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The Hair Pomade
The Hair Pomade
The Hair Pomade
Ebook23 pages20 minutes

The Hair Pomade

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How far are you willing to travel to meet your love in person? This is where love breaks the rules of time and location to make this happen.

Release dateAug 28, 2016
The Hair Pomade

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    Book preview

    The Hair Pomade - Zivar

    Arthur Perkins

    Arthur Perkins flung the door wide open, remembering moments too late to be mindful of people on the other side. A passerby gave him frosty glances as he stepped out onto the pavement and sidled by them, hastening to match his pace with that of incoming traffic. Miniature versions of clouds escaped from his lips, and he bundled up his heavy peacoat as if the heavy fabric would prevent the cold from seeping into his bones.

    He tilted his head back to skim the tops of the looming buildings with his tired eyes. By all accounts, New York ought to have been bustling. But this morning was slow, slower than molasses, and slower than it had been for quite some time. Still, the metallic grind of cars trundling by and swish of slick, black shoes against the pavement was enough to convince him he couldn’t have been anywhere but in the big city.

    The walk to work was brief, and Arthur took his time getting there, stopping to eye the various vendors up and down the Forty-Seventh. Flowers, food, and foreigners; the sights and sounds were different every time, and it was everything he’d fallen in love with upon first coming to New York.

    Just before climbing the stairs to his office, Arthur paused, uneasiness tickling the back of his neck and making his hair stand on end. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. It was an absurd feeling to have, he knew, particularly in a city as large and impersonal as this. But still, it

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