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Interagency Cooperation
Interagency Cooperation
Interagency Cooperation
Ebook29 pages26 minutes

Interagency Cooperation

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The early morning phone call was disturbing enough. Two murders in the mercantile downtown and it looked like some freaky kind of serial killer. But Tess's day really turns on its head when she receives unexpected help from the F.B.I.—Fairyland Border Investigations. Her killers aren't ordinary cultists or asylum escapees. They're worse, much worse. Insane redcap gnomes won't stop killing until the whole world is painted red in blood. Or until they're stopped by an elf agent and a detective with a little too much Irish in her background.

PublisherJaleta Clegg
Release dateAug 8, 2016
Interagency Cooperation

Jaleta Clegg

I love telling stories ranging from epic space opera to silly horror to anything in between. I've had numerous stories published in anthologies and magazines. Find all the details of my space opera series at http://www.altairanempire.comFor the latest updates on my stories, check out my webpage at http://www.jaletac.comMy current day job involves teaching kids to play the piano. I also love piecing quilts together, crocheting tiny animals, and watching lots of bad 80s movies.

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    Book preview

    Interagency Cooperation - Jaleta Clegg

    Interagency Cooperation

    Jaleta Clegg

    Dedicated to Kaki Olsen

    Copyright 2016

    Smashwords edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. It remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    Tess tucked her red hair behind her ear with a brusque gesture. She should have taken the time to braid it this morning, but the call came early, waking her out of a tangle of dreams. Double homicide downtown with some freaky strange details. She was glad she wasn't at the mercantile building dealing with guts strung across the ceilings like Christmas lights. No, she was out in the boonies serving a search warrant on a deserted farmhouse where the suspect's bloody car had turned up. By herself, at least until backup arrived. Roxy the dispatcher and Beavis the desk clerk were all she had. The department was stretched way too thin by this bizarre crime. Goose Creek wasn't the type of town that warranted much homicide time from its cops. Mac and Fred were both trying to make sense of the strange symbols painted with the victims' blood on the floors of the store. Nobody had a clue why the perp had included roses from the floral stand and a dismembered pineapple in the display. A single banana had been left like a bent exclamation point right in the center between the two mangled bodies.

    Tess eased the front door open. Police! she shouted as she swung her gun to cover all possible hiding spots in the entry. The old farmhouse creaked in the early morning sun. The furniture in the living room was old, worn, and covered with a fuzzy layer of dust, but somebody had been here recently, judging from the tracks across the wood floor. A lot of somebodies and not all of them human. The place reeked of fox, skunk, and a whole lot of rodents.


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