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An Introduction to Psychic Awareness
An Introduction to Psychic Awareness
An Introduction to Psychic Awareness
Ebook57 pages3 hours

An Introduction to Psychic Awareness

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Psychic senses, everybody has them, but not everyone knows how to use them. How can you discover your own psychic senses and learn to develop them? This practical, very down to earth little book gives the very basics of the beginning of psychic ability. For those wondering how to start using their own psychic senses, this is the perfect place to start.

Release dateAug 30, 2016
An Introduction to Psychic Awareness

Ryllandra Rose

Creative pursuits of many varieties clamour for my time and attention, only some make it to into the public view. Having no interest in building a social media platform, Ryllandra's Realm and Smashwords are my outlets into the world. Collaborative writing projects also involve the creation of the high fantasy roleplaying game-world Phaemorea. See more at

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    Book preview

    An Introduction to Psychic Awareness - Ryllandra Rose

    An Introduction to Psychic Awareness

    Copyright 2004 Ryllandra Rose

    Published 2016 by Ryllandra Rose at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Getting Started

    Chapter 1 What is Psychic Awareness?

    Chapter 2 Introducing Intuition

    Chapter 3 The Role of Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

    Chapter 4 Soul Mates

    Chapter 5 Intention, Vibration, Universal Flow and How it Works

    Chapter 6 Psychometry - Reading the Energy of Objects

    Chapter 7 How to Get the Best from a Reading Consultation

    Chapter 8 When the Otherside Speaks

    Chapter 9 How Can I Find my Soulmate?

    Practical Applications

    Chapter 11 House Clearings

    Chapter 12 Candle Magic

    Chapter 13 Aromamagic

    A Parting Word

    About the Author

    Other books by Ryllandra Rose


    This little book is dedicated to Cheryl, the child who began this journey, but who died along the way, and also to my many helpers, advisors, supporters and collaborators, both in the living world and in the otherworld, without whom all of this would have been impossible.

    My deepest gratitude and many thanks go to Kieran for unwavering support, advice and sustaining cups of tea.

    A thank you must also go to a woman I've never met for the inspiration and motivation to begin the process of getting this particular publication into it's current form. A phone call one quiet Sunday morning was the catalyst behind creating this introductory primer for people looking for some basic, practical, down to earth help with learning how to identify their own particular psychic senses and abilities.

    Getting Started

    Chapter 1

    What is Psychic Awareness?

    Although many of us do not realise it, may not believe it, or may not even want to believe it, everyone of us has some type of psychic ability. Some call it a ‘sixth sense’, ‘gut feelings’, ‘extra-sensory perception’; or it might be a sense of ‘knowingness’ that cannot be comfortably explained. Most of us have had an experience similar to the following: thinking about someone and that person contacts them in some way within a few days of them having come to mind; knowing who is on the other end of the phone before answering it; dreaming about an event some time before it occurs: each of these are examples of types of psychic ability. Psychic ability can manifest in many different forms in different people depending on the use or otherwise that the individual makes of their particular talent. The most popular terms include clairvoyance and clairaudience, these are simply words from the French language, ‘clair’ meaning ‘clear’ and ‘voyance’ meaning ‘seeing’, while ‘audience’ means ‘hearing’. More unusual is clairsentience or ‘knowing’ where a person simply knows something they couldn’t possibly know, like knowing how or when another is going to pass over or have an accident.

    There are many other words that describe the same things or variances of them, so don’t be put off by terms and jargon. Each person will experience things differently and your experience is what is most important. Above all, don’t be afraid of what is loosely termed ‘the spiritual’. Like with anything, use your sense of discernment and don’t believe everything that you hear regardless of who is teaching or telling the story, because just as perception and levels of awareness play enormous roles in developing the self, so too do they impact on developing one’s psychic abilities. There are other ways to experience psychic ability including through emotions,

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