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Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word!
Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word!
Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word!
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word!

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About this ebook

This is a wonderful heartwarming love story about a woman looking for a man who was man enough to commit himself to marriage. In her unwillingness to compromise her ideals and dreams, she eventually is rewarded with far more than she ever expected possible. The story takes her to places far from home and brings her in contact with people she had only read about in books, as those who genuinely loved her and cared for her. This is the seventh book in the Christian Fiction Library series.

Release dateAug 29, 2016
Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word!

Roger Henri Trepanier

Roger Henri Trepanier is an evangelist, author, and counselor, who has been serving God on his field of service since 1999. One hundred and twelve books have been published so far in five different series, all available in print format and as an eBook for any type of eBook reader. He is a widower with three adopted children, all now married.The author's two websites have been closed. To access the author's books, please type, "Roger Henri Trepanier, books" in any search engine. All the author's books are available in print and ebook formats for all devices.

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    Book preview

    Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word! - Roger Henri Trepanier


    Chapter One

    It was not supposed to happen this way!

    Chapter Two

    Sarah’s horizons widen far beyond her expectations!

    Chapter Three

    The new adventure begins!

    Chapter Four

    Meanwhile, behind the scenes!

    Chapter Five

    Nature takes its course, or so Sarah thinks!

    Chapter Six

    Who would ever have predicted all this?

    Chapter Seven

    Sarah again observes the power of God at work!

    Chapter Eight

    The heights of joy!

    Chapter Nine

    And the depths of sorrow!

    Chapter Ten

    An unexpected visitor!

    Chapter Eleven

    Wedding bells will be a-ringing again!

    Chapter Twelve

    Troy Jr!

    Chapter Thirteen

    The guest minister!

    Chapter Fourteen

    Never a dull moment!

    Chapter Fifteen

    The correspondence turns to a love letter!

    Chapter Sixteen

    The visit to Honduras!

    Chapter Seventeen

    Sarah learns of God’s mercy towards Travis!

    Chapter Eighteen

    Sarah experiences another match made in Heaven!

    Chapter Nineteen

    Deeply missed at the ranch, but highly valued in Honduras!

    Chapter Twenty

    Home, at least for now!


    For those who may not as yet have a personal relationship with God

    The Next Book

    End Page


    It is only to be expected that with a title like Love Is More Than Just A Four Letter Word! that this book would be a love story, and it is! And as can be expected in a work of fiction, the characters and events portrayed are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons living or dead are purely coincidental and were not the intent of the author, although all the places mentioned in the book are real.

    Since the author is also a Christian evangelist and counselor, many real life situations have been incorporated into the story. This is the seventh book in The Christian Fiction Library series, and the author’s thirty-first book in four different series.

    The book has been written in the hope that it will touch many lives for the glory of God!

    Roger Henri Trepanier

    Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.

    Galatians 6:7


    / It was not supposed to happen this way!

    Sarah had come to the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia on a scholarship, so full of dreams for the future. She was hoping that she would be married by the time she finished college and then have a boy and a girl by her twenty-fifth birthday. But now here she was at twenty-two, just finishing her fourth and final year in a month, still not married and still no prospect either. When she started her first year at eighteen, she did what so many of her friends were doing back home, which was to move in with their boyfriend after high school. Two months into her first semester, Sarah had met Ken and before long had started living with him, having left her room at the dorm and moved to his apartment off-campus. She had dated many boys in high school, and even had sex with a few, but when she had met Ken she was sure he would be the one she would spend the rest of her life with.

    She had been on the pill since the age of sixteen, at her mom’s insistence, since her mom had her older brother Robert when she was seventeen and did not want her daughter to repeat the same ‘mistake,’ as she used to call it. As Sarah was growing up, she kept saying to her over and over again just how tough it was to raise a child while one was still a teen and unmarried. Sarah wished she had a dollar for every time she heard her mother Rose tell her these things, and that she had cried herself to sleep at night because she felt that her own childhood dreams had been dashed. But what came to Sarah’s mind each time her mother talked of her ‘mistake’ was that at least she had her baby and did not abort him, as so many of her mom’s peers were doing back in the eighties, when her mom had gotten pregnant.

    When Sarah agreed to move in with Ken, whom she had now lived with for almost three and half years, she only did so because she believed within herself, or at least convinced herself of it, that he would be the man that she would one day marry. Ken had told her that he wanted to live together first to see if she was ‘the right one.’ But at that point in his life, if he had really been honest with himself and with Sarah, he would have had to admit that all he really wanted was consensual sex. Sarah for her part was not opposed to that as she had lost her virginity shortly after going on the pill and had always found sex enjoyable.

    What she had started to resent after a while of living together was that Ken was expecting her to prepare all the meals, keep their one bedroom apartment clean, while seemingly oblivious to the fact that she still had classes to attend and assignments to do, just as he did. But she kept consoling herself with the fact that at least Ken was paying the rent, plus all the utilities, including the food they ate and the alcohol they consumed. But then simply drawing money from a bank account his rich parents had set up to pay for his four years of college was not what one would consider as being very labor intensive, at least compared to what she had to do each day!

    What was unexpected for Sarah, which broke her heart and her dream balloon, was the fact that as Ken began the last semester of his fourth year, he had now to give serious thought to what he wanted to do after graduation. And to her dismay she found out that marrying her was not the first priority of his life! What he kept talking about was his future after graduation, not their future together. By now, to Ken, marriage was something that might come in the future, although after living with Sarah for this length of time he was not sure he ever wanted to get married, since it had now become socially acceptable for couples to simply have children while living together without getting married, so his current thinking was, what was the point?

    This had all come to a head one Friday evening during their last term, while enjoying a relaxing Friday supper together, which was when

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