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Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free: Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.
Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free: Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.
Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free: Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free: Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.

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About this ebook

One of those books that change you on the inside and the outside:


  • Identify what Busy Work is for you personally
  • Start using simple strategies to eliminate it from your life
  • Do what you want instead of being forced to do what you don't
  • Feel more purposeful, fulfilled, and happier with your life
  • Tune in to your creative instincts, intuition, insights, and intention
  • Take creative action at home, in relationships, at work, and in business
  • Feel and be more creative, more of the time


Release dateAug 28, 2016
Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free: Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.

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    Book preview

    Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free - Richard Conner

    Break Your Busy

    Break Your Busy

    Set Your Creativity Free: Enjoy Better Life and Time Management. Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.

    Richard Conner


    ‘I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.’

    William Blake


    Curiosity Calls





    I. Breaking Your Busy

    1. Busy Work vs Real Work

    2. Riding Work Edges

    3. Primal Necessity

    4. Money, Work, and Time

    5. The Seven Works

    II. Making Clear Space

    1. Reality Check

    2. List Manipulation

    3. Experiments In Reductionism

    4. Work Vacuum Challenge

    5. Expect Inefficiency

    III. Getting Real Creatively

    1. Ignore Creative Urges At Your Peril

    2. Connecting To Your Creative Core

    3. Journalistic Intention

    4. Continual Idea Generation

    5. Being Most Creative


    Curiosity Calls

    Feedback Loop

    T-Types Test

    Your Money Future

    About The Author

    Also By The Author





    Over the last few years (I wrote this book in 2015), I’ve struggled with not knowing what I want. To do, to have, to be.

    I’ve managed to navigate the trickery thicket of woulda, coulda, shoulda, by focussing most of my time, money, creativity, purpose, intention, inaction, and action on doing what I want, when I want, and with who I want. This ‘way’ has served ‘me’ to a certain degree and will continue to do so, albeit to a much lesser extent.

    I recently had a long overdue (in my opinion) ‘appointment’ with a relative stranger who closed our conversation with a resounding ‘Congratulations, you’ve won! Well done you, good work!’

    She let me sit uncomfortably with that for a moment.

    ‘Pheweeee, thank the Lord that’s over. Now that’s done and dusted, do you think you can lay down the gauntlet?’

    ‘What, if anything are you going to create and breathe life and love into, right now?’ slowly and surely she leaned in.

    I had the sudden realisation that the not knowing wasn’t the real underlying struggle I’d been wrangling with and that the ‘knowing’ was, or about to be. These knowings always seemed to me to be in conflict with each other triggering me to unconsciously seesaw one to the other. The outcome? I’ve rarely given myself permission to fully commit to one, the other, or all.

    So many stealth conflicts to notice, uncover, and untangle.

    But here’s the great thing about inner-outer conflicts. They compound. Sometimes just one comment, question, or observation can be the pull that the tangled thread needs to work loose, and a cascade of conflicts comes crashing down.

    Conflicts no more. The veil is lifted.

    Change and transformation really can happen in an instant.

    I’m now revitalized and excited about exposing and nurturing the overarching, all-encompassing latent dreams of loving intimacy, partnership, family, and service that have been consistently hidden or postponed in favour of the familiar ‘way’ that I’d let myself become accustomed to as the irreversible norm.

    Now, a new truth is born.

    Read this short book in the knowledge I’m offering a conversation, a check-in, or a conflict curiosity call if you like which, depending on your appetite for progress and change, may lead to a complimentary no-charge no-obligation Alchemy Session with me.

    Our time together in-person (should we find ourselves in the same vicinity as each other) or online will provide a safe space to focus on what's alive for you now in your life, relationships, health, money, work, projects, and/or business that needs some loving attention to get unstuck. Whether that's a situation to navigate, a problem to solve, a conflict to resolve, or a dream to realise the purpose of the session is to help you move toward your desired outcome without unnecessary delay or painful wrangling.

    My intention is to bring my thirty-plus years of life, creativity, business, and ’otherworldly non-ordinary' shamanic experience of seeking Peace, finding Love, and cultivating Clarity to bear in my local neighbourhood and to those in my wider online community.

    Should this appeal click the image or link below.

    Richard Conner aka Ricardo Rochilez

    Artist • Architect • Author • Alchemist


    Old Beginnings

    I was the managing director of a successful, professional consultancy, headquartered in London. It was co-founded officially with two of my closest and longest-standing friends around the turn of the millennium. The business was born during a three to four-year incubation period while the partners worked their respective day jobs.

    As co-leaders of an international creative agency, we had to navigate the extremes of relentless economic turmoil. We were forced keep pace with the fast moving, disruptive development of marketing communication technology and online content creation strategies and techniques.

    Like many businesses leading into and out of the crash of 2008, it was hustle or die. We had to quickly and regularly identify, often pre-empt, but always implement significant change to restructure and reorganise to compete, survive and after much hard work eventually thrive and prosper.

    Before this, and in parallel, I was also co-founder and co-director, with the same partners, of an award-winning architectural practice. Under the leadership of my former co-director since my departure during late 2009 it too matured into a successful focussed in-demand creative consultancy business.

    Stark Contrast

    In stark contrast to the relentless bustle of the agency’s London HQ in Shoreditch, its international studios, and my architect designed London Fields two bedroom apartment my life has taken a seemingly sudden and abrupt change.

    Now, I live in a cave, my jungle home on a small island off mainland Thailand, surrounded by nature, in peace and calm. I have for the moment, a relative abundance of time, energy, focus, and space to work on what I want and feel passionately drawn to, when I want to. Including me, my self, and I.

    In the past I might have used this space and freedom frantically working to get a new or long-forgotten project off the ground. Or, I’d scrabble around trying to launch a new business, all without skipping a beat, to secure an income and stay ahead of the game.

    Typically this would all happen without a moment’s break or pause for real thought and feeling investigation into what I truly wanted to do with and become in my life.

    Most importantly these seemingly wayward entrepreneurial endeavours were missing a deeply meaningful Why.

    This time, at long last, my approach was intentionally different.



    Throughout the Work Life Wide Open series ‘overwhelm’ will be used in noun form. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it has been used as such since at least 1596.

    It will be used, firstly, as shorthand for the life, work, and relationally overwhelming circumstances, situations and contexts we sometimes find ourselves immersed in.

    And, secondly, to define the psychological and emotional impact we experience as a result

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