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Pacts of Love - The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames
Pacts of Love - The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames
Pacts of Love - The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames
Ebook164 pages2 hours

Pacts of Love - The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames

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About this ebook

   Divinely matched beings have a mission to fulfill on Earth prior to being joined at last. They must do their duty and complete the Plan which is inscribed upon their Souls. What links them can’t ever be broken by anybody. When The Moment comes, The Magic Link, a magical dispensation granted from Heaven is forged in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony:  Two beings, perfect in themselves, blessed by the joint destiny of true union.  And with the support of angels and souls, joined in the Mission of Light. Guardians of an Ancient Truth. The Miracle of Love is consummated. The entire universe celebrates with a rain of stars or with the miraculous appearance of a huge symbol. “Pacts of Love” is a symbol revealed from on high. Two primogenitors in one; for all eternity, and the Inevitable Return beyond the avatars of life. Because it was, is and shall be thus.

Release dateJun 15, 2018
Pacts of Love - The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    revealing story .... very raw ... shocking !! .... A very revealing real story of the existence of unique essences !!!

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Pacts of Love - The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames - Juan Pedropablo



I need to clarify for my dear reader two fundamental issues:

First:  Everything narrated in this book is testimony.  That is to say, it corresponds to real deeds and situations which occurred just as they are related. In order to assure privacy of course, the names are changed.  A few references which might invade the privacy of some persons have also been modified. But the rest, the whole story, completely and fully agrees with actual occurrences which really happened.

Second:  I want to discuss the narrative mode:  Much of this story is put together from texts I wrote (at different times in my life) with transcriptions from texts on Whatsapp and emails whose contents (I reiterate), have been literally copied without any change in the content, including, without grammar or syntax changes which might alter their freshness. With regard to the timeline:  this corresponds to the chronology of the happenings which you will soon read (aside from the occasional philosophical digression with which the text has been structured).

With the aforementioned clarified, I truly wish you a pleasant, comfortable read.




By Susana Lucero, Therapist in Flores de Bach

Since the beginning of Creation, and for a very long period of time up to this part of human history, a few divine sparks opted to become flesh on earth and divided themselves.  It was then when the Divine Complements - also known as Twin Souls- go through a process of congealing.  They have entered this, our solar system, in order to experience their own evolution. At some point they shall reencounter each other with that most sublime goal: that of attaining, among other things, Ascension...returning home.

These lovely entities or souls who carry the polarized essence of divinity are not something foreign from another world or plane. Many of these are right here: co-existing on this same plane as palpable and tangible as life itself.

"Pact of Love" shows us in an uncomplicated, practical and revealing way, two souls who have personally experienced this magic encounter and through their real experiences allow us to recognize and recall that an Eternal and Sacred love is real.

Doubtless this novel will elicit questions which motivate us to delve further into this passionate theme and will open up new links in our own memory which perhaps had been forgotten. This testimony is offered in the form of a novel.  Revealed simply, through words, deeds and occurrences; the reader sees what purest love really is. Love is both concrete and spiritual, existing in the here and now, since time immemorial.





In April 2014, by fortune -although I know full well nothing in life is by chance, and that higher powers rule- I met Alejandra. I could never have imagined what life had in store for me resulting from this meeting: What ensued was a solid series of events; happening to me, primarily over the span of ten days.  

The Great Sign ended up revealing to me, or confirming to me, a very intimate conviction: a Certainty, or conviction, spread deep inside my being which I’ll call "internal knowledge or, Knowledge coming from another time." Although up to then, I could not confirm such an existence without sprinkling it with a grain or two of salt.

Everything happened so very quickly with the force of a combined earth and sky quake: a Great Truth was expressed.  This Great Truth is that forever, since the beginning of time, a kind of magic link exists between two beings, two souls who share one and the same Essence; a pristine star fire from which stardust comes.

The Sacred Truth of the Twin Flames, or Unique Essences comes directly from the very heart of the Supreme Being Itself. 

A long time before that April, 2014- fourteen years before, to be exact,- I met María, my divine partner, my other pole, as it is called by Boris Mouravieff in his Gnosis.

And from that instant forward, my life has been marked by the occurrence.

Already in the time before the encounter, back at that time I lived in the interior of Córdoba Province, I had to travel to the capital for some routine medical exams. I had experienced some foreboding and premonitions. For example, I was seeing threads of light in the air containing tiny foamy bubbles or sparks of energy. A song would stick in my head, saturating my heart and mind with the name of the woman I soon was to meet.

Three days before taking that trip I had finished my novel El Olvido de Gastón This was after seven arduous years of work -though neither ‘arduous’ nor ‘work’ would describe the experience of writing it. I had always had the feeling, without exactly knowing why, that someone, or something, with the soft voice of a woman, was dictating it into my ear.

The female character in the novel is blonde, and waxen.  By ‘waxen’ I mean an incredibly beautiful and bright ball of energy.  She is a woman existing inside me forever; in my dreams and even in my insomnia. In those three days after completing the novel, I would feel her ethereal presence as I had never felt it before. It was to the point of discomfort: the reality and depth of it all. For no reason I would break down in tears to relieve myself of the feeling that hampers me with the emotional taste of premonitions.

And so that is how I met María.  Heralded by tears for no known reason; little foamy bubbles of light in the air. The impact of that encounter marked me for life and which I can only describe by using approximations. A feeling of Coming Home, of Deity within Her, the Love of God expressed on Earth, or simply that which, in her and me, exists as one.

Afterward, life went on, in a succession of stages, or periods where we came and went.  The pain, the absence, the emptiness, the feeling like I was dead, the wishing I were dead, the discharge of energy from separation and absence but also the learning, the spiritual growth, the Awakening.

The Divine Complements are on Earth on their mission. Before their final fusion they have a mission to complete ending with the Plan for their souls.

But the Return and the Fusing is inevitable: beyond the vicissitudes of life, because it was, is and shall be.



"We have not come to learn anything. We have come to remember together..."

The strength of my love, plus your love, shall change the world.





When I saw you the first time my heart gave me the sign I had long wished for and I knew, from then on that you were the Princess I dreamed of.


The first days of December of the year 2000

When the phone rang on that warm December evening María had already run through her routine daily chores and her son Pedro’s meal.  She relaxed from her long hard day by massaging her neck and moving her ash blonde head trying to crack a few vertebrae.  She decided to ignore that and took off her shoes to slouch on the sofa as she unhooked the girdle prescribed for her back - but which she really used to disguise her stomach. Pedrito played with the computer.  The telephone rang insistently, jarring her apathy. A thin ray of light had stopped mid-leg and María gazed at the yellow beam shining through one of the slats in the blinds.  The telephone rang again and, seeing the reproach in her son’s face, she answered in a sweet monotone.


_Hi María, it’s Juan.

_Hi Juan, How are you?

_I’m fine, and you too?

They agreed to meet at ten thirty that evening at the Córdoba Municipal Square. María returned to the sofa and stretched, deciding to take her customary evening bath.  This had become her life after graduating in psychology, a failed marriage which had dried up mind and body, and reaching nearly thirty one years of age. Only her son brightened her up. Pedro woke her with a kiss on the lips and a pinch on the ear.

_You fell asleep mama.  You need to take me to papa.

_Yes, love, Let’s go.


Juan chain-smoked as he sat waiting on the low stone wall, doubtfully eyeing a platinum blonde, fiftyish, with fake nails who had asked him the time on two occasions. She sighed, showing waiting made her nervous.  That butterfly which seemed to shed dust from its wings over each imperceptible minute spent waiting didn’t click in Juan’s image of a thirty year old - yet seemed younger: blue eyes, sitting a yard away, One hundred twenty five pounds, flashy bottle-blond hair. He checked the time again. It was nearly eleven when he decided to wait the last five minutes.  He lit another cigarette and again looked down past the platform at the vehicles leaving and the cupula shaded by magnolia trees. Standing out against the backlight he could see the graceful figure of an elegant woman approaching; her gracefulness showing through the unsteady steps in high heels, the hint of a smile that could only be the sure sign of an encounter arranged by blind lunatics on the chat line.

_I knew I would find you, said María

_I was ready to leave. I thought you wouldn’t come, answered Juan

_Forgive my tardiness,

_Of course I forgive you,

_I’ll sit down a bit because my feet hurt,

_You’re prettier than I imagined,

_And you’re not ugly, silly....


María had a cuba libre, Juan, a whiskey.  The bar was the right choice for a weeknight with few people on the streets and an encounter between a divorcée and a married man. They talked about life. Juan was aroused by the sight of a drip of water seeping from the base of María’s nose.  Besides, he was excited.  Something in his body had erupted, as though each cell in his body, by blood and spirit had awakened.  She, too felt strangely, and didn’t know why.   She emitted sweet gestures; taking advantage of his nervousness.  The alcohol prolonged the conversation and the first counterpoint was produced:  Juan spoke of the necessity of taking seriously one’s daily responsibilities. María asserted that was crap and expounded on the value of taking things as they come.

_There are issues that require seriousness.

_I love talking shit.

_Maybe so, but in certain places.

_There’s no place where seriousness won’t ruin things.

_This country has been ruined by bullshit.

_I love this country.

I think we Argentines are odd, special.  I was exiled.  Could it be that you have to be away to love it?  At four in the morning, with each of them equally drunk, Juan’s supply of supra-physical images struck him with a clear image of María wiping her nose.  An odd impulse, to fixate on such an ordinary gesture; raising it to the level of a treasured, unforgettable memory.  Because she scratched herself in a way so WRONG for her but he loved it.  And María, well, she kept a little something inside - so deep inside her soul, a way of gazing sideways at Juan; between a sad, yet sharp look. But he recognized that look and he didn’t really know why, but he could see it in her.

_Let’s go have coffee at my apartment, he said.

_Well, Lets, Said María unhesitatingly

"_Let’s take

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