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Blame The Goth Girl Vol. 5: The Mind Controlled By The Sinful Nature Is Death But The Mind Controlled By The Spirit Is Joy Division
Blame The Goth Girl Vol. 5: The Mind Controlled By The Sinful Nature Is Death But The Mind Controlled By The Spirit Is Joy Division
Blame The Goth Girl Vol. 5: The Mind Controlled By The Sinful Nature Is Death But The Mind Controlled By The Spirit Is Joy Division
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Blame The Goth Girl Vol. 5: The Mind Controlled By The Sinful Nature Is Death But The Mind Controlled By The Spirit Is Joy Division

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Onyx's search for answers about her time in The Forest of Eternal Night is put on hold when Rome is made aware of those breaking the rules within the vampire community. It's up to Onyx to head to New York and sort out what's really going on— only to find her abilities are no longer working. Onyx is all but cut off from her friends and resources as she tries to figure out who is up to no good with a little "old fashioned" investigative work.
Could it be a well laid trap? Is Rome up to another one of his games?
Onyx finds herself swimming in uncertainty as quickly as she finds herself surrounded by enemies within the community.

Release dateAug 22, 2016
Blame The Goth Girl Vol. 5: The Mind Controlled By The Sinful Nature Is Death But The Mind Controlled By The Spirit Is Joy Division

Bettina Busiello

Bettina Busiello is a dreamer by nature with an eccentric sense of humor. She spends most of her waking hours either spinning yarns, venturing online games or cuddling her cat October. She lives in Vermont where she is surrounded by enough fresh air to make her slightly high (which explains a lot).

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    Book preview

    Blame The Goth Girl Vol. 5 - Bettina Busiello

    Blame The Goth Girl

    Vol. 5

    The Mind Controlled By The Sinful Nature Is Death But The Mind Controlled By The Spirit Is Joy Division

    By Bettina Busiello

    Copyright © 2016 Bettina Busiello

    Smashwords Edition

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Bettina Busiello recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all publications, music and companies mentioned within this work.

    All rights reserved.

    Original Cover Titling by Jacob Mathews

    Cover Art by Christopher Zakrzewski at

    Editing by Katherine Tate

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18


    Chapter 1


    I ran as fast as my heels would allow. My heart felt as if it was about to burst out of my chest. What the hell did you get me involved with, Rome? I muttered to myself, pausing to catch my breath.

    The sound of rushing wind brushed by, blowing strands of my hair across my face along with the chiffon of my gown. It was time to run again. I turned down an alley and continued running toward the next street. The view of taxis driving by was slightly obscured by the shadow of a man standing just before the sidewalk.

    There’s nowhere to run, Onyx. It’s better you face your inevitable defeat head on. Just make this easier on yourself… for all of us, and come back with me. He wants to discuss options.

    I can’t think of any other options which is why I’m not going anywhere with you, I called back out, down the alley.

    Very well. I’ll never say no to the occasional hunt. I could hear the grin in his tone.

    As soon as I saw him step toward me, I turned and ran… straight into another one of his goons. He grabbed me and I screamed. His hand went over my mouth as I felt myself in the vise grip of his arms thinking, this is how I die.

    Three nights earlier…

    With Halloween still weeks away and Rome still being his version of antisocial, I needed to find something to occupy my evenings when I wasn’t at work. Routine visits to Hush brought about too much attention, especially with someone still after me. The last thing I wanted to do was direct that attention toward Daniel; him being like me and all. I didn’t have much interaction with Charelin, but Daniel convinced him it was in everyone’s best interest to keep quiet in general.

    In his off hours, Daniel would visit me at the shop or we’d hang out at my place where I’d dig up family albums and heirlooms for him to look at or take as he pleased. He felt they were better in my hands.

    So it ends with us, Daniel said in a grim fashion.

    I fiddled with my half-empty teacup. I mean… as far as the blood line goes, yeah. But you can always adopt. I explained to him that I had no intention of having children or even getting married. You don’t always face the realization that millions of years of genetic evolution ends with you if you decide not to further your line. When you have siblings there’s less of that worry… in the case of me and Daniel and what we both were, I couldn’t be sure what the best way to handle all of this was.

    We don’t have to talk about it, he said as he put his hand on top of mine. It was obvious he noted the expression on my face as I was lost in thought; it couldn’t have been a pleasant one.

    No. We really should. We’re not old but we’re not exactly young either. Nor are we in the safest of jobs… in a way.

    Yeah, but you told me how you’re able to handle yourself… and your training with Rome. Are you really that worried?

    There are no guarantees with that. Besides, it’s worrisome you can’t defend yourself like I can.

    Seriously… I have a veritable army at my disposal. Being the son of Charelin has earned me quite a bit of street cred even if they don’t exactly know what I am. Maybe I should just come out?

    I laughed.


    The transgendered man suggesting he ‘come out.’ I was going to make a joke about it being too late but I didn’t want to be inappropriate.

    He laughed. I get it.

    But no… not until we know who’s after me first. I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.

    Haven’t you thought about my feelings on the matter? He seemed more sad than mad.

    This has been going on since before we officially met. Let’s just keep it as is… if I need you to sniff out bad guys looming outside of my immediate presence, I’ll let you know. I said it with a smile though his reaction wasn’t what I’d hoped for.

    So that’s all I’m good for.

    That’s not what I said. I retracted my hand and sat up straight in my chair.

    Yeah, but that’s what you meant.

    Oh, so you have a mindreading ability that I don’t know about? My snippy self was coming forward, and I instantly regretted my words. He was the last person I wanted to push away.

    He abruptly stood from the dining table.

    I’m sorry. Please. I pushed to my feet and matched his stance. Please, sit down. There’s been a lot going on lately, and it has me on edge. I tried to give him my best pleading look.

    He closed his eyes and scratched his nose before nodding and sitting back down.

    Again I followed suit. Just know, in the future, I’ll inevitably be a pain in the ass.

    You’re already one now.

    I flattened my expression and tilted my head.

    He laughed.

    I couldn’t help but smile. At least the tension had subsided.

    After a few minutes’ pause, he spoke up again. What are your thoughts on dating someone… who isn’t…?


    A flush came to his cheeks. Yeah.

    My thoughts went to Rome… Daevan… and even Alexander. Granted they seemed to all be flings and not relationships—there really wasn’t harm in the casual encounter—but something told me he was talking about long term. It’s cool, I guess. I’ll never judge you on who you date… unless they are bona fide asshats.

    He laughed again.

    Why? Is there someone at the club you’re interested in?

    Kind of. She’s not exactly the relationship type.

    Oh, God… it’s not that succubus Lilianne, is it?

    No way, no. She’s… something else, anyway. She’s a waitress named Lacey. Very sweet and quiet. A wood nymph.

    I think I know who you’re talking about. My best friend is fae so who am I to say it’s a bad idea?

    He smiled. Thanks. Now I just need to ask her out.

    Oh, look at you! Need some dating pointers?

    No… I think I have a handle on that, thanks. He casually leaned back in his chair, almost proud with the curl in his lips.

    I glanced out the window. Sun is setting… douche-hour is almost upon us.

    Granted I don’t like Rome all that much, but what’s your deal with him?

    Aside from the mixed signals and the general disregard for my feelings? The usual—he’s a guy.

    Whatever he does or says… I still see how he looks at you when you don’t notice. I could say it’s adoration, but it’s kind of hard to peg with him. Like I said, he’s not my favorite person in the world, but he seems to have all our best interests at heart.

    Probably. I stared at the glow of the sunset, getting myself lost in the calming view.


    Before I leave, I should tell you Philadelphia isn’t the only US city abuzz with rumors. Leo packed his single trunk while giving me the occasional glance.


    It seems some of the vampires in New York have gotten out of hand. I’m surprised you didn’t hear. In fact, the news specifically stated ‘vampire-like attack’ with double punctures in the neck and all.

    These days… that could be some psycho with a fetish. I wouldn’t pay it any mind. I leaned against the doorframe and folded my arms across my chest.

    Except it’s not just the news article which piqued my curiosity or concern—I heard it firsthand from someone in the society. He wouldn’t say much, only that a vampire or two no longer think the rules apply to them. You might want your little guardian friend to check it out.

    You know how I feel about the others.

    "No one said you had to go." He paused and raised his brow at me.

    You know I’d never let her go alone.

    From what you’ve told me… you’d be more of a hindrance given her abilities. He closed up the trunk and set it upright beside him.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence.

    He flashed one of his more devious grins at me before walking by, rolling the trunk behind him in tow. I’m just passing along the information. He handed me a card. Call this number if you’re interested in assisting my contact. His voice echoed down the hall. Any attention on our kind is very bad for business… remember that, my son.

    After another few seconds, I heard the front door close and the echo of his hired car driving off.

    Rowdy vampires. As I stared at the contact card, I guffawed at the thought and debated whether or not to take action. Technically, I didn’t have to do anything. If the outcry from the community were loud enough, or if more news mediums caught wind… I wouldn’t need to get Onyx involved at all.


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