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Hell Bent: Hellscourge, #4
Hell Bent: Hellscourge, #4
Hell Bent: Hellscourge, #4
Ebook275 pages4 hours

Hell Bent: Hellscourge, #4

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Violet already has the weight of the world on her shoulders, but a new enemy rises to test her. This time, it isn't a demon or one of the creatures from hell who will get in her way. Instead, it is a challenger for Zach's affections.

Thanks to her rival, she will encounter someone who she hoped she'd never see again. At the mercy of an enemy who she'd humiliated so badly in the past, not even her guardian angel will be able to save her this time. She'll have to find a way out of her newest predicament herself.

Determined to discover where the stolen angels' grace has been taken, Violet will learn some painful truths that will haunt her. She will also discover that she has some unexpected allies when she returns to hell. The longer she spends in the underworld, the more danger she faces. Her transformation after being attacked by the Wraith Warrior is worsening by the day. She is in a race that will either see her dead, or turn into something from her worst nightmares.

Release dateAug 2, 2016
Hell Bent: Hellscourge, #4

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    Book preview

    Hell Bent - J.C. Diem

    Chapter One

    STRUGGLING TO CATCH my breath, I was in a losing battle to keep up with my companion. This was my first patrol with Hagith. After only twenty minutes, I was already hoping it would be my last. I was enjoying her company about as much as I’d expected; not even a little bit.

    After teleporting us a few blocks away from Sophia’s store, Hagith had begun marching at full speed and clearly expected me to trail along behind her. We’d been randomly cutting through the streets ever since. She didn’t appear to have a plan. She certainly hadn’t consulted with me before she’d taken off at a pace that I couldn’t hope to match in my current condition.

    Increasing my speed so I could ask her what her strategy was, she flicked an annoyed glance over her shoulder and sped up even more. She obviously wanted to keep some distance between us. I sent a poisonous glare at her back, feeling insignificant just as she’d planned.

    Hagith and her sidekick, Orifiel, had managed to insinuate themselves into our patrols after joining our team. Against my wishes, I’d somehow ended up being paired with the angel that I despised the most. Haughtily beautiful, she wore her blond hair in a tight bun. Her slim body was wreathed in a sleek dark gray suit. I had no idea what her human vessel looked like. To me, her host was overwhelmed by her holy spirit. It was the same with every angel that I’d met so far.

    Her three-inch heels clicked on the sidewalk as she took long strides. She was only a couple of inches taller than my five foot five, but her stiff bearing made her seem much taller. As a pitiful mortal, I didn’t have her strength or speed. She was keeping ahead of me so I could be in the place where she deemed I belonged; several steps behind her.

    Winded from trying to catch up to her, I gave up and halted so I could catch my breath. Two weeks had passed since I’d returned from hell with the third piece of the mystery puzzle. During that time, the toxin that I’d been infected with had been slowly spreading through me. I’d been stabbed by a Wraith Warrior that had been created from the essence of a Demon Prince. These unholy assassins had only one purpose; to kill their targets. One nick from their swords was usually enough to end the life of a mortal.

    Thanks to Nathan’s intervention, I was still alive. Hag and Orifice, as I’d mockingly nicknamed them, had punished me with holy fire for almost stealing Nathan’s grace when he’d healed me.  They didn’t know it, but their torture had helped to delay the rot that should have killed me by now. I’d been wrong when I thought the taint would spread through me rapidly. It was progressing slowly, but it was gradually taking a toll. My face was pale and my hair looked dull instead of shiny.

    Something moved inside my abdomen and I grimaced in fear and loathing. I hadn’t mentioned this development to anyone yet. Knowing Brie, Hagith and Orifiel, they would want to cut me open to see what it was. It was hard to say which of the three angels despised me the most. Probably Brie. She’d known me longer, which had given her more time to work on her hatred for me.

    Finally noticing that I wasn’t trotting after her like an obedient dog anymore, Hagith halted and turned to face me. Why have you stopped? she asked. Are you so weak that you require rest already?

    Every word that came out of her perfect mouth was designed to grate on my nerves. From the first moment that she and her sidekick had kidnapped me to warn me that they would be monitoring my progress, she’d known how to push my buttons. Sophia had asked me to try to get along with our new allies. Out of respect for her, I’d been trying not to lose my temper. But when someone was deliberately goading me, it was hard not to oblige them by getting angry.

    You do realize that I’m slowly rotting from the inside, don’t you? I said. She blanched at the reminder that I was tainted. In case you’ve forgotten, the Wraith Warrior’s toxin is eventually going to kill me. So no, I’m not at my best right now. I can’t keep up with you if you’re going to practically sprint down the sidewalk.

    My tone had grown increasingly acerbic and her lips had become more and more pinched with each word that I uttered. They’d almost disappeared entirely by the time I was finished.

    The creature would never have found you if you had not been foolish enough to fall into the trap that the demons had laid for you, she pointed out.

    Striving for patience, I rolled my eyes. How many times do we have to go through this? I didn’t fall into their stupid trap, the raven pushed me into it! Frankly, I was tired of having the same argument with her over and over again. It was like banging my head against a beautiful brick wall.

    Ah, yes, she said with heavy sarcasm. The Hellmaster’s pet bird must be very strong indeed if it was able to overpower you so easily.

    It had been strong enough to actually lift me off my feet once, but I wasn’t about to divulge that information to her. Then again, Brie had probably told them everything that had happened to me since I’d joined their fight against the hell spawn. It was thanks to Brie that I’d been tortured by the pair in the first place. She’d tattled on me to them and had sent them to punish me. Thanks to her betrayal, I no longer trusted her.

    We were all supposedly on the same team, yet it didn’t feel like it. They were my allies, but they felt more like my enemies. I had the distinct feeling that I was just a tool. They would use me until I’d finished the task that had been set for me. Once they were done with me, they would discard me like trash.

    Catching a flash of black wings out of the corner of my eye, I realized that the object of our discussion was tailing us. I’d been too busy trying to keep up with Hagith to watch the skies as diligently as I should have been. Brie had taught me a harsh lesson about being aware of the raven when it was following me. It was an experience that I would never forget.

    The raven landed on a windowsill three stories above us. Mangy and skeletal, bones poked through its dull black feathers. Its single milky eye watched me malevolently as it patiently waited for its moment to attack. I’d sliced the other eye from its head and the wound still oozed black blood. It didn’t look like it was ever going to heal.

    A plan came to me and I had to force myself not to grin evilly. I’m feeling better now, I said as innocently as possible. We can resume our patrol if you want.

    How kind of you to allow me to return to my duty. Hag’s tone was almost as acerbic as mine had been.

    As I’d known she would, she turned and took off at a fast walk again. I jogged along behind her, watching the raven follow us from the corner of my eye. Almost as predictable as Hagith, it launched itself into the air. It flapped its wings harder as it prepared to attack. When it swooped towards me, I dropped down to one knee at the last possible moment.

    The talons that had been outstretched to latch onto my skull instead collided with the angel. Letting out a piercing shriek of surprise, Hagith whirled around to see what had attacked her. Caught in her hair, the raven cawed in frustration. Her bun came loose and the long strands became even more wrapped around the bird’s legs. She thrashed around, trying to tear it free while it pecked her head and flapped its wings trying to untangle itself.

    It was a good thing that I was already close to the ground because I laughed so hard that I lost my balance. Sitting on the cold cement, my eyes were blurry from tears as I watched the spectacle. Finally tearing the raven free, Hagith threw it away from herself. Its wings flared and lifted it into the air before it could hit the ground. It flapped away before she could send a bolt of power after it. It was presumably heading for its nest in Central Park.

    Blood trickled down her face from deep scratches that healed in seconds. I was sure she’d suffered lacerations to her scalp as well. They’d no doubt also healed, but the damage to her dignity would take far longer to fade. Her hair was a wild mess and bright pink spots made her cheeks rosy. She glared at me in fury. You did that on purpose, she hissed.

    I sent her my most innocent look. I don’t know what you’re talking about, I said in self-defense. I had nothing to do with it. I just tripped over and the raven attacked you instead of me. I was surprised it took you so long to get it out of your hair. Either you’re weaker than I’d realized, or the raven really is demonically strong. It took all of my self-control not to snigger, but I managed it.

    She hadn’t seen what had really happened, but she knew I was lying about the attack being an accident. If we were not relying on you to save the world, I would banish you to the far reaches of the Earth, she said in a low, vicious tone.

    That might be a bit hard to pull off since we’re trapped here in Manhattan, I said snarkily as I climbed to my feet. But you do need me, so that means you can’t do diddly squat to me. I met her eyes and we became locked in a battle of wills. I might not be as strong as her physically, but she couldn’t bend me to her will no matter how hard she tried.

    Her fingers twitched with the need to send holy fire burning through my system again. You can finish this patrol alone, she said sulkily and disappeared.

    I heaved a relieved sigh. Finally. I’m alone at last.

    You should know by now that you are never alone, a familiar voice said from right behind me. I yelped in surprise and spun around to see Nathan staring down at me in disapproval. Only a hint of amusement could be seen in his dark blue eyes. He’d watched the whole thing and knew that I’d staged the attack. Why do you persist in alienating our allies? he asked.

    Because Hag and Orifice annoy the crap out of me, I replied honestly. I’m tired of them treating me like I’m less than nothing. They need to learn that I deserve better than that.

    He sighed and his amusement fled. I know you deserve better treatment, but they will never bend, I am afraid. Hagith and Orifiel are from the Dominion order. They are used to being in charge of lesser angels. They expect to be obeyed without question.

    I’d read one of Sophia’s books about angel hierarchy. There were three spheres with a total of nine classes. Dominions were at the top of the second sphere, which meant they were probably pretty powerful.

    I snorted out a laugh to show him how unlikely it was that I’d ever obey them without question. If they’re so high on the hierarchy, I guess that means they’re your superiors? I said, subtly probing for information. I knew very little about him, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask him about his past.

    He shrugged without answering my question. Just over six feet tall, he had a lean, muscular build and black hair that hung to his jaw. He was easily the most handsome man, or angel, that I’d ever seen. His vessel resembled his true appearance so well that he was recognizable to other angels on sight. I wasn’t sure if that had been deliberate, or if it was just a happy accident.

    Our eyes met and we instantly became lost. Our attraction was undeniable and almost impossible to resist. One kiss from him was like spending a year in heaven. It was also highly taboo. God himself had forbidden angels from using vessels to mate with humans. The offspring that resulted from this union were an abomination. I wasn’t going to put Nathan in danger of being banished from heaven forever by breaking the rules. I cared about him too much to let my selfish desires ruin him.

    Chapter Two

    TEARING MY GAZE AWAY from Nathan’s face, I desperately looked around for a distraction. Seeing two gorgeous women across the street, they were too perfect to be human. Do you know them? I asked.

    Turning just in time to see their faces before they passed us, he shook his head. Should I?

    I’d forgotten that they would just look like ordinary humans to him. They’re angels, I explained. Instead of the somber suits that Hagith and Orifiel favored, they wore more casual clothes of jeans and black coats.

    He frowned at their backs as they continued on down the street. I wonder just how many of my kin are caught in this prison?

    We had no way of knowing how many angels were trapped in Manhattan. Demons had erected wards around the city that kept both angels and demons imprisoned. While the angels couldn’t get out, the hell spawn had left one of the portals to hell open. The lords and the stronger captains could come and go from the ninth realm as they pleased. Fortunately, they were only able to bring an entourage of five lackeys through with them. The Earth would have been overrun with evil a long time ago if they hadn’t had that restriction.

    What are you doing here, anyway? I asked, belatedly wondering why he’d shown up just as Hagith had left in a huff.

    His expression turned wry. I had a feeling your patrol would not go smoothly. I thought it would be prudent to check on you.

    I saw through his attempt at deception. You were following us this whole time, weren’t you?

    With a small sigh at being caught out, he inclined his head in agreement. Yes, but do not feel bad that you did not see me. I was very careful to stay out of sight. I did not want Hagith to know that I did not trust her to look after your welfare.

    It must have been just like old times, before we became trapped here, I said wistfully. He’d been hidden from my sight, but he’d been watching over me since I’d been a toddler. Nathan had saved my life dozens of times.

    ‘Old times?’ he said teasingly. You make it sound as though we have been imprisoned here for years rather than a few months.

    If feels like years have passed, I muttered as we resumed our patrol. I’d arrived in the city at the end of October and it was now the end of February. I’d only been here for four months, yet my entire life had changed dramatically. My mother had been murdered right in front of me by a demon two weeks shy of my seventeenth birthday. I’d fled from Denver and had ended up in New York. I’d had to drop out of high school and had embarked on a journey to save humanity from annihilation. My old life was gone and now I was embroiled in the supernatural underworld that hardly any humans were aware of.

    I didn’t particularly want to head back to our base yet. It would be smart to let Hagith cool down before I saw her again. Curious about what the two angels were doing, I headed after them.

    Nathan walked at my side. His head swiveled constantly to make sure we weren’t being followed. The sidewalks weren’t as clogged with pedestrians as they had been when I’d first arrived in the city. A swathe of murders had been keeping most people inside. The demons had taken a break from cutting down their rivals and sending their souls to me for a while, but they were back at it again now. Every now and then, a pack of six souls would find me and I would become inundated with their memories.

    I wonder where they’re going? I said, gesturing towards the angels. Before Nathan could hazard a guess, thirteen figures appeared from nowhere to surround the pair. They looked like ordinary men on the surface, but I could see their true identities intermittently. Scarlet eyes blazed from their hideous faces each time they lost control and revealed their real forms to me.

    The angels didn’t have a chance to escape from them. Several pairs of hands grabbed hold of their arms and shoved them through the closest door. Usually, they could teleport themselves to safety. I’d learned that several demons banding together could override that ability.

    Nathan wasn’t about to stand around and watch while two more of his colleagues were carved open and had their holy essence stolen. He disappeared from my side and I ran to catch up to him. Skidding on the icy concrete, I burst through the door of an apartment building to see my guardian in the middle of a fight in the foyer.

    He was heavily outnumbered, but the Collectors were former hellscribes rather than warriors. Their expertize was centered around creating runes, not fighting battles. He distracted the demons enough for them to release their captives. They defended themselves with scarlet daggers that looked exactly like mine. The two females called on their weapons and their swords blazed with blue light. Nathan’s sword was larger than theirs, but it looked weightless in his hands.

    Try to expel one of them from their vessel, I called out to Nathan. He flicked me a glance, then nodded.

    He wasn’t the only one who realized what my intention was. With horrified looks, all thirteen Collectors teleported themselves to safety. Damn it! It was a mental shout rather than a verbal one. I’d hoped to capture one of the Collectors’ souls so I could question him. I’d promised Sophia that I’d find a way to get her essence back. So far, I had no leads to follow about why the demons were stealing grace, or where they took the vials.

    Disheveled, but alive, the two female angels made their swords disappear. Now that the danger was gone, Nathan’s weapon blinked out of existence as well. You have our thanks, one of the women said to Nathan, ignoring me completely. That was the thing about angels, they tended to think of humans as being beneath their notice. Or maybe it was just me they felt that way about. As Hellscourge, I was their best and only hope of stopping evil from taking over the world. Yet they seemed to think I was only one step away from the demons that I’d been created to fight.

    That was a close call, the second angel said. We will endeavor to be more careful in the future.

    What are you doing in Manhattan? Nathan asked.

    We were on Earth when the gates to heaven became locked, the first replied. She flicked a cold glance at me, clearly blaming me for being shut out of her home. We heard that the battle to save humanity would be fought here. We decided to come to New York and lend what aid we could.

    Now we are trapped here, the second angel said. We have been searching for others of our kind, hoping to form an army.

    We do not have an army, my guardian told them, but we do have a small gathering of allies. I am sure they will be happy for you to join our team.

    Great, I muttered beneath my breath. That’s just what we need.

    Both angels turned to me with identical icy expressions. What did you say?

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