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The Book of Genesis Overview : A Brief Summary
The Book of Genesis Overview : A Brief Summary
The Book of Genesis Overview : A Brief Summary
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The Book of Genesis Overview : A Brief Summary

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This book, and the ones that follow for each of the other books in the Bible, is written for the purpose of providing a more in-depth understanding and knowledge of the Scriptures based upon the original text (language). This book is also for the purpose of teaching or

reminding readers of the following facts about the Bible:

• The Bible is a unified text in that its theme is carried out from Genesis to Revelation without contradiction in spite of the fact that it was written over a period of several hundred years by a number of different writers.

• Each book, chapter, and verse hinges on the others; meaning none of the Bible can be isolated from the rest of it. The full meaning and ‘story’ is dependent on the whole text in order to be complete.
PublisherSimon Kennard
Release dateSep 9, 2016
The Book of Genesis Overview : A Brief Summary

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    The Book of Genesis Overview - Simon Kennard



    When we think of the Bible we automatically think of the Church, God, Jesus, and words like religion, miracles, and faith. But the Bible is also perceived or viewed as a book of do’s and don’ts. For some, these do’s and don’ts are a much-appreciated guidebook or life GPS. For others, however, the wisdom and instruction found in the Bible is restrictive, old-fashioned, and senseless.

    What we think about the Bible or how we view it, however, doesn’t change its truth or its relevance. The absence of tangible proof that the miracles and many other events in the Bible too place does not mean this is proof of absence. Think about it like this: If you were sitting in your yard at night looking up at the sky just in time to see three shooting stars within a matter of a few seconds, would the fact that you had nothing but your word to prove that the event took place make it any less true? Of course not! The fact of the matter is that we do have a good deal of secular historical documentation that parallels to the truths and historical accounts contained in the Bible. But proving the truth of the Bible is not what this book is about.

    This book, and the ones that follow for each of the other books in the Bible, is written for the purpose of providing a more in-depth understanding and knowledge of the Scriptures based upon the original text (language). This book is also for the purpose of teaching or reminding readers of the following facts about the Bible:

    The Bible is a unified text in that its theme is carried out from Genesis to Revelation without contradiction in spite of the fact that it was written over a period of several hundred years by a number of different writers.

    Each book, chapter, and verse hinges on the others; meaning none of the Bible can be isolated from the rest of it. The full meaning and ‘story’ is dependent on the whole text in order to be complete.

    As you read, read with your heart as well as your mind for the purpose of gaining knowledge, wisdom, and truth. But at the end of the day it all comes down to faith—choosing to believe in spite of the fact that you cannot see what you believe (Hebrews 11:1).

    NOTE: For more information on secular historical documentation that the Bible is true, visit:

    In the Beginning

    In the beginning…—what better place to start than at the beginning when studying Bible.

    The author of Genesis is Moses. Or rather, it was ‘dictated’ to Moses by God.

    Those who have difficulty believing God could or would do such a thing need to remember that God and Moses had a deep, personal relationship. God spoke to Moses more often and in such a way that he has done with no other man on earth. In the book of Exodus we read that God and Moses spoke as friends do. What’s more, God buried Moses with his own two hands, which in and of itself is incredibly special and intimate. So if God cared deeply enough for Moses to bury Moses’ body, then why would there be any doubts that God would choose this same man to write down the history of creation and the first events leading up to the act of salvation through the cross?

    It is also worth noting that there are numerous specifics in Genesis that only God would know since he was the only one left that possibly could. For example:

    The order of creation

    The events in the Garden of Eden

    The names of Adam and Eve’s children—especially Cain’s family/descendants since they all perished in the flood

    The size of the ark

    The number of days it rained and the days on the ark

    Why Noah’s sons were dispersed as they were

    Why/how the world came to have different languages

    Only someone with an eye-witness account to these events (and more) would be able to tell what happened. But God didn’t just tell what happened. He told why things happened.

    After the flood the events in history could have been passed on by those who lived the events to those who came after them. That isn’t unusual—or at least it shouldn’t be. But the fact that every single event is linked and tied together for the purpose of unveiling God’s purpose for mankind could only come from a single source…the creator. God.

    The story* of God’s creation begins with God creating the heavens and the earth. Genesis, chapter one gives us the order in which God created the earth and the universe.

    Day one = light

    Day two = sky and water

    Day three = land, sea, vegetation

    Day four = sun, moon, stars

    Day five = Living creatures on the water and the sky

    Day six = living creatures on the land and humans (Adam and Eve)

    Day seven = rest

    The schedule and timeframe of creation has been the subject of debate for centuries. Was a day a twenty-four hour day? The answer: yes, it was and still is.

    In looking at the scriptures we see that God created the lights to govern the day and night—a day that went from sunrise to sunset and a night that went from sunset to

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