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Beyond Evil
Beyond Evil
Beyond Evil
Ebook148 pages2 hours

Beyond Evil

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20 Shocking True Crime Stories of the world’s worst child killers, including;

Westley Allan Dodd: sickening pervert who tortured, stabbed and strangled three little boys to death.

Tsutomu Miyazaki: deeply disturbed Japanese serial killer who practiced cannibalism and necrophilia on his young victims.

Joseph Duncan III : paedophilic killer who wiped out an entire family to get to the object of his desire, an 8-year-old girl.

Erno Soto: a deadly phantom who preyed on the children of Harlem and went by the terrifying sobriquet “Charlie Chop-off.”

Jeanne Weber: the babysitter from Hell. Weber strangled to death 10 children left in her care.

Robert Black: a remorseless child killer who sexually assaulted and murdered at least three little girls and may have killed many more.

Gordon Stewart Northcott: axe murderer from the 1920’s who tortured, sexually abused and murdered young boys.

Marc Dutroux: kidnapped six young girls and held them as sex slaves, eventually killing two and allowing two to starve to death.

Marcelo Costa de Andrade: sex fiend and necrophile who targeted slum children in Rio de Janeiro, killing 14 in just eight months.

Arthur Gary Bishop: repulsive paedophile who murdered five young boys, drowning, bludgeoning and strangling them to death.

Plus 10 more horrific true crime cases….Scroll up and grab a copy.

PublisherRobert Keller
Release dateAug 18, 2016
Beyond Evil

Robert Keller

Bestselling true crime author Robert Keller first developed an interest in the subject when, as a teenager, he accidentally checked out a book from the library thinking it was a vampire novel. It was, in fact, the true story of British "vampire killer” John Haigh. Thus a lifelong fascination with true crime was born, launching a writing career than has produced more than fifty books over forty years. Mr. Keller’s works include the acclaimed Monsters series, an exploration into the lives and crimes of the world’s most deadly psychopaths.       Find out more at  

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    Beyond Evil - Robert Keller

    The lives and horrifying deeds of 20 depraved child killers, including:

    Westley Allan Dodd: sickening pervert who tortured, stabbed and strangled three young boys to death.

    Tsutomu Miyazaki: deeply disturbed Japanese serial killer who practiced cannibalism and necrophilia on his young victims.

    Robert Black: a remorseless child killer who sexually assaulted and murdered at least three little girls and may have killed many more. 

    Marc Dutroux: vile paedophile who kidnapped six young girls and held them as sex slaves, eventually killing two and allowing two to starve to death.

    Gordon Stewart Northcott: axe murderer from the 1920’s who tortured, sexually abused and murdered young boys. 

    Marcelo Costa de Andrade: sex fiend and necrophile who targeted slum children in Rio de Janeiro, killing 14 in just eight months. 

    Peter Woodcock: sadistic juvenile killer who sexually assaulted, strangled and mutilated three children in the 1950’s.

    Jeanne Weber: the babysitter from Hell. Weber strangled to death 10 children left in her care.

    Joseph Duncan III: paedophilic killer who wiped out an entire family to get to the object of his desire, an 8-year-old girl.

    Luis Garavito: considered by many experts to be the world’s most prolific serial killer, Garavito may have raped and killed as many as 300 young boys.

    John Straffen: sent to prison for the strangulation deaths of two adolescent girls, Straffen escaped to kill again.

    Clifford Olsen: a truly depraved killer who drugged and murdered at least 11 young victims, conducting sickening experiments on some of them.

    John Joubert: snatched three young boys off the street in broad daylight, then tortured and stabbed them to death.

    Ian Brady & Myra Hindley: sexually assaulted and murdered 5 children, recording their vile deeds with audiotape and photographs.

    Arnold Karl Sodeman: Australia’s Schoolgirl Strangler claimed four young victims, raping them and strangling them to death.

    Erno Soto: a deadly phantom who preyed on the children of Harlem and went by the terrifying sobriquet Charlie Chop-off.

    Raymond Morris: depraved child rapist and murderer who killed four young girls in Walsall, England in the 1960’s.

    Pedro Lopez: the Monster of the Andes accumulated a barely believable toll of 300 victims, all of them children.

    Leopold Dion: savagely tortured and murdered four young boys during a manic two-month killing spree in 1963.

    Arthur Gary Bishop: repulsive paedophile who murdered five young boys, snatching them from the streets before bludgeoning and strangling them to death.

    Westley Allan Dodd


    Like most serial killers, Westley Allan Dodd showed an interest in sex from an early age. He was just 13 years old when he began exposing himself to younger children, standing at an upstairs window at his home and flashing them as they walked by. That inevitably led to complaints being lodged with the police, but the result was little more than a reprimand. Unperturbed, Dodd took his show on the road. He began cruising the neighborhood on his bicycle, flashing any young kid he encountered. When the police again came knocking, Dodd's father agreed to have a father-son chat with the boy.

    Whether or not that conversation actually happened, it seems to have had little impact on young Westley. A year after the flashing incident, his parents divorced and he went to live with his father. At around this time, his deviant behavior escalated from flashing to sexual assault.

    At first, Dodd molested the children close to him. An 8-year-old cousin and her 6-year-old brother were first, then the children of a woman his father was dating. But Dodd soon cast a wider net. He began volunteering to babysit neighborhood kids. Later, he became a camp counselor. All the while, he tweaked and perfected his M.O. He learned, for example, that it was easy to manipulate children into inappropriate behaviors by posing those behaviors as a dare or a game. He played on the natural curiosity that children have, on their uncertainty and their desire to act grown-up. He also became an expert at concealing his crimes, using intimidation or convincing his young victims to keep the abuse a secret.

    Inevitably, though, some of the children did report him. By the age of 15, Dodd had already accumulated several arrests for inappropriate behavior with minors. Yet, amazingly, he was never prosecuted. In each case, the authorities decided on counseling rather than incarceration.

    By the age of 18, Dodd had already molested over 250 children. And his perverted lust was nowhere near to being sated. He was constantly on the hunt, constantly looking for new victims. As yet, though, he'd never used violence against a child. That would change. 

    In September 1981, Dodd enlisted in the US Navy. He would later claim that he'd joined the military in order to quell his unrelenting lust for children. However, military life did nothing to control his appetites. While stationed at Bangor, Washington, he started preying on kids living on the base. Then he began making excursions into Seattle, accosting children in movie theater bathrooms and amusement arcades. By now, he'd started using money as an enticement. He would offer a reward to a child to help him look for a lost item, lure him to a secluded area, and then attack. One time, he offered $50 to some boys to join him in his motel room for a game of strip poker. The boys reported the incident and Dodd was arrested, although he was later released with a warning.

    But Dodd's luck was not going to last forever. The next time he appeared before a judge charged with indecent assault, he earned 19 days in jail. It was no more than a slap on the wrist, but enough to see his military career brought to an abrupt end. Discharged from the Navy early in 1984, Dodd stepped up his pursuit of young boys. In May 1984, he received a suspended sentence for molesting a 10-year-old. It did nothing to discourage his nefarious activities.

    Dodd's life had by now become a perpetual hunt for victims (or targets, as he described them in his diaries). He moved into an apartment building with lots of young families, he took jobs at fast food restaurants and became a driver for various charities, which required him to call on homes to pick up donations. If he spotted a boy he liked, he would write down the address, and later return to cruise the neighborhood, hoping to catch the child alone.

    Such was his need that he also took huge risks by attacking children who were known to him. He once abused a co-worker's son on a fishing trip; he repeatedly molested a neighbor's two and four-year-olds. When the mother found out she confronted Dodd, although she declined to press charges for fear of traumatizing her children further.

    In 1986, Dodd moved to Seattle and was soon stalking the streets of his new hometown. His initial attempts, however, met with failure, the city kids perhaps more adept at spotting a predator than his earlier victims. Frustrated, Dodd resolved to use force with his next target if necessary. When he went hunting again, he was carrying a length of rope. And the act of subduing and restraining his target had an unexpected impact on Dodd. He found it sexually stimulating. From that point on, he began fantasizing about murder.

    The more I thought about it, he'd later recount, the more exciting the idea of murder sounded. I planned many ways to kill a boy. Then I started thinking of torture, castration, and even cannibalism.

    So it was, that in 1987, Westley Allan Dodd began planning his first murder. His intended victim was an 8-year-old he'd met while working as a security guard. Dodd drove to the area where the boy lived and tried to lure him to an isolated stretch of woodland by telling him that he needed his help to find a lost child. But the boy must have sensed that Dodd was dangerous. He insisted on going home to fetch a toy for the child. Once there he told his mother what had happened. Dodd was arrested, but the charge was not a serious one, and the sentence was correspondingly light. Dodd spent only 118 days in jail.

    The following year, 1989, Dodd moved to Vancouver, Washington, and immediately started scouting the places where kids hung out. David Douglas Park, located about a mile from his new apartment, seemed like a good hunting ground. Before long, Dodd was walking the dirt paths and wooded areas, marking out isolated spots where kids might wander. In his diary he wrote,

    David Douglas Park is a good place for rape and murder.

    But Dodd's initial hunting expeditions all came up empty. By Labor Day weekend 1989, he was growing increasingly frustrated. Having spent the whole of Saturday and Sunday trawling the park without finding any likely victims, he returned again on Monday, September 3. He was carrying with him a murder kit – a large knife and some shoestrings to tie up his victims.

    But, as on the previous two days, Dodd was unable to find a victim, at least, one that could be taken without risk. By 6:15 p.m., he was aggravated and ready to quit and head home. That was when he spotted two boys racing their bicycles along a path.

    Cole Neer, 11, and his brother, William, 10, were late for dinner and had decided to take a shortcut through David Douglas Park on their way home. As they sped along the dirt path, a man suddenly appeared from the bushes and stepped in front of them, holding up his hand in a stop gesture. The boys came skidding to a halt and then dismounted their bikes when the man told them to. He spoke with such authority that the boys were sure he must be a policeman, or perhaps a park official. When he ordered them to follow him into the bushes, they obediently did so. Before long they were deep into the undergrowth and no longer visible from the path. Then the man came to a stop and turned towards them. He was holding something in his hand.

    Dodd ordered the boys to lay down their bikes and then to stand back to back. He then tied their hands with the bootlaces. Having secured the boys, he said that he was going to have to pull down their pants. Perhaps to protect his younger brother, Cole agreed to do it. Dodd then began molesting Cole, all the while promising that he'd let them go once he was done. He then started on Billy, but the younger boy began crying so hard that Dodd was forced to stop and turn his attention to Cole again. Then, after what must have seemed an eternity to his young victims,

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