerful all came to mind. His age, which I guessed to be somewhere around forty, hadn’t done anything to distinguish his rough, manly good looks. If anything the salt and pepper gray of his short hair, and the day old whiskers covering his square jaw, only made him more appealing, sexier.

    My pleasure.

    Holy crap, his voice had a sandpaper quality to it that made me think of early mornings and whisky-laced coffee. Was he a smoker? I couldn’t smell it on him, but I couldn’t rule it out because who in the hell gets a sexy, smoky voice like his without a little help? I inhaled again without being obvious. Nope. All I got was the light, citrusy scent of his aftershave.

    I was suddenly wishing that I was prettier. I’d always considered myself a plain- Jane type, with nothing unique or spectacular about me. Unlike my bright, blue-eyed, blonde-haired sister who was three inches taller than me, I was the opposite with brown eyes and hair, though it was highlighted with blonde now and styled in soft layers that hung to my shoulders. The new do had been a present from a friend on my thirty-third birthday. My shorter five-foot four-inch height gave me fuller curves that I didn’t always appreciate.

    I swung away from him when I realized that I couldn’t just stand there and stare at him all day. He appeared to be traveling alone, but I doubted that a man with his charisma and hot looks was ever alone. As we shuffled slowly down the aisle toward the exit, I was aware of him directly behind me. I could feel the heat coming off his large body, and an occasional light touch that seemed to be done purposefully, as though to remind me that he was there. A little smile curved my lips upward when I envisioned leaning back into him on purpose, or perhaps dropping something so I’d have to bend to pick it up.

    I berated myself for my silly thoughts, remembering the reason I was there. Thinking about my dormant libido and fueling it with thoughts of the hunk behind me was sick. Once we stepped off the plane we’d go our separate ways, and reality would slap me in the face again. Reality was always there to throw chaos into your life when you least expected it, and you either dealt with it or you let it walk all over you.

    What was taking so long? The line had stopped moving and I peered around the people in front of me to try and see what the hold-up was. There was no point in even trying, though, because everyone in front of me was doing the same thing, blocking my view. I settled back with a resigned sigh.

    There’s a disabled person up ahead, they’re getting him settled into a wheelchair, explained the man behind me. My eyes grew large when I realized that he must have bent to my ear, because his warm breath was right in it.

    A little shiver ran down my spine. I smiled back at him. Thanks. The benefits of being tall, I quipped.

    There are benefits of being short and cute, too.

    I laughed, while his words warmed me on the inside. I haven’t been cute in a long time but thank you anyway.

    Are you from Maine?

    I nodded. I was born here, but I live in Georgia now. I’m home because of an illness in the family.

    I’m sorry to hear that. He sounded sincere.

    What about you? Just visiting? I didn’t see anything wrong with making a little conversation since we weren’t moving.

    His eyes turned thoughtful, his expression somber, and that told me that he was considering his answer. If he had to think about it then chances were that it wasn’t going to be the truth. Either that or he was used to being careful of how much he divulged to strangers, even short, cute ones. That thought made me wonder what he did for a living. In the next instant I brushed the thought aside, because it really wasn’t any of my business.

    It’s not that hard of a question, I joked, beginning to turn back around when a hand on my arm prevented me. Our eyes met.

    Born and raised in Brewer.

    I’m on my way to Eastern Maine Medical Center. It was in Brewer, and it had been a blessing that Penny and Dickie lived close to it.

    Small world.

    You, too? He nodded. Well, maybe we’ll run into each other again. The line was finally moving again, and I turned to follow.

    It’s a small town, darlin’, I’m sure we will.

    I liked how he said ‘darlin,’ but I didn’t acknowledge his statement. Brewer was smaller than most towns, but I doubted that we’d run into each other. He said he’d been raised there, and since he was here now I took that to mean that he’d probably lived his whole life there. I’d been gone the last fifteen years, but before that our paths had never crossed, nor had they the few times when I’d come back for a visit.

    Bangor was a small airport compared to some; in fact, it hadn’t changed much in all the years I’d been flying in and out of it. When I exited the jetway and entered the small waiting area I didn’t see anyone I recognized. I guessed they could either be in the tiny gift shop or restroom, or even downstairs in the ticket and luggage area. I decided to wait where I was for a few minutes, sitting in one of the seats against the windowed wall.

    It gave me the chance to observe the man who’d been behind me. He wasn’t pulling a travel bag. Instead, he had a huge duffel bag with the strap slung over his shoulder, and I noticed that he moved like a much younger man. As he continued away from me I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that we hadn’t at least exchanged names. There was a small group of people waiting for him, but I was so caught up in admiring his tight butt that it took me a minute to realize that his friends were bikers.

    Huh, coincidence? Dickie was in a biker club. Well, he had been until recently.

    The four men who greeted him looked almost identical in jeans, black t-shirts, biker boots, and leather cuts which were sporting various patches. The logos on the backs of their cuts identified their club as Mad Dogs MC, the same one that was on the back of his jacket. He was a biker? It took me a stunned minute to comprehend what I was seeing, because Mad Dogs MC was Dickie’s club, too.

    I didn’t know much about Dickie’s MC, but I did know that they weren’t what were referred to as weekend warriors—they appeared hard and dangerous--and you could tell that just from the way they carried themselves. These men looked tough, fit, and menacing together in their tight little circle. They were modern-day warriors ready for anything.

    From the way they were conversing I knew that they didn’t want anyone overhearing their conversation. As I stared at them with curiosity, one of them noticed me and said something low to the man who’d gotten off the plane with me. He turned, smiled when he saw it was me, and began to walk toward me.

    Looks like you’ve been stood up. Humor danced in his eyes.

    I decided not to mention my connection to his club. It’s not the first time, I smiled back.

    Can we drop you off at the hospital?

    I was so tempted to say yes, anything to spend more time with this sexy hunk, but I knew that I wouldn’t. I was sure someone would come for me. That’s very nice of you, but I’d better not. It was then that I saw Dickie’s brother Marvin walking up the stairs, and with a sinking heart I knew that he’d come for me. Marvin had never been my favorite person. He was nice enough, but he tried too hard, and he always came on to me. He couldn’t seem to get it through his head that I wasn’t attracted to him.

    Something in my face must have shown how I felt.

    Are you sure about that, darlin’?

    His gaze moved back and forth between me and Marvin. He must have guessed that Marvin was my ride. I returned his grin with a sigh of resignation. He’s harmless.

    But you don’t like him.

    Very intuitive, I commented with surprise. I’d better watch my expressions from now on, or they’ll get me into trouble.

    Without warning he wrapped a large hand around the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I caught my breath, my hands automatically landing on his chest. Maybe this will help him get the message, yeah? I didn’t think he’d really kiss me until he was doing it.

    I swooned against him like a smitten teenager kissing her favorite rock star. It had been years since I’d been kissed like that, so long that it felt like my first kiss, and let me tell you, the man knew how to kiss. It was no soft, sweet, brushing of our lips, either. There was nothing shy about him. He crushed my mouth beneath his in a rough claiming that left no doubt to anyone observing us that I was his. Well, at least for that moment. I should have gotten angry at his highhandedness, but it was all I could do to grip the front of his jacket to keep from sinking to the floor.

    My white cotton panties were instantly wet, and I was burning up inside, sure that everyone there knew how I was feeling at that moment. A fireball uncurled in my belly as he continued to work his masterful mouth against mine, being so bold as to force my mouth open for his probing tongue.




    Desire thrummed through me as if someone had shot me up with a powerful aphrodisiac, and the moan I let loose sounded like a canon blast going off. I’d never felt anything like it. He was fucking my mouth, there was no other explanation for it, working his tongue in and out like a cock, and that’s when I felt his erection against my belly. Sweet Jesus, he was going to have to pick me up off the floor if he didn’t release me soon. His low growl vibrated through me, adding to the intensity.

    Holy fucking smokes! When he finally pulled back it wasn’t far enough. Our breaths collided, warm and erratic. I knew that I was shaking badly. His eyes stayed glued to mine for what seemed like a hundred years, intensifying the electricity of the unexpected kiss. Hell, it had been more than just a kiss. The man had touched my soul. If it hadn’t been for the clearing of someone’s throat I might have remained against him until the end of time.

    I don’t know how I managed it but I stepped back, shaken, and certain that my face was as red-hot as I felt. He appeared unaffected though, his expression stretched taut over his square jawbone. Yet I knew that he was affected. His hard-on was unmistakable, and his eyes were glazed with dark passion and something else that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Satisfaction? Before I could dissect that thought, Marvin cleared his throat a second time. He sounded impatient, and a little taken aback. I didn’t care.

    I turned reluctantly. Marvin was directly behind me, and he was standing there with a twisted look on his less than friendly face. His gaze barely acknowledged me. No, his disgusted look was directed to the man who’d rocked my world.

    Well, it didn’t take you long to hook your dirty claws into a helpless woman, Marvin accused with a scowl.

    Helpless woman? My jaw dropped; because there was no doubt that he was talking about me. His comment was meant for the man who’d just thoroughly ravished my mouth and was the cause of my wet panties. I glanced between him and Marvin. They were glaring at each other with an undisguised dislike of one another. In fact, it was so tangible that I could feel the vibes from it.

    You two know each other? I asked stupidly. Of course they did! Marvin wasn’t in Dickie’s club, but being his brother, he would know the men Dickie associated with.

    Unfortunately, said the Mad Dog hunk.

    Suspicions began to form in my head as to the reasons this stranger had kissed me so passionately in front of Marvin. It was clear that they didn’t like each other. Had he thought it would make Marvin jealous to see him kissing me? I looked beyond Mad Dog--I’d decided that was his name--to his friends, who were standing there with smirks on their whiskered faces. Disappointed that I’d probably just been used, I grabbed the handle to my bag and took off, not caring if Marvin followed me or not.

    The way I was feeling in that moment, I would get a cab.

    Chapter 2


    It turned out that Dickie was home, after having convinced Penny that that’s where he wanted—needed—to be. He didn’t want to die in some sterile, cold, hospital room, and she had never been able to deny him anything. He wanted his family and friends around him, to be able to come and go as they pleased, and not at the convenience of nurses, doctors, and set rules and times. I didn’t find that news surprising, knowing my brother-in-law and the way that he’d lived most of his life. It had always been his way, so it was only natural that he’d die his way, too.

    Going to Penny and Dickie’s house rather than the hospital meant a much shorter ride for me, which I was thankful for. I let Marvin rattle on, only half-listening to him. I was sure that Penny put up with him for the same reason that I did, because of Dickie. It wasn’t his fault that he had a jerk for a brother, he was still family, and like a lot of small towns family meant something.

    Finally, we turned down the unpaved road leading to Penny and Dickie’s house. The quiet countryside was a nice change, and I noticed a couple of new homes that were being built along the way. Penny and Dickie’s house was located at the end of a dead-end road, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the new houses belonged to club members.

    The motorcycle club Dickie belonged to had purchased a ton of land in the area years ago and had promptly started building houses. They were beautiful country houses and log cabins, each situated on several acres of land that were secluded by birch and maple trees. The driveways to these homes were up to a mile long, winding into the woods and protected by high-tech security systems. I didn’t know what the Mad Dogs did, and according to Penny I didn’t want to, but it was apparent that they were successful at it.

    Dickie had made sure that her knowledge was very limited, stating club rules, or some crap like that. Personally, I couldn’t live like that, not knowing what my spouse did to bring home money—and a lot of it, too, it seemed. We both knew that his club and the people he associated with were involved in illegal activity, or, at the very least, shady activity. Yet the club also did good things for Brewer’s economy by donating big money to the town every year for improvements. Penny had confessed once that having a positive impact on the town’s economy worked in their favor during the few times of club trouble. I always wondered what kind of trouble that was.

    I supposed that it was a case of you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, along with the old cliché that what we didn’t know wouldn’t hurt us. I’d learned over the years not to ask Dickie too many questions, and on the rare occasions that I’d come home for vacation; he’d made sure that the members had stayed away. All club business had been kept to the clubhouse, which I’d never been invited to, either. To say that Dickie had protected Penny and me was an understatement. In fact, it was well known that the club members were all very protective of their families.

    I smiled when a glimpse of their two-story brick house came into view. Since it was summertime, everything was lush and green and full of life. The trees close to the house had grown a lot over the years, thick branches covered in leaves of various shades of green, adding privacy as they fanned outward. I had helped Penny plant the hydrangea bushes at the front of the house one summer, and the vibrant colors of blue and purple added nice color to all the green.

    I could just make out a trail of smoke coming from the back of the house and wondered if someone was grilling. As we drew closer, I caught the whiff of the familiar scent of barbeque. As we circled the drive to the back of the house, my gaze took in the half dozen or so motorcycles that were parked in the gravel leading up to the open deck.

    First glance told me that Dickie’s life was about to collide with mine. I’d never met any of the club members before and had only caught glimpses of them on occasion when I was in town, or if they’d come to the house for something. They’d never stayed though, and if they had come inside Dickie had always rushed them right into his man-cave. Penny and I would share a glance, she would shrug, and we’d go back to whatever we’d been doing.

    Now, with him being so sick, the circumstances had obviously changed. It would be unnatural for me not to run into the members of his club. Penny had told me that he’d recently stepped down as the club president, handing the reins over to his VP, who’d just been released from prison. Prison! I couldn’t get over that, but who was I to judge?

    Marvin pulled his truck next to the row of bikes and cut the engine. Swallowing down my dislike of him, I turned and smiled. Thank you for picking me up at the airport.

    Anytime, gorgeous, I’m just glad you made it home, for Penny’s sake.

    As if he cared for Penny. I met his brown eyes, and, as always, there was an interest there that I didn’t reciprocate. He wasn’t a bad looking man. I knew that he was a couple of years younger than Dickie, which put him at fifty-four. I guessed his height to be somewhere around five-foot ten because I was five-foot eight, and he was built like someone who might box or lift weights in competition. Not overly muscled, just powerful and solid-looking.

    I came home for Dickie, too, I murmured, turning away and reaching for my door handle before he could touch me. I exited the vehicle and walked around to his side to retrieve my bag, which was in the bed of the truck behind the driver’s side.

    Marvin beat me to it. I got it. I went to take it away from him, but he pulled it out of my reach. I’m glad you’re here, too, doll. You don’t come home often enough.

    I rolled my eyes as I walked past him. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to stop trying so hard to be nice. I didn’t find his charm sincere either. He’d always struck me as being the type of man who, once he got what he wanted from a woman, he was done with her. I knew that wasn’t being fair to Marvin, but he’d always creeped me out, and I tried not to be alone with him.

    Well, look who’s here. The gravelly welcome came from Dickie. He was resting in a lounge chair, looking frailer than I’d been expecting. His once large bulk was nothing but skin and bones. He was bald now, thanks to the chemo and radiation, his color pale and unhealthy. Even the sparkle that had always been evident in his blue eyes seemed to have dimmed. My heart cried for the once-virile bad boy.

    I returned his smile; my gaze meeting Penny’s long enough for me to see the mixed emotions swimming in hers. She got up from where she’d been perched next to Dickie, a welcoming sigh escaping her as she made her way to me.

    God, I’m so glad you’re here, she said, squeezing me tightly.

    Someone whistled, drawing our attention away from each other. Fuck, Prez, you been keeping this pretty little girl hidden from us?

    I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. I hadn’t been referred to as a girl in a long time. The man talking looked to be about sixty and was sitting at a picnic table with a few others who were dressed in the same way that he was. They were an odd-looking bunch of mixed ages, long hair, bald-headed, pierced, and tattooed-up bikers. One even had a Mohawk. All were drinking and some were smoking, and the aroma lingering in the air told me that it wasn’t just cigarettes.

    My good looks got her all tongue-tied inside, the grizzled man continued, giving me a wink while producing laughter from his friends.

    Behave yourself, Odie, Dickie grumbled, shooting Odie a warning glance. Iris is family. This is Penny’s baby sister.

    Odie’s eyes grew round, as did those of a couple of the other men who were sitting at the table. Obviously this was the first time they were hearing that Penny had a sister. I smiled in the face of their surprise, letting my gaze run over the small group. Odie was clearly the oldest one there. The others were in their thirties, maybe early forties. Hi, boys.

    Sister! someone barked. Long lost?

    Where you been all these years? another asked.

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