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Unknown Reasons (10,000 Reasons Serial Book 1)
Unknown Reasons (10,000 Reasons Serial Book 1)
Unknown Reasons (10,000 Reasons Serial Book 1)
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Unknown Reasons (10,000 Reasons Serial Book 1)

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Book 1 in the 10,000 Reasons Serial
No little girl grows up thinking she’s going to become an escort, call girl, prostitute—or whatever other kinder names one would call it. That was not on my radar—ever! When my roommate begged me to help her out one evening, I didn’t think a simple, “OK” and a huge misunderstanding would change my life...but it did.

Every boy grows up thinking he’s going to become the master of the universe. I was no different. I knew I’d succeed in every facet of life and I had no qualms about crushing anyone who got in my way. I was successful, rich, handsome, and mysterious—or at least that’s what the women I bedded told me. When I went to meet a client at a high-end society club one evening, I didn’t think my life would change...but it did.

Xander Blane.

Jenna Ashe.

The battle for each other's heart, mind and soul begins in this first of a four-part, 10,000 Reasons, series to be published weekly. These stories are not stand-alone books and should be read in order.

PublisherDW Cee
Release dateAug 16, 2016
Unknown Reasons (10,000 Reasons Serial Book 1)

DW Cee

I started writing back in Dec of 2009 after I saw an interview with Stephenie Meyers. She told Oprah that she always had stories in her head and that struck a chord with me. Whenever I drive, I have all kinds of stories circulating in my mind. Generally, I am the star of this story and many wacky things happen. Of course, I make the story quite complimentary and beneficial to me. I guess you could say Meyers channeled my head case into a novel. I am first a wife and a mother, as well as a restauranteur and a caterer. Writing is my last profession and a late-found one. I have a B.A. and an M.Ed from UCLA (yes, just like Emily from Indelible Love) and taught 1st grade for four years till I had my first child, a son. Two years later, I had my daughter and the two kids ran my life till they both started school. My husband and I opened a restaurant in LA when we first got married and have been in the food service industry for almost 17 years. I think I've always been a foodie at heart and though it sounds strange, loving food did not have anything to do with opening up a restaurant. That was all my husband's idea. I didn't even know I could cook till I got married. And then I discovered, I love cooking! I love everything related to food. Eating, first, cooking second, cleaning a definite last. I could do without the cleaning from the prep work and the mound of dishes created after a meal. But, that's a whole other blog in and of itself. Whenever we plan a family trip, and especially when my husband and I go on a couple's trip, it's based around what we want to eat, or which restaurants we want to visit. Hubby and I did a trip to Austin one summer just to eat BBQ. The trip to Rome was for pasta, Tokyo was for ramen and sushi, and in Paris, we gorged on treats from all the beautiful patisseries. The two best meals of my life were at Taillevent and Joel Robuchon in Paris. All of these places and restaurants sound familiar? :) NYC is our favorite city (and yes, Emily's favorite city as well) for dining. But… I digress. Even with the crazy schedule, I hope to keep writing. Indelible Love - Emily's Story and Indelible Love - Jake's Story were my first two attempts at writing. Entwined, my third novel, as well as Indelible Lovin' - Max & Jane's Story Vol. 1 & 2 have also been self-published on Amazon, Smashwords, iBooks, Nook, and Kobo. I am currently working on another story titled, Unlikely Attraction, as well as a new In...

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    Book preview

    Unknown Reasons (10,000 Reasons Serial Book 1) - DW Cee

    10,000 Reasons Serial

    Unknown Reasons (Book 1)

    Relationship Reasons (Book 2)

    Xander’s Reasons / Jenna’s Reasons (Book 3)

    Forever Reasons (Book 4)

    By D.W. Cee

    Copyright © 2016 by DW Cee

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, reproduced, transmitted, or downloaded, whether electronic or mechanical, without the written consent of the author.

    This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Ebook Edition

    Chickygirl Publishing

    Books by DW CEE

    Indelible Love Series (ebooks)

    Indelible Love – Emily’s Story

    Indelible Love – Jake’s Story

    Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Story Vol. 1

    Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Story Vol. 2

    Unlikely Attraction – Delaney’s Story

    Near Perfect Attraction – Donovan’s Story

    Unyielding Love – Nick & Bee’s Story Vol. 1

    Unyielding Love – Nick & Bee’s Story Vol. 2

    Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Wedding

    Indelible Love Bundle + Entwined

    Finally, Love! – Michael & Chloe’s Story Vol. 1

    Finally, Love! – Michael & Chloe’s Story Vol. 2

    Indelible Memories – Estelle’s Story

    The Complete Indelible Love Series (all 12 books)

    Reid Place Series (ebooks)

    The Impossible Tale of Nolan & Delilah Vol. 1

    The Impossible Tale of Nolan & Delilah Vol. 2 (2016-17)

    The Immovable Tale of John & Elizabeth (2017)

    10,000 Reasons Serial

    Unknown Reasons - Book 1

    Relationship Reasons – Book 2

    Xander’s Reasons / Jenna’s Reasons – Book 3

    Forever Reasons – Book 4

    Harmony Series (ebooks)

    Unfinished Melody

    Perfect Harmony

    Stand-Alone (ebook)


    Paperback Books

    Indelible Love – Emily’s Story

    Indelible Love – Jake’s Story

    Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Story (combined volume)

    Unlikely Attraction – Delaney’s Story

    Table of Contents


    Unknown Reasons

    Author’s Notes


    No little girl grows up thinking she’s going to become an escort, call girl, prostitute—or whatever other kinder names one would call it. That was not on my radar—ever! When my roommate begged me to help her out one evening, I didn’t think a simple, OK and a huge misunderstanding would change my life...but it did.


    Every boy grows up thinking he’s going to become the master of the universe. I was no different. I knew I’d succeed in every facet of life and I had no qualms about crushing anyone who got in my way. I was successful, rich, handsome, and mysterious—or at least that’s what the women I bedded told me. When I went to meet a client at a high-end society club one evening, I didn’t think my life would change…but it did.

    Unknown Reasons

    Come on, Jenna. You have to help me.

    Katie-Rose, I cannot go out tonight. I have a midterm tomorrow.

    Puleez! I can’t miss out on this double date. Jackson has all but forgotten me this past month and now that he’s called, I can’t say no.

    Why can’t you ask someone else? Why me?

    Loren was supposed to be my double date partner but she just called to say she’s sick. It’s too short notice to get a hold of anyone during midterms. You have like straight A+s. You don’t even need to study since you’ve been studying for weeks. I promise you, dinner and then straight back home. It’ll be two hours, tops.

    My college roommate, Katie-Rose was in a bind, and so was I with her request. I didn’t want to go anywhere tonight. No matter how much I had studied this past week, tomorrow’s history exam was going to be tough. They always were.

    "Why does it have to be a double date? Why can’t Jackson just take you out?"

    Katie-Rose hesitated. Well, it just is. He has this business meeting and he’d like me to be there by his side. He’d also like for his associate to have someone there so it isn’t an awkward situation.

    Damn. Why did she have to put me on the spot? All right, I sighed. When’s dinner?

    In twenty minutes. Change. She threw one of her black dresses at me.

    I can’t wear this. It’s too short and too revealing.

    Katie-Rose was about to say something but decided to pick her battles. She let me be as I picked out a demure black dress that fell below the knees, showed no cleavage, and had three-quarters sleeves. I rarely wore makeup so I went with my natural look, plus a little blush and lipstick. I knew Katie-Rose thought I looked lame, but she didn’t mention it.

    We were headed to the Downtown Club. This was where couples celebrated special occasions, high-powered business meetings took place, or important-looking people were out to see and be seen. In a large city like Los Angeles, there were many places similar to this restaurant, but none quite as prestigious.

    I did not belong at the Downtown Club. I didn’t think my roommate did, either, but I supposed there were facets of her life I never questioned. Katie-Rose and I met our freshman year and we got along well enough where we decided to room together the next three years. Though she was a good friend, I couldn’t consider her my best friend. In truth, I didn’t have any best friends. I’d always been a bit of a loner. I had hoped that by our third year together, Katie-Rose and I could become close, but there were too many secrets in her life. If she didn’t want me in, then I wouldn’t pry.

    Do you know the name of the man I’m to meet tonight? I asked my roommate who was busy reapplying her makeup.

    I’m unsure. Jackson didn’t say. She hurried her primping and pushed me out the cab door when the valet stood there awaiting our arrival. Let’s go have some fun.

    Fun was not what I was thinking when I stepped inside the Downtown Club. It was more opulent than I’d imagined. Now I really felt like I didn’t belong. I just hoped when faced with all the cutlery and glasses, I’d know which was which, and whether I should grab from the left or the right.

    Katie-Rose. Come. A man who looked old enough to be her father called her.

    My friend excitedly ran to him, despite his disapproving glare. This man, Jackson, looked as blue-blooded as could be. Between the waspish complexion, to his salt and pepper hair, to his deep voice, he was the stereotypical high-powered, sit-at-the-head-of-the-conference-table man who normally wouldn’t associate with the likes of college girls—unless they were his daughter’s friends.

    You look so handsome, Jackson, my roommate gushed. She forgot entirely that I was there as her sidekick.

    Her date didn’t miss a thing. And you are? he asked.

    Hi. I’m Jenna. Geez. I sounded as ridiculous as I felt. I was so out of place here.

    A few seconds of looking me over, I must have passed the silent test. He slightly motioned for me to follow. Katie-Rose excitedly called me over by flailing her arm, which Jackson immediately pulled down. My friend giggled, to Jackson’s chagrin.

    I walked several steps behind the mismatched couple and wished I was anywhere but here.

    Jenna? Jackson called.

    I looked up and that’s when I saw him.







    He was utterly disarming. For the first time in my life, my body went into shock. It was like a thousand chrysalis to butterfly metamorphoses happening simultaneously—wanting to fly away, but trapped in my body. It was like an electric panel about to overload—sparks flying everywhere just before the breakers burst into flames. I felt eerily like a balloon about to burst because the helium tank wouldn’t shut off.

    He was truly the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. If he were a movie star, he’d be Marlon Brando. If he were an athlete, he’d be Michael Jordan. If he were a CEO, he’d be Steve Jobs. He was the ultimate in every category.

    The man staring at me made me feel like a little girl walking into the principal’s office—nervous and curious to understand why I was called. I couldn’t wait to meet him, and yet, I didn’t want to meet him at all.

    This is my business associate, Xander.

    Hello. I spoke in a bare whisper.

    He nodded his head and put out his hand for me. What I was supposed to do with his hand, I had no idea. I spied a small grin as he placed it on the small of my back and led me to my seat.


    This was going to be another damn boring dinner with an asshole of a business associate whom I hated. Jackson White was the epitome of a lazy, self-centered, bastard who wouldn’t have done shit with his life had he not inherited his millions from his father and grandfather. If I never saw this man again, it’d be too soon.

    I gritted my teeth when he explained about our dinner partners who would be joining us soon. What I thought was going to be a quick meal where we talked business and parted, turned out to be a ten-course extravaganza with escorts. He wanted us to be more comfortable. Asshole.

    The last thing I needed was a woman prostituting herself to me. This old bastard might need to pop a Viagra and open his wallet to get laid, but I sure as hell didn’t. By the looks of the girl walking with him, this was going to be a long, giggly night.

    Short dress, fuck me heels, hair teased like Madonna in the 80s—where the hell did he find her? Did he really need to pay a service to hire a skank like her? I could have picked up anyone off the street and she would have had more class than this girl, walking arm in arm with a man older than her father. Regardless of my annoyance, I stood up and behaved like the gentleman my mother taught me to be.

    Xander? Jackson sought my attention.

    I looked up and that’s when I saw her.






    This goddess was alarming. Every part of my body stood tall to meet and greet her. I didn’t believe in shit like love at first sight, but this felt damn near similar. Like a sixteen-year-old, I could feel my heart beating faster, my palms getting sweatier, and my body humming to the excitement of saying hello. What the fuck?

    She had the innocence of Audrey Hepburn, and the sex-appeal of Marilyn Monroe.

    However, she was a girl. She looked no older than twenty-one, a decade my junior. What the hell was I going to do with a simpering, idealistic girl barely old enough to drink? To her credit, if she worked in this business, she’d be well versed in pleasing a man.

    Putting all this horny teenage bullshit behind me, I walked over to meet my date.

    Jenna, Jackson introduced us while his girl mauled him at the classiest members’ only restaurant in LA. This is Xander.

    Hello. Her voice was as soft as her skin.

    She looked exotic. I couldn’t say what her ethnicity was—Caucasian mixed with Asian? Middle Eastern? European? Whatever the hell she was, I was interested. This night just turned in my favor.

    I placed my hand out for this Jenna. Why? I had no fucking clue. She obviously was thinking along the same line. Staring at my hand, she inched her right hand forward, then brought it back to her side. This Jenna was cute.

    Taking charge, I placed my hand on her back and led her to her seat. She tensed the moment I touched her. Her taut body was an electric charge to my own. I disliked the mixed feelings I had about this fierce chemistry between us. I wasn’t a should-I, shouldn’t-I kind of man. I should and I did was how I lived life. Being unsure of myself, and what I felt about others was not a part of who I was.

    Miss? May I offer you some champagne? the waiter asked.

    She politely said no, but I chose to take two glasses on our behalf. I assume you’re old enough to drink champagne? I challenged by sliding the alcohol in front of her.

    She nodded and answered, The maître d’ carded me before I was allowed in.

    With such a serious tone, I didn’t know whether or not she was kidding. He obviously didn’t check the dress code for your friend over there. There was a blush on this angel’s face.

    We looked over at the overly amorous couple who needed to get a fucking room. With the movement of her hand—up and down, up and down—this girl was giving Jackson a hand job under the damn table. Fucking moron! I’d like to take a video of him and his whore and send it to his wife and grown daughters.

    Jenna appeared embarrassed for her friend, workmate, whatever their relationship was, as she turned her head down and faced the cutlery on the table.

    How old are you, Jenna?


    How do you know her? I tilted my head toward the slut across the table, without looking at her.

    We’re roommates.

    Since when?

    The past three years.

    You’ve been with her that long? Could that mean they’d been doing this escorting gig for three years? Jenna was only eighteen when she had started, if that was the case.

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