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A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten
A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten
A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten
Ebook51 pages29 minutes

A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten

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About this ebook

Female entrepreneurs, also known as women entrepreneurs, encompass approximately 1/3 of all entrepreneurs worldwide. Before the 20th century, women operated businesses as a way of supplementing income. In many cases, they were trying to avoid poverty or were replacing the income from the loss of a spouse. At that time, the ventures that these women undertook were not thought of as entrepreneurial. Many of them had to bow to their domestic responsibilities. The term entrepreneur is used to describe individuals who have ideas for products, and/or services that they turn into a working business. In earlier times, this term was reserved for men. This ebook consists of ten female entrepreneurs. The book is part ten in a series. The female entrepreneurs are: Alicia Koplowitz, 7th Marquise of Bellavista, Amy Wyss, Elaine Wynn, Josephine Louis, Liu Xiaomeng, Madeleine Schickedanz, Marianne Cargill Liebmann, Wilma Tisch, Winnie Johnson-Marquart and Wu Yajun.

Release dateAug 6, 2016
A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten

Thomas J. Strang

Tom is semi-retired from the accounting profession where he worked for 30 years as a bookkooper, auditor, accounting manager and assistant controller. He currently operates his own accounting, bookkeeping and tax service. He is currently married to Jennifer. He has 2 children Michael and Gracie. Michael is a computer technician and Gracie is a dental assistant. He has always loved books and collecting quotes for many, many years. He tries to live by them since they provide motivation and inspiration.

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    A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten - Thomas J. Strang


    A Biography Of Ten Of The Wealthiest Female Entrepreneurs Part Ten

    Thomas J. Strang

    Published by Thomas J. Strang at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Thomas J. Strang

    ****Smashwords Edition, License Notes****

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    In this edition, I thought it would be appropriate to include a biography. I have always loved quotations and have tried to live by them. This, of course, includes The Bible as well. We live in a world where so many bad things happen, I would prefer to uplift people rather than tear them down Anyway, I am a veteran of the accounting and computer professions. My father told me to enter it many years ago and you will never be out of work. He was right! He also said, the U.S. economy is rapidly becoming a service economy where products will be made somewhere else. This was a man with a 6th grade education who worked for United States Steel Corporation for 42 years. He was an auto mechanic, plumber and carpenter. He could handle just about anything mechanical. Well, after 30 years in the profession’s I decided to open my own practice. Sounds easy! Just remember, you have to be willing to work 80 hours a week for yourself so you won’t have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. I have been married for 15 years to Jennifer. We have 2 children, Michael and Gracie. Michael is a computer technician and Gracie is a dentist assistant. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to help the poor. This will help people get back on their feet again. More to follow.

    Enjoy and God Bless.



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