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Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)
Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)
Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)
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Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Kerri’s excited to be able to help plan the wedding of her sister’s friend. Decorating her sister’s middle-of-nowhere cabin and taking some R&R after finally finishing cooking school is exactly what she needs before she starts her job hunt. Unable to sleep, Kerri heads out into the woods before dawn on Christmas Eve to cut pine boughs to decorate the fireplace mantel. It’s cold and dark, but Kerri finds herself enjoying the early morning walk in the woods. Until an unwanted guest in the form of an enormous polar bear intrudes on her quiet morning.

At dawn on Christmas Eve, Sullivan, an arctic shifter, goes with two members of the NPC security team to scout out the location for a close friend’s wedding. Deciding he’s a better hunter in his shifted form, he chooses the polar bear, his favorite of his four shifts. Heading into the woods that surround the cabin, he follows the scent of something amazing and comes face to face with a beautiful woman, who watches him shift back into his human form and promptly passes out.

When Kerri awakens, she feels immediately connected to a man she’s pretty sure she saw change forms from bear to human. She can’t explain why she feels drawn to him, but he can. He’s a quad shifter, part of Santa’s sleigh team, and she’s his fated mate. For a human who never realized that shifters, or Santa, were real, Kerri has to make a Either she’s waiting when Sullivan gets back from the Christmas Eve run, or he’ll leave her behind. Will Sullivan get his Christmas wish for Kerri to accept being his mate and join him in the North Pole, or will this be a blue Christmas for everyone?

PublisherR.E. Butler
Release dateDec 4, 2016
Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)

R.E. Butler

A Midwesterner by birth, R.E. spent much of her childhood rewriting her favorite books to include herself as the main character. Later, she graduated on to writing her own books after "retiring" from her day job as a secretary to become a stay-at-home mom.When not playing with her kids, wrestling her dogs out the door, or cooking dinner for her family, you'll find her typing furiously and growling obscenities to the characters on the screen.Her best-selling series Wiccan-Were-Bear, The Necklace Chronicles, Hyena Heat, Wilde Creek, Were-Zoo, Arctic Shifters, Norlanian Brides, Saber Chronicles, and Ashland Pride are available now.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't sure what to expect but it gave me everything from fun and romance to human fantasy and magic. I have always been a believer in magic. Thank you R E Butler for a satisfying short read.

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Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three) - R.E. Butler

Prancer’s Fated Mate

Arctic Shifters Book Three

By R. E. Butler

Copyright 2016 R. E. Butler

Prancer’s Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)

By R. E. Butler

License Notes

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

Cover by Damonza

This ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locations is coincidental.

Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those older than the age of 18 only.

* * *

Editing by Jennifer Moorman

* * *

Many thanks to my best sisterfriend Joyce, who loves Christmas more than anyone I know.

Thanks to Shelley for her help, my amazing Reader Group, the Wild Shifter Babes, for their support & love, and to my Aunt BL and BB who I love dearly.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Arctic Shifter Series

Contact the Author

Other Works by R. E. Butler

Coming in 2018

Prancer’s Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book Three)

By R. E. Butler

Kerri’s excited to be able to help plan the wedding of her sister’s friend. Decorating her sister’s middle-of-nowhere cabin and taking some R&R after finally finishing cooking school is exactly what she needs before she starts her job hunt. Unable to sleep, Kerri heads out into the woods before dawn on Christmas Eve to cut pine boughs to decorate the fireplace mantel. It’s cold and dark, but Kerri finds herself enjoying the early morning walk in the woods. Until an unwanted guest in the form of an enormous polar bear intrudes on her quiet morning.

At dawn on Christmas Eve, Sullivan, an arctic shifter, goes with two members of the NPC security team to scout out the location for a close friend’s wedding. Deciding he’s a better hunter in his shifted form, he chooses the polar bear, his favorite of his four shifts. Heading into the woods that surround the cabin, he follows the scent of something amazing and comes face-to-face with a beautiful woman who watches him shift back into his human form and promptly passes out.

When Kerri awakens, she feels immediately connected to a man she’s pretty sure she saw change forms from bear to human. She can’t explain why she feels drawn to him, but he can. He’s a quad shifter, part of Santa’s sleigh team, and she’s his fated mate. For a human who never realized that shifters, or Santa, were real, Kerri has to make a choice…fast. Either she’s waiting when Sullivan gets back from the Christmas Eve run, or he’ll leave her behind. Will Sullivan get his Christmas wish for Kerri to accept being his mate and join him in the North Pole, or will this be a blue Christmas for everyone?

Chapter 1

Sullivan took a drink of beer and smiled at the scene before him. Merri, the human fated mate of Rhys, one of his best friends, was seated in a chair in the center of Santa’s living room, surrounded by gifts. Sullivan had grown up with Rhys and the other members of SC’s sleigh team. As quads – arctic shifters with the ability to shift into four different animals – they were unique in North Pole City. There were other shifters in NPC, but only quads could take on the all-important fourth shift of the reindeer. His favorite shift was the polar bear, but he did enjoy flying high in the sky as a snowy owl, or tearing through the forest as an arctic fox.

Rhys and Merri had met through an unexpected encounter involving Mrs. Claus and a case of mistaken identity the previous Christmas Eve. Merri had opted to leave her old life behind in the human world and join Rhys in NPC, which was a magically protected secret city where elves and shifters lived and worked, helping Santa deliver toys to children all over the world.

Merri tore off the glittery white wrapping paper covering a large box, which was a gift from Arian and his human fated mate, Charli. They’d been together since his sleigh harness had broken during flight and he’d fallen into the woods outside of Charli’s cabin.

Merri lifted out a quilt.

Oh, it’s beautiful! Did you make this Charli?

Yes! Arian’s mom taught me how. The pattern is called wedding ring.

It’s so lovely, thank you!

At that moment, RJ, Merri and Rhys’s infant son, cried out sharply. Someone misses his momma, Rhys’s mother, Flora, said as she walked into the room with the little boy.

Merri took him, and he settled immediately, snuggling against her throat with a yawn. Watching them made Sullivan’s chest hurt. His friend had a beautiful mate and a son. In a few days, they were heading to the human world for Merri and Rhys’s wedding, which was taking place at Charli’s cabin.

As Merri helped Rhys open the rest of their gifts with her free hand, Sullivan thought that maybe this was his year. His beasts had been antsy lately, an emotion he couldn’t really attribute to anything in particular. He knew he could ask Mrs. C to mate-match him. There were no female shifters in NPC, but there were female elves. Along with her immortality, Mrs. C’s magic allowed her to make perfect matches between shifters and elves.

But he pushed the idea from his mind. Although many of the eligible female elves were attractive and friendly, he didn’t want to be matched up with magic. He wanted what Rhys and Arian had – a fated mate. The one female in the world who was perfect for him, brought to him through fate.

I think this is going to be an interesting Christmas, Mire, the Vixen reindeer position, said as he swiveled back and forth lazily on the stool.

Oh? What makes you say that? Sullivan asked, his beasts sitting up in curiosity.

Mire shrugged. I just feel like maybe this Christmas one of us will be lucky enough to find his fated mate.

Declan, the Dancer reindeer position, lifted his bottle of beer and said, Anything’s possible. It’s Christmas, after all.

The three males

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