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Changing Days: Sacred Days, #2
Changing Days: Sacred Days, #2
Changing Days: Sacred Days, #2
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Changing Days: Sacred Days, #2

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Betrayed by her one and only true love, Keira Doubleday hides away to lick her wounds.Her loyal friend and housemate Polly has other ideas though, and soon whisks her away on a girls' holiday to the party island of Ibiza.

Soon a rejuvenated Keira finds she is able to face the world again, and buoyed with a fragile confidence, she agrees to meet Brent.

Overwhelmed, she realises she cannot resist him and rekindles their romance. Their passion grows but as they plan their future together it's clear that all is not as it seems. There are people working to undermine their relationship and destroy Brent and his family.

Against this backdrop of deceit and betrayal, new friendships are forged and with her undying belief that love conquers all, soon Keira is fighting to save everything that is precious to her...

This is the seductive sequel to Oh My Days, the passionate debut novel from P.W. Staples. 

PublisherPW Staples
Release dateSep 4, 2016
Changing Days: Sacred Days, #2

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    Changing Days - PW Staples

    Changing Days

    P. W. Staples

    Copyright © 2016 by P.W. Staples 

    P.W. Staples has asserted the right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

    All Rights Reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted at any time or by any means mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior, written consent of the copyright owner. 

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means— electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise— without prior written permission from the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations for purposes of review. 

    For information about this title, contact Sellers Books: 

    Design by: Kit Foster Design 

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental.

    ISBN : 978 0 9956013 0 7

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter One


    Really? Well that’s just marvellous. Bloody, bloody marvellous.

    The man from the airport insisted that there were no more bags to be unloaded from our flight, and that the airline would contact me as soon as they located my case, but I wasn’t really taking it in.

    How could this happen? I mean Nikki’s case, then Natasha’s, then mine, before Polly’s. Their cases pink, black, and Louis Vuitton patterned, and mine the patchwork black and white markings of a Friesian cow. A part of a set my family had and not, you would think, easy to lose in a crowd. Same check-in process, same sticky flight label and sandwiched in between the others like a calf lost from the herd. It’s not as if we were travelling long haul across the globe, a little over two hours to bloody Ibiza and it’s lost. I mean seriously?

    All my shoes, swimming costumes and going out gear gone; my favourite perfumes, hair and face products, tops and shorts. I thought about the t-shirts and sandals that Brent bought me when we first met and I couldn’t help but get upset.

    It could only happen to me.

    I doubted Polly’s wisdom at going away so soon after the split with Brent, but I really wanted to enjoy it. I loved the pre-flight drinks at the airport with the girls, and now three hours later I’m faced with a week of beg, steal and borrow like a sodding tramp. If I did want to impress, and I’m not sure I did, what boy would look at me squeezed into one of Polly’s cozzies. I know they’d rally round to help but Nikki and Tash were smaller than me and Polly was slim as well. I wasn’t fat but in their costumes I’d look like a flippin’ saveloy. 

    Polly was texting someone on her second phone but was quick to notice the tears, as were Nikki and Tash, and in a spontaneous show of affection they all hugged me tightly.

    Polly did explain that she kept the second mobile with her as insurance. She had two very close clients that she wanted to be able to speak to if ever they needed her, day or night, and apart from them, it was never used.

    If you ever get a call from this phone I’ve either lost the other one, pretty unlikely, or it’s bloody important. Remember that Keezy, you never can be too careful.

    I know Poll but putting it under your pillow is a bit extreme isn’t it. I mean if you’re having nookie and it accidentally calls me on loudspeaker I could hear you in the throes. Eeewww.

    She was always prepared our Polly. Like a girl guide or a soldier, but I had visions of her like some high powered trader, with multiple phones dealing in stocks and shares. Polly Lawrence on red. Sell...sell...sell!

    It was therefore and forever more, logged into my phone as Polly RED.

    Anyway, after a further conversation with baggage control and a call to my insurance company we trudged outside to get a taxi to the villa.

    Cheer up babe. You can borrow any of my stuff and we can go into town and get you some new gear. I promise we’ll make it the best holiday ever.

    Yeah don’t worry honey. My sister lost her case last year in Turkey and it turned up a day later.

    Was it opened?

    Tash looked away from me. The reassuring look and all the enthusiasm suddenly evaporated.

    Well yes and her knickers were missing but they were only Marks & Sparks cheapies so no harm done.

    The thought of swarthy baggage handlers sifting through my personal belongings or worse still, parading about in my undies wasn’t exactly a comforting thought and I let out a deep sigh.

    Well, thankful for small mercies, at least my passport, documents and money were all in my handbag.

    Sitting in the back of the cab I ran through the list of what was lost; cheap T-shirts no loss there, products and perfume, a pisser but not the end of the world, straighteners and hairdryer annoying but replaceable. Only those Christian Louboutin sandals were irreplaceable and a personal link with Brent...and...oh no.

    I shifted back in my seat and my eyes opened wide. Noticed by Nikki who had turned to offer her own brand of support.

    What’s wrong? What is it?

    Polly had turned to me as well.

    Keira...what is it? What else was in the case?

    Oh god, kill me now. Oh fuck. I wanted it to end now, but they wanted answers.

    Don’t lots of women have them now? After all it is the 21st century and no-one could judge surely? I knew I couldn’t lie and Polly wouldn’t mind. Hell, I worked with Tash who would laugh it off but I didn’t know Nikki at all. Shit, I was mortified.


    There may have been something else personal in there too.

    What your Beats luxury headphones?

    "No something personal...ahem... for a little Me time."

    Polly guessed straight away and screamed, laughing hysterically she was barely able to stammer out her words. didn’t bring Bruno with you...did you?

    Bruno ...who the hell is Bruno? asked an exasperated Tash.

    I covered my face and put my head in my hands. I thought of the baggage handlers waving it around and laughing, or doing something even worse with it. I started to babble my justification at ninety miles an hour.

    Well I thought you might all pull and I’d be alone, and if I couldn’t because of Brent, and you’re all loved was just insurance that’s all...oh crap, crap, crap.

    Nikki got it and started giggling as well. Only Tash hadn’t caught on, looking non-plussed before Nikki explained.

    Well I could be wrong but I’m guessing big Bruno is her love wand, her pocket rocket, her plastic pleasure provider, silly. Duh...her vibrator.

    The car rocked with screaming girls and I slapped Polly’s leg for being so mean and laughing at me.

    Ouch...hey we’re all girls together in here...You’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way honey, with a real life breathing boy on the other end of it.


    They all roared again and I had to admit I could see the funny side and started to laugh with them. What a start to my holiday.

    Besides, you can always borrow my love eggs. I never travel without them.

    I stared at Polly open mouthed at Nikki’s calm admission. She’d be one to watch I thought.

    The taxi driver who may be understood English better than we thought just about kept control of the car.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    The beats pounded out relentlessly as a quivering mass of bodies writhed and jumped as one in the confines of the hot sweaty club. Lots of flesh was in evidence, from deep caramel tans to newcomer white with angry pink blotches. Vest tops, T-shirts, tight micro dresses and short shorts were the order of the night as the party noticeably cranked up a notch.

    I sipped my water and watched closely as Tash and her friend Nicola cycled through their moves. They were really throwing themselves into it fully, and attracting more than a little attention from a group of lads we’d got to know over the week.

    I felt a tap on my shoulder and was met with Polly’s dazzling smile and bright eyes peering at me from under her shock of soft afro curls, her tan a dark shade of golden brown. I was happy to see her but a tiny tad jealous as she looked unfeasibly hot in a slinky black clubbing dress while I was rocking the donated strappy top and shorts combo with just too big sandals.

    Hiya Keez, searching the talent pool I see?

    You had to shout to stand any chance of being heard, even though we were away from the main dance area where it wasn’t so noisy. I was OK, coming from a partly deaf family, I could lip read easily but my friends weren’t so lucky.

    Oh, hi Polly. Sorry to disappoint but I can’t see any of my type babe.

    You’re not trying honey. There are literally thousands of young fit boys on this island and quite a few we’ve spoken to over the week, and you say no-ones caught your eye?

    No sorry babe. Maybe I’m just not man material at the minute. Still it hasn’t stopped you. Darren not in tonight?

    Oooohh let’s not go there eh babe.

    Having had far too much to drink on our second night in Ibiza, Polly disappeared off with one of the DJ’s friends, surfacing the following morning at our villa looking well and truly got at.

    It’s the first time I’ve not seen him hanging around you like a lost puppy. I have to admit he was very cute though.

    Well a girl can’t live on sun and vodka alone you know. I do have womanly needs.

    Polly rolled her eyes and curled a tendril of her hair while she giggled unashamedly at the thought of her raunchy holiday romance.

    You go girl, but next time check he’s legal. What was he fifteen?

    HE WAS NOT FIFTEEN. He was seventeen but just had a baby face that’s all.

    With that she stuck out her tongue then took a long slurp of her drink.

    I was creasing up with laughter at her indignant pouting before she saw the funny side and slapped my sunburnt arm causing me to flinch uncomfortably.

    Serves you right, cheeky. He did have a baby face but sadly a baby dick as well. Good job I was too drunk to care.

    Oh my day’s Polly! What are you like? A cougar who stalks young impressionable boys, uses them and then just chucks them away. Their poor lives forever ruined while you move on to the next unsuspecting victim.

    Not true. We both enjoyed it, sort of, and I tried to let him down gently, but he won’t take the hint. I said we’d had fun but we needed to move on. I’ve been avoiding him for the last two days.

    Well I’ve got your back and I still love you.

    I hugged her close. So close I could smell her perfume and felt her lithe body through her skin tight dress.

    Even if you are on a mission to corrupt the youth of Europe.

    Polly was my rock.

    When my relationship with Alex fell apart, she was there. When I needed a place to stay, she was there, and when Jacqui was killed, she was there. Then, when I couldn’t be happier and it seemed all my dreams were about to come true, when my world collapsed with the news that Brent was married. She was there.

    I’d cried until I didn’t think it was possible to create more tears. Nothing mattered to me.

    I just switched off my life and crawled into my own protective bubble. Polly was a star.

    She kept work at bay, my family on an even keel when they called, and was just there whenever and whatever I needed. She even called in a favour from her mum to use her villa on the island for this impromptu get away.

    I thought she was mad. I’d be lousy company for Polly, let alone Natasha and her friend given my fragile state, but true to form she was right again.

    Seeing them enjoying themselves forced me to do the same and I had soon temporarily forgotten the heartache and was knocking back the shots like a champ. The clubbing was great but I was not ready for close contact with another man, so I danced and danced. Exorcising Brent out of my system through exercise.

    I chose to leave any romance to Tash and Nikki, who jumped at it like girls possessed. Oh, and of course Polly with her youth training scheme. I glazed over for a second drifting away with my thoughts before Polly shouted again.

    I’m just not feeling this tonight. Fancy a drink somewhere else?

    Sure babe. Let’s just text the girls and get out of here.

    I spied Tash and Nikki in the crowd. They’d moved from their original position and both had paired off with a boy and were wrapped tightly together, occasionally coming up for air to shout then laugh, and then start snogging all over again. They were having a great time.

    Polly told them we were leaving and to be safe, text us when they left the club. We then headed towards the exit.

    Just then Darren, Polly’s holiday squeeze, strolled into the club and I felt my arm grabbed and I was dragged sideways through a door opposite marked Staff only. I was immediately shouted at in Spanish as both myself and Polly crouched below the strengthened glass view panel. Polly was laughing uncontrollably while she tried to calm the female catering staff and at the same time check the coast was clear. A large female chef was waving her arms and gesticulating, brandishing a carving knife frantically, telling us to leave in no uncertain terms. At the same time a handsome waiter walked towards us smiling and shouting to the chef in Spanish but also trying to usher us out of the door.

    Seconds later when she was sure the danger had passed and Darren was gone, she shouted her apologies in pigeon Spanish and I was once again pulled, this time outside. Her radar must have been off as Darren hadn’t gone inside and turned just as we lurched out into the lobby area.

    Hey Ladies!

    Polly turned and screamed. Not a blood curdling horror scream more a shocked, surprised laughing at the same time kind of scream. It had the effect of causing the nearby crowd of clubbers to turn and stare at us and for Darren to stop dead in his tracks, either realising we were certifiably insane or his chasing would be un-cool, non-macho or the actions of a stalking deviant

    I felt my arm nearly wrenched from its socket as we bolted for the door and out on to the street laughing all the way like guilty schoolgirls.

    "Hey Polly Peaking, wait up..." Darren shouted once more reluctantly moving against the tide towards us.

    Our sandaled feet flopped and skidded as we shot out of the doors just as quickly as we could. Well my sandaled feet really. Polly was the example of balanced poetry in motion.

    It was at this precise moment that the main cross strap decided to snap, causing the extra-long sole to wag freely and double back under my foot, giving way as we turned sharply. I looked like Bambi, top half pulled one way by Polly and each leg painfully splitting in two different directions. So awkward was it, bystanders generally gasped in shock, two compassionate girls leant forward to offer some sort of help and a group of boys laughed hysterically and called me peg leg. Relentlessly and not realising my predicament Polly dragged me on, legs akimbo, twisting like a revolving water skier in the choppy wake of a speedboat.

    On and on she pulled me, weaving through the crowd before a sharp turn down a narrow side-street, and a left and right brought us to a small bar. My heart was pumping, and we were both still trying to catch our breath, my wrist still in Polly’s death grip and the remains of the sandal was effectively tied to my calf. A quick look and I couldn’t see any sign of Darren.

    That was a close one, Keezy. I just wasn’t up for needy man talk tonight.

    You mean teeny weeny man talk, my foot’s bloody killing me and look at your flipper like sandal!

    Polly roared with laughter, as we both tried to compose ourselves.

    Quick let’s get inside this bar just in case he’s following us.

    With our breathing getting back to normal and my heart no longer racing, we headed inside and I used a headband to keep the broken shoe on. A sore and bruised foot from bare foot running was one thing, but with my luck I’d probably cut the damn thing off in a sea of broken glass if I took them off.

    I could tell from the twinkle in her eyes and slightly slurred speech that she’d had more to drink than I first thought. She attracted a waiter and ordered two long vodka and cokes.

    Once our drinks were delivered Polly raised her glass for a toast and shouted.

    "To Girl Power."

    "To Girl Power." I echoed.

    "And what the hell did he call you ...Polly Pecan? He’s already given you a baby nick name after his favourite nut? Gosh, it’s serious girl."

    "Stop it. Can I help it if he’s got it bad! Not Pecan, Peaking. It means the best or on top form. He said it to me before but I didn’t think he’d shout it out in front of all those people. What a cringe."

    He said it as pillow talk when you were cougaring him you mean.

    I made an attempt at a sexy pout closing my eyes and making rapid little kissing noises.

    Oh stop it. At least I had some fun. You should try one of the fit lads before we head back to reality.

    No not for me Polly. I’m having a great time with you and the girls, but I’m genuinely not interested in boys just now.

    Toast. No boys tonight!

    No boys tonight. I shouted back after clinking glasses and taking a long swig.

    And so we drank and danced, and danced and drank and slowing down chatted into the early hours. Mostly about boys.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    The sun shone brightly in a cloudless blue sky as I stared across the island landscape sipping my iced water. My head pounded but I’d have to wait another couple of hours before I could take more tablets. Still, I was faring better than Polly who had made it to the sun bed but flopped lifeless, almost comatose across it not moving a muscle.

    She had drunk an amazing amount of spirts, mixing it up with all sorts until the early hours, singing and dancing loudly in the bar, before we both finally staggered back to the villa and bed.

    I tried to tempt her with food or another drink but no response.

    My phone buzzed. It was Tash. She and Nikki didn’t make it back to the villa but she confirmed they were fine and would head back in the next hour or so. They’d had some fun with the boys we saw them with in the club last night and were just saying their goodbyes.

    I considered how fearless they were to spend the night with lads they’d just met. I wished that I could be that brave, but although I loved to party, I’d never had a one night stand. I’m sure the girls would share the juicy gossip on how their evening romance went once they’d had a chance to catch up on some sleep.

    I replied that everything was cool here and that there was no rush, informing them that Polly was dead to the world having drunk the bar dry. I continued looking across the pool into the distance, as the blue water shimmered and the surface rippled in the light breeze.

    Despite the lost case I loved this holiday.

    The journey to the airport with Polly brimming with optimism for the fun filled week ahead. Meeting up with the other girls for pre-flight drinks and excited chatter about what clothes we’d brought and the fun we’d have leaving work and rainy England behind. The clubbing nights and lazy days spent re-charging the batteries. Full on and never really a moment to myself, but now with Tash and Nikki away and Polly out for the count my thoughts drifted to Brent.

    How could he? I murmured out loud. How could he have lied to me?

    It was the question I’d asked myself over and over in the last month. Was I that difficult to talk to or confide in? Hadn’t we got close? That close that he could have warned me or honestly answered one of my many questions that were specifically designed to give him a get out?

    I really believed this was it. The dream guy I’d hoped for. My chance at real love and I fell. Fell hard, hook line and sinker, with a passion that made my bones ache.

    And he led me on.

    Allowing me to be swept up in this whirlwind affair, and feeding my belief that he loved me, knowing I loved him and that we maybe had our future lives together.

    Plainly, it was all a lie.

    His wife who he conveniently forgot to mention was waiting in the wings ready to be unveiled like a priceless piece of art. Yeah bloody priceless. Tears filled my eyes for the first time in a week.

    Brent you bastard, Why?

    You know why babe. Polly murmured from under her beach towel. She must have come round and heard me say it out loud. She shrugged the towel off and gingerly sat up on the sun bed.

    He was too nice to tell you the truth. And then he got caught up in it all just as you did.

    But he could have told me... could have told me before it got too far. For either of us.

    Is that his worst crime, falling in love with you? Falling in love with you when he was honour bound to another? I know he should have told you but deep down he’s a decent man and must have had his reasons.

    I held my head in my hands and sobbed.

    Please talk to him babe. You owe it to yourself to hear his side of the story, and either way provide some closure so you can both move on.

    I hadn’t been in a good place for so long. I’d felt betrayed and humiliated and too angry to speak to him, but like always, Polly’s advice made perfect sense.

    Just then a taxi pulled up outside in a swirl of dust and Tash and Nikki got out paying the driver and letting themselves in through the ornate black wrought iron gate.

    Hi ya. They said in unison, same clubbing clothes from last night both rocking the obligatory post good time dark glasses.

    After her sudden burst of personal advice Polly had retreated back to a death warmed up state, flat out and barely nodded a response, leaving it to me to get the gory details.

    Well girls you certainly look like you had a good time. Do tell all?

    Oh I can Keira but now I just need a shower and sleep.

    Me too babe. Agreed Nikki.

    And with that both disappeared into the villa and well deserved sleep I’d guess.

    Well three of the team down and one girl left with a thumping headache but still standing. I picked up my book and started to read.

    My mobile rang. Who’d call me out here?

    It was a man from the airline who spoke slowly in a whining nasally voice.

    Miss Doubleday regarding your lost luggage, we have on the form it was black is that right?

    No black and white.

    Oh black and white you say. It’s been recorded wrongly.

    Have you found it?

    No, I’m afraid not, but we will, rest assured. I’ll contact you when we find it.

    Ok, thanks. Bye.

    Oh brother, it seemed like I’d never get my case back. Especially if they didn’t even know what colour it was.

    Polly shifted again.

    Oooooh my head. I’m going for a hair of the dog. Do you want a drink?

    Yes, water please.

    In two ticks she was back with a long glass of water with ice and lemon for me, and a large glass of white wine for herself. Sitting up on the sun lounger she took a large gulp of wine.

    Aaahhh, that’s better, just what I needed. I can feel the senses slowly coming back.

    She rubbed some sun cream in to her hands and arms and wiggled her toes.

    I know what I was going to ask you. That blond boy you had at the charity centre. The boy I talked to. Whatever happened to him?

    Oh, you mean Carl.

    Yes that was his name. How did he get on?

    "Well we found him a bed for three nights and put him in touch with the authorities but didn’t hear back after that. I’m overdue a call from them when

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