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How Does Your Garden Grow?
How Does Your Garden Grow?
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Ebook39 pages30 minutes

How Does Your Garden Grow?

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Two minor criminals think they've found a quick and esy way to score some cash, by steaing the profits from a charity garden show. Mary Menzies has opened her garden to the public for the Spring Festival weekend.
Davey and Ox tink they won't have any trouble stealing from the old lady but they haven't counted on Mary's little friends. The garden is lovely...if you aren't two violent youths with burglary on your mind.

Release dateAug 24, 2016
How Does Your Garden Grow?

Michael J. Elliott

Michael J. Elliott is an Australian author who has been writing since his early schooldays. His headmistress once described him as, "A second Alfred Hitchcock." He majored in Media Studies in College and wrote and directed short films, videos and radio ads. Michael has also written sketch comedy for Australian television. He lives in a bayside suburb in the State of Victoria. When not writing stories to chill readers he enjoys Golden Age Hollywood movies, reading, drawing, and cooking. He is also the illustrator for Claire Plaisted's series of childrens books, Girlie's Adventures. Michael is single but shares his life with his two cats, Charlie and Snaps.

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    How Does Your Garden Grow? - Michael J. Elliott

    Michael J. Elliott


    Copyright © 2016 by Michael J. Elliott

    All rights reserved.

    This book or any portion thereof

    may not be reproduced or used in any

    manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    First Published 2016

    Author website: Michael J. Elliott



    Edited by Christie Stratos:

    Proof Positive Editing

    Cover Design by Johannus Steger:

    Steger Productions

    Formatted by Claire Plaisted:

    Plaisted Publishing House

    Contents Page


    A Note to Readers

    How Does Your Garden Grow

    A Word From Michael J Elliot



    This story contains strong horror and profanity. Reader discretion is advised

    Please note, I am an Australian author. North American readers should be aware that Australian (Commonwealth) English, spelling and grammar are used throughout this story.


    Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

    How does your garden grow?

    With silver bells, and cockleshells,

    And pretty maids all in a row.

    Traditional Nursery Rhyme.


    Lenny bounced on the balls of his feet nervously. He was convinced that Davey’s glowing cigarette was acting like a homing beacon to all and sundry. Davey himself appeared as cool as a cucumber. It wasn’t that they were doing anything wrong. They were just two mates standing in the street. What they were talking about was an entirely different matter. They were discussing the details of their next home burglary. To be more precise, Davey was doing the talking and Lenny was listening.

    What’s the matter with you, Ox? You look like you’re busting for a shit.

    Nuffin’ wrong, Davey, just...can’t we talk we about this know, more private like?

    Oh for fuck sake... OK, OK, let’s go to the cafe.

    The two youths began walking down the windswept street towards the cafe where they usually hung out. Truth be told, Davey wouldn’t mind getting out of the cold himself.

    Davey, can I have a fag?

    Fuck off, I’ve only got a few left. ’Ere, you can have ’alf of this one.

    They made an incongruous pair. Lenny, nicknamed Ox because of his size and strength, and Davey, razor thin and shaven headed. Their friendship, such as it was, had begun in primary school and had continued for the brief period they had spent at high school. The wind picked up just as they turned the corner into Frawley Street. Davey’s ragged denim jacket did little to keep out the cold, and Lenny’s threadbare

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