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Who is Afraid of Mongo wa Swolenka: A One Act Play
Who is Afraid of Mongo wa Swolenka: A One Act Play
Who is Afraid of Mongo wa Swolenka: A One Act Play
Ebook38 pages34 minutes

Who is Afraid of Mongo wa Swolenka: A One Act Play

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In Who s Afraid of Mongo Wa Swolenka? a book launch is planned which, from information given to His Royal Excellency Gbadarango Binyambutu Buthablaisi, by a traitorous intellectual seeking preferment; and by his security agents, is a campaign led by disgruntled writers and intellectuals of Nubialand for the return of their exiled colleague and international award winner, Professor Mongo Wa Swolenka. How the celebrated leader of Nubialand and master of gunocratic politics responds to the prevailing circumstances is the nerve centre of dialogue, action and morality in the play. - John Nkemngong Nkengasong, Writer and critic, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
PublisherLangaa RPCIG
Release dateAug 7, 2015
Who is Afraid of Mongo wa Swolenka: A One Act Play

Tennu Mbuh

Mbuh Tennu Mbuh hails from Pinyin in the North West Region of Cameroon. He obtained his B.A., Maitrise, and Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle in English Literary Studies from the University of Yaoundé (I), and holds a PhD from the University of Nottingham. He is a two-time laureate of the Bernard Fonlon Society Literary Award, and a founding member of both the Yaoundé University Poetry Club (YUPOC) and of the Anglophone Cameroon Writers Association (ACWA). Having taught in America as a Fulbright Scholar-in-Resident, Mbuh presently lectures in the Department of English Studies, University of Yaoundé I.

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