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Donald Trump's Birth Chart and Fall 2016 Horoscope
Donald Trump's Birth Chart and Fall 2016 Horoscope
Donald Trump's Birth Chart and Fall 2016 Horoscope
Ebook40 pages33 minutes

Donald Trump's Birth Chart and Fall 2016 Horoscope

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Donald J. Trump's natal birth chart shows the planetary influences that have shaped and continue to influence his personality. Includes a full horoscope reading for the months from July 2016 through November 2016. Find out what makes Trump tick!

PublisherMary Baker
Release dateAug 11, 2016
Donald Trump's Birth Chart and Fall 2016 Horoscope

Jasmina Johnson

Jasmina Johnson writes about astrology, fate, numerology and erotica. Her insights are used by multiple astrology websites and her individual transit reports have been called "eerily accurate".

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    Donald Trump's Birth Chart and Fall 2016 Horoscope - Jasmina Johnson

    Donald J. Trump’s Birth Chart

    and Fall 2016 Horoscope

    Assembled, compiled and edited by Jasmina Johnson

    ©Jasmina Johnson, July 2016

    All Rights Reserved


    Donald J. Trump’s Planetary Influences

    Donald J. Trump’s Birth Chart Interpretation

    Donald J. Trump’s Astrological Transits through November 2016


    The birth chart interpretation and astrological predictions that follow are written in the second person (you, yours), as if the report is being written for Donald Trump himself. I thought about writing it in the third person (he, his) but decided to leave it this way because it feels more personal. It gives us a glimpse of what it might be like to be inside Donald Trump’s skin.

    You may find it interesting to see that the positive and negative observations about Trump’s personality made by supporters and detractors are both true! We are all born with specific talents and challenges—and how mightily we succeed, or how grandly we fail, has a lot to do with how hard we work on each. We all love to be praised for our strengths, but it is very hard to recognize and work on our weaknesses.

    Please note that the birth chart and the transits do not predict how Donald Trump will act! Only he can take responsibility for the ever-shifting landscape of his lifepath and act accordingly.

    The influences in one’s astrological chart are just that—influences. These are the supporting vibrations or the conflicting pressures that he will experience at various times in his life. How he deals with those, positively or negatively, will depend on his self-awareness, habits built up over a lifetime, and even the lingering effects of childhood experiences.

    So take a moment to read through Donald Trump’s natal interpretation and future transits as if you were in his shoes, and let us all know how YOU would react to this information, and how you would deal with the challenges ahead.

    You can find me on Facebook at

    Until Election Day, I will be posting frequent astrological updates and alignments, and discussing how these influences come to bear on his daily activities in real time. I will also be posting updates on the campaign itself, which began on June 16, 2015 at 11:05 am Eastern in New York. Feel free to join in the discussions!

    Planetary Placements

    A word on the importance of the planets: many of us are familiar with the phrase, What’s your Sun Sign? But the other planets are of equal importance—every planet in your natal chart brings a unique vibration into your life experience, and is part of a total package.

    The Sun influences your outer personality, the part of you that most people see on a daily basis. However, the Moon affects your

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