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"Up From Unda": Up & The Great Magician Moon
"Up From Unda": Up & The Great Magician Moon
"Up From Unda": Up & The Great Magician Moon
Ebook26 pages14 minutes

"Up From Unda": Up & The Great Magician Moon

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About this ebook

Up - the little flightless weka - likes to visit his human friends on the remote southern isle of Rakiura. However they can’t figure out each other’s language, so there is always an adventure to had in the misunderstanding.
Book 1: Up makes his very first human acquaintance - the Rev Dyson.
Book 2: Up gets caught up in some very devilish dangers.
Book 3: Up restores the sparkle to Xmas.
Book 4: Up has a most discombobulating interaction with music.
Book 5: Up tries to look after the sick and becomes an accidental fashion stylist.

PublisherMac Dyson
Release dateSep 7, 2016
"Up From Unda": Up & The Great Magician Moon

Mac Dyson

Mac Dyson likes playing with words and sounds. He writes books and makes music. He is a Kiwi by birth and nature, but after a sojourn in the UK as a musician, he now lives in the bustling metropolis of Sydney. His life has included stints as a TV Director, Pre-school Educator, Cleaner, University Lecturer but his favourite place to work is the theatre. He is particularly fond of Shakespeare - his favourite play being "Much Ado About Nothing". As a singer he loves John Dowland and Henry Purcell songs, and the works of Joni Mitchell, Prince, David Bowie, Bjork, and Aphex Twin. His life has been quite an adventure - perhaps why his books are on the weird side - but he has enjoyed a lot of it very much. Due mainly to a wonderful selection of 'human beans' that have journeyed with him. Thanks yous fellas. Kia kaha, Mac D x

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    Book preview

    "Up From Unda" - Mac Dyson


    Book 2: UP and The Great Magician Moon

    by Mac Dyson

    Copyright 2016 Mac Dyson

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you enjoyed this book and would like to share it with your friends, please either purchase a copy each to give them, or direct them to where they can buy their own. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Excerpts - from other books in the UP from Unda series

    Te Reo Maori - useful words in the Maori Language

    An Afterword - what was originally the Foreword in Book 1

    Chapter 1

    UP, the little brown Weka, stood stock still like a stunned mullet on the end of the Rakiura Island wharf. She didn’t even have the energy to tend to her dripping, dishevelled feathers and she looked like someone who’d been pulled backwards through a very wet gorse bush. To

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