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Immortal Warrior
Immortal Warrior
Immortal Warrior
Ebook541 pages16 hours

Immortal Warrior

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When headstrong cat burglar Maggie Shaw attempts to make a steal of a lifetime, she encounters a man she cannot explain how is still alive. He is frustrating, stubborn, mystifying, and irresistible at every turn. Even though it is crucial to stay unattached and keep her life a secret from him, he begins to break down her walls little by little, making her glimpse a future where he would always be by her side.

Gideon Sinclair is a Scottish warrior through and through. He was created by the all-powerful Guardians. Once he falls upon the determined, little thief, he gets pulled into her world of treachery, love, death, and heartache.

Enter Eric Wellington, Maggie’s so-called-boss. His psychotic behavior and endless wealth keep a hold on Maggie. Why won’t she leave the monster of a man? What power does he have over her? These are questions Gideon is desperately trying to answer as he falls deeper in love with Maggie.

Will all his training and experience be enough to save his soulmate against a man like Eric? Or is Gideon destined to be alone forever?

PublisherAlexis McNeil
Release dateSep 13, 2016
Immortal Warrior

Alexis McNeil

I was born in Bismarck, North Dakota, one of four children. I graduated with an Associates in Computer Aided Drafting and reside in Pennsylvania with my husband and two daughters. When I'm not working part-time as a kitchen designer, or being a mother and a wife, You'll find me writing about Immortals from Scotland and the women who love them!

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    Immortal Warrior - Alexis McNeil



    Alexis McNeil

    * * * * *


    Alexis McNeil

    at Smashwords

    Immortal Warrior

    Copyright © 2016 by Alexis McNeil

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    * * * * *

    To Shelby and Sidney:

    Two little girls with brilliant minds and imaginations that are ever green. I love you both with all my heart.

    * * * * *


    * * * * *


    Grampian Mountains, Scotland

    Quartz Cavern A Dig Site

    Present Day, 2:40 A.M.

    Maggie gently blew across the small, dust-covered dagger that lay half-buried in the cold, gravel floor of the cavern. Kneeling, she took a small brush, which sat off to the side of the relic, and lightly stroked the fine bristles over the historical object, freeing it from its ancient home. The golden snake head at the hilt of the dagger remained in remarkable shape with exquisite detail. The beautiful, blue, topaz eyes on the snake glimmered from the glare of Maggie’s flashlight.

    Glancing over her shoulder, she made sure she continued her search of the cavern by her lonesome. A shiver passed through her as she stared out into the blackness behind her that lie in wait for her flashlight to extinguish, waiting to consume her with its dark tentacles. She looked back at the dagger, shaking off any misgivings. Adeptly, she wrapped the ancient find in an old, ragged t-shirt, and stuffed the new possession tightly into the breast of her dark-green, military style jacket. One never knew when security would pop-in, not that there was much of that at this dig-site. The small, privately sponsored digs never had enough money for top-notch security.

    Maggie replaced the dirt and rocks from where she had removed the knife and rubbed it with her feet, smoothing over the small gravel, making it appear undisturbed. It wasn’t too hard to cover her tracks in dig-sites. Shining the light over her quick work, satisfied with the results, she began her way out of the long tunnel. A smile curved her mouth. Eric would undoubtedly give her a hefty penny for her find. Her brow instantly furrowed at the thought of him. He specifically mentioned a chalice, but she had been looking for said chalice for three months and still no hint of it. She shook her head. He’d be happy with the dagger, and if he wasn’t, well, she’d sell it to some other buyer of antiquities.

    Her breathing stayed even as she hiked the incline in the last half of the tunnel, which led to the fresh, night air. Standing at only a whopping 5’4, she stayed in good health with a zealous workout every day. She had to be in the best shape she could be, especially in her line of work. One never knew when one would have to run for their life. She lightly snorted. As if her job was categorized as a real" profession.

    Nearing the last forty feet before she came to the slight bend in the tunnel, which led to the mouth of the cave, she flicked off her light and paused, letting her eyes acclimate to the darkness. Gradually, the different shades of black became visible. Soundlessly, she padded to the entry, pausing and listening for any sign that security waited for her. Poking her head around the corner, she spotted two, rented, security cops in an unmarked Ford Crown Victoria, about fifty yards away. The glow of a small screen lit up their faces. Maggie lightly shook her head. That’s why her job was easy most of the time…the hired security at these things never took their jobs seriously. The one man, with a bald head, held up a snack-sized bag of chips to his mouth and emptied the rest down his throat, crumpling the bag when done.

    Maggie’s stomach rumbled. She hadn’t eaten dinner before she’d left. There had been planning, and strategizing, plus, parking her car a mile away. She crept around the edge of the doorway and slowly snuck along the wall of the mountain face, heading to a large area of tall grass and brush. With one glance back at the eerily lit car, she easily faded into the night.


    Maggie absently swiped a loose, strawberry-blond curl back under the black beret on her head. She stared across at the rare find, laying in her buyer, Eric Wellington’s, perfectly manicured hands. Her eyes gleamed as she watched him turn it this way and that, her assured grin fixed on her mouth. She rested her hands easily behind her back, loosely gripped. Poised inside Eric’s half-million dollar office, she stood in-front of his Louis XIV style desk in a black and white, tweed, houndstooth, pencil skirt. A tight, black, scoop-neck sweater, with a crisp white blouse underneath finished the ensemble. The bright, morning sun from the two-story, arched window lit the entire room, causing no need to turn on lights.

    Maggie raised her chin as Eric finally met her gaze. He was handsome, beyond filthy rich, born and raised in Scotland, a business entrepreneur, and extensive antiquities collector, not indifferent to buying stolen artifacts. Thank goodness, or she wouldn’t have a job.

    Not too shabby, if I say so myself, Maggie said, breaking the comfortable silence.

    Eric smiled, remaining silent. He rose and walked around his desk toward her. Maggie straightened. Eric was tall, lithe, and muscular. It was a plus he was also attractive with clean-shaven good looks, and golden brown hair styled at chin length. Too bad the devil resided underneath all the exterior candy. Maggie knew an athletic body lay underneath his dark-gray, Dolce & Gabbana suit. She had made the royal mistake of sleeping with him in the not too distant past. His habits in bed were not to her liking. He liked it rough, and that was an understatement.

    Eric grinned as he came up to her, stopping within her personal space. She knew the way he thought. He tried to throw her off-balance with his closeness. She had recently realized that he knew he made her nervous when he placed himself within her confines.

    A couple months ago, they had stood in this exact spot and he had run his finger across her collar bone. Inching in close, he had whispered against her cheek, I know I excite you. Your pulse quickens when I come near. The things I could do to you…. He chuckled. The things I’ve done to you. His hands reached out, slowly sliding down her shoulders, skimming her breasts and resting at her hips. His hot breath rolled over her cheek. I could take you right now. No one would be looking for you.

    "You’re wrong," she had said evenly, not a falter to her voice. Her best friend Mack would be expecting her. He’d miss her like there was no tomorrow.

    Eric had smirked, in that usual way of his, as he slowly perused her, his gaze undressing her as it inched down her body. He snickered. Face it, Maggie. You’re a street urchin. A lowly thief, he purred. The expensive clothes, nice loft, and fast car won’t ever change that. I know what you really are.

    At that point, when her skin had wanted to hitch the fastest ride out of Dodge, she looked him square in the eye. Do you want the artifact, or not?

    He had laughed and mumbled something about being all business. But in the end, she had walked away with a thirteen thousand dollar check.

    Eric stopped in front of her, bringing her back to the current deal she tried to close. You’re correct, he said. This isn’t too ‘shabby’ at all. He rubbed his fingers over the snake head. Quite exquisite. But….


    A wicked smile crossed his face. I want the chalice.

    Maggie regarded him, as he had done to her. When she met his gaze, she said, I told you, I’ve done my research. I probably know more about that damn cup than you right now. It’s not in the cavern and I’ve not seen it in any of the other sites I’ve been to. I think it’s gone, vanished with time.

    Eric laughed quietly as he turned around, his back facing her. You know, Maggie, he said tightly, I’ve been a very good employer to you. I could expose you. Turn you in to the government. I could wash you and any evidence of our relationship away and I’d be free and clear. You’d go to prison for all you’ve stolen. All the artifacts from which you’ve made your very lucrative living.

    Then do it, she spat in a venomous tone.

    He laughed bitterly. Oh, how I want to, but you see, you have knowledge of what you’re doing and what to look for. You’re a good thief, perhaps the best I’ve come across. Eric glanced over his shoulder at her. So, stop fucking around trying to sell me all this other shit when you know what I want.

    Maggie tilted her head to the side. I do have other customers, Eric. Perhaps, when I find the chalice, I’ll go to one of them?

    Eric spun around and grabbed her throat, taking her by surprise, pushing her backwards. Her body pressed up against the bright, turquoise, paisley, papered wall on the far side of the room. He moved in so his lips brushed her cheek when he talked.

    Don’t think for an instant you can play me, Miss Shaw, he spat. His lip curled and his eyes gleamed. "I want that fucking chalice. You will find it!" He squeezed his grip tighter around her neck. Maggie fought at his grasp, trying to pull his hands free of her. She labored for breath as Eric bent in and roughly slammed his mouth over hers. His teeth dug into her lips, his tongue shoved into her gaping mouth, which begged for air. He roughly pinned her against the wall. Kicking out with her sharp, black stilettos, she aimed for his shins, but he anticipated the move and stopped the assault before it could even begin.

    Abruptly, he pulled back and let go of her. She slumped over, fervently catching her breath, massaging her throbbing neck. Eric yanked the dagger from his pant waistline and tossed it at the floor by her feet. "Take it to one of your other buyers." He righted his suit jacket and nonchalantly walked back to sit behind his desk, going about his business.

    Sluggishly, Maggie reached down and picked up the dagger as her eyes narrowed. How she wanted to shove the shiny blade deep into his spine. Maggie released a shaky breath. Cool. Calm. Collect. She was all too aware of knowing that Eric fed off of violence. Taking a deep breath, she rose. Straightening her skirt, blouse, and cap, she walked over to the white lounge chair in the corner, where she had set her purse upon first entering his office, and retrieved it. She placed the dagger safely inside the purse and walked for the door leading to the foyer.

    As she reached the threshold, Eric called out after her, stopping her. Don’t forget, Miss Shaw. Mine.

    Maggie’s lips pressed together tightly as she envisioned ramming the dagger into his stomach this time. After a moment, she walked out of the room, through the ridiculously extravagant foyer, and to the front door, big enough to drive a bus through. Right as she placed her hand on the handle to go out, the door opened. An older man in a brown, dated suit stood in her way. Maggie wanted to laugh. A cop from her past.

    Narrowing her eyes, she shoved alongside him. Excuse me, she said sarcastically, as she passed him.

    He smiled. By all means, Miss Shaw. As long as there’s no funny business going on here?

    Maggie rolled her eyes as she walked toward her car, yelling over her shoulder. Not by me, but you might want to do a search on the prick that lives here! She noticed Detective Earnan’s unmarked car parked behind hers. Hopefully, the cop would charge Eric with something. She wouldn’t hold her breath. Eric had ways of getting out of sticky situations. She slammed her car door after she got in. Her mouth thinned as she turned the ignition. Putting her foot to the gas pedal, she placed the car in neutral, revving the motor. Slamming the transmission into drive, her back tires screeched as dark, black tire-marks rubbed into the spotless concrete. "Asshole!" She sped down and out of her boss’s estate.

    Late afternoon, she arrived home at her posh loft, which resided in Inverness. She parked in the basement parking garage and took the elevator to the top floor. The building stood four stories high and had only seven units. Everyone in the building kept to themselves. Most were businessmen and women that were out more than they were in. Maggie liked it that way. She had always been a loner, not because she didn’t like people, but because she wanted to do things her way. A boss once had fired her, because she had talked back to him…he had called her a hooligan, a good for nothing....

    Maggie shook her head, walking out of the elevator into a small hallway that led to two apartment doors. Hers and an older businessman’s, whose name had escaped her memory. Unlocking her door, she walked in, letting out a long, weary breath. Her hands still shook from her previous encounter with Eric. She dropped her keys on the kitchen counter in an antique leaf bowl she had stolen a few years ago.

    Her place consisted of a little over eight hundred square feet, but the way it was laid out made it feel open, spacious, and airy. She walked into the living room, which had a fourteen foot ceiling. Another deep breath left her. Her body finally started to wind down and relax once more. Turning, she glanced around her place. The beautiful view was bittersweet.

    Skylights lined the ceiling above from where her couch sat. Across from the couch, sliding glass doors lined the wall, heading out to a roof top patio, big enough for a large table with seating for eight, a few recliners, and a nice array of planters. Not that she ever had anyone over, other than Mack.

    She walked past the galley kitchen, down the hallway, and into the single bedroom. Passing by her bed, she pulled her black sweater up over her head, tossing it onto the expensive down comforter. Unbuttoning her blouse, she kicked off her pumps, making her way into the over-sized, tan, Dark-Brown Emperador, marble bathroom. She stripped out of her blouse, leaving it on the edge of the Jacuzzi tub.

    Maggie stepped in front of the mirror. Turning her head from side to side, she viewed the Eric-sized, purple, fingerprints marring the skin at each side of her throat. That fucker, she said through gritted teeth. After inspecting the bruises, her gaze turned into a hard stare as she studied herself in the mirror. A light sprinkle of freckles covered her cheeks and nose. Wide-eyed, hollow, brown eyes stared back at her. Her tongue darted out over her nicely shaped mouth, where a dark freckle sat at the corner of her lips on the left side. She had always loved that freckle. It was original…like her.

    She blew out a breath as she removed her black beret, setting it on the vanity countertop. Shaking her head, wavy, strawberry-blond hair fell just past her shoulders. Her nicely shaped, perky breasts filled-out the A-sized black, lace bra. Shimming out of her skirt, she let it fall to the floor where she stood. Glancing down in the mirror, three fingerprint marks at the edge of her black, lace panties caught her attention. She hadn’t even realized Eric had gripped her there, let alone so tightly.

    "I need to find a way to get out from under his thumb," she mumbled to herself in the mirror.

    After her short-lived, self-pity party, Maggie changed into soft, khaki-colored, yoga pants and a cream, boyfriend-style sweatshirt. She felt like crap at the moment and only one thing helped her perk up. Once, out in the kitchen, she grabbed her favorite, oversized, glass bowl from the cupboard, the size one would use to make a boxed cake mix in, and poured it full of Fruity Pebbles. She doused it with milk and then snuggled down on her soft, white, microfiber couch. Flicking the TV on, she went to the DVR menu and played her favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice.

    * * * * *

    Maggs? Ye here?

    Maggie yelled over her shoulder from where she laid, slouched on the couch. Over here. The scene was where Elizabeth walked through the morning haze to meet Mr. Darcy and confess their love for each other.

    What are you—? Mack shook his head, jumping over the back of the couch and landing on her blanket-covered feet. A long sigh escaped him. "Pride and Prejudice? And I see the empty bowl with pink milk. You had Fruity Pebbles. Eric?"

    Maggie stopped the movie and turned to face her dearest friend. Just looking at Mack made her feel better. He was seventeen, six years her junior, had dark-brown hair, trimmed short on the sides, long on top, and huge, green eyes that didn’t miss anything. He was a skinny, nerdy looking kid, and her best friend. Even though a pang hit her in the memory bank every time she saw him, she wouldn’t trade him for anything.

    And what happened to your neck!

    Eric decided to get a little rowdy.

    That pisser! If I ever see him, I’ll—

    Maggie snorted. You’ll what? He’s twice your size, doesn’t play fair, and has a small army of bodyguards. Not to mention, I’m sure he wouldn’t think twice about shooting you the minute you walked through his front door. Maggie eyed Mack’s flushed face. She patted his knee. Don’t worry. Jerks like him always get theirs.

    Mack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, just make sure that’s before you get yours," he mumbled.

    What’s up? she said, changing the subject. Talking about Eric made her grow angry all over again. Shouldn’t you still be at work?

    He shrugged. My boss was sick. Throwing up everywhere, so he put me in charge and went home. I decided to close up shop an hour early since I was the only one there.

    Maggie’s brow rose. Are you sure that’s a good idea? Your boss might find out. And then what? You’ll be looking for another job.

    "Okay, Mom!"

    Maggie rolled her eyes. "I know that’s what I sound like, but I am older, and you have a good thing going with that comic store right now. I don’t want to see you screw it up. This has been the longest you’ve kept a job."

    I’ve worked with you for two years, he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

    Maggie ran her hands over her face. From one hated subject to another. Like I’ve told you before, you can do better than me. And this isn’t really a job, it’s more of like, helping a friend out from time-to-time. Now, it was Mack’s turn to roll his eyes. She swatted his leg. Listen, you think I like checking behind my back everywhere I go? Wondering if the police finally have a case against me? Or that Eric finally decides he doesn’t need me anymore?

    Mack’s face flushed as he stared down at his hands. Sorry. It’s just…you make a pretty good living doing what you do. Then he glanced at her and grinned. And I like my cut that you give me. Maggie opened her mouth to reply, but he waved the issue away before she could speak her mind. "Anyway, the real reason I’m here is because, there was an article in the paper this morning about the cavern you were ‘visiting’. Did you read it?"

    Maggie slowly pulled her foot she had been sitting on, out from under her and sat up. No. I haven’t even been through my mail for the week. Maggie frowned. What did it say?

    Well, there was a cave-in in one of the chambers. I guess, some of the huge rocks that fell landed against another wall, busting through to a whole other uncharted area. There’s an entire section of hidden chambers.

    Hidden chambers. Maggie sat up straighter. Did they find anything?

    Mack shook his head. Being that it’s Friday, they are starting to excavate that new area Monday. They plan to have the local news there and a couple of the ‘Head of Operations’ from some of the nearby museums who now want to back the group’s dig and any future explorations. They’re hoping they hit the jack pot!

    Maggie jumped to her feet. Do you have some where to go, or can you double check all our gear and equipment now?

    Mack slowly rose. What are you thinking?

    I’m going tonight. It will be my last chance. It’s too iffy on the weekends. There are visitors in the park nearby that camp and hike close to the site. I have to do this now. Plus, I’m betting nothing will be left after they go in with the backing it sounds like they now have.

    You better be careful. They also noted that it will be heavily secured now.

    Maggie made a slight smile. Well then, lucky for me, I know the brightest gadget-man there is!

    Mack smiled, but it didn’t hide the unease.

    * * * * *

    This time, she’d have her eyes on the outside of the cavern as well. Mack was able to come along and use the night vision goggles. They had their Bluetooth ear pieces to talk to each other, and Mack could let her know what went on outside around the cave, while she was on the inside, hopefully finding her next paycheck. The time was 1:50 A.M. There were two patrol cars this time. Actual police. They had parked all the way up at the trailhead to the entrance of the cavern. It left Maggie about five yards to get in without being seen by the cops.

    Maggie and Mack had parked their car in the usual spot, Helga’s driveway. Helga was a little, old woman that never ventured outside of her small farmhouse. It sat on the other side of the mountain with nothing around, except valleys full of boulders that have rolled to their final resting places eons ago. Maggie had asked if it was all right to leave her car there while she hiked, for the first time months ago. Helga had made a wide grin, happy to have a visitor. Now, every time Maggie parked her car, she’d bring her a pie, or cake from one of the popular bakeries in Inverness. The only bad thing about parking at Helga’s was the long walk, but worth it if trouble arose. They could disappear easily in the hills. A car parked at the trail head could be tagged and quickly identified.

    Maggie crept up around the perimeter, so she came out at the entrance to the cavern, waiting for her signal to slip inside. The two cars are pulled up next to each other. The cops are talking. You’re good to go. Good luck, Maggs.


    Slipping inside the cavern, Maggie let the dark encase her. Releasing a big sigh, she made her way down the tunnel, descending deeper and deeper into the unsettling quiet. Gone were the noises from up above: the late summer crickets, distant mews from the roaming sheep, and the golden plovers flying over the mountains, calling to their mates.

    It was too risky to use a flashlight until she descended further down the tunnel. She did have some light. Small, glowing, white crystals in the rock walls resembled stars. It was as if she walked in her own little version of outer space. She had read an article, that when the archeologists had first found the tunnel leading deep into the heart of the Grampian Mountains, everyone thought they had found a diamond mine, but it turned out, the diamond-looking pieces in the walls of the cavern were really a crystal known as Quartz. The thousands, upon thousands of fractured, miniscule pieces glowed a surreal twinkling white all around her.

    Maggie reached the bend and stilled. Mack? Am I good to go with the light?

    Go for it.

    Maggie flicked her flashlight on and began her trek down the long stretch that would lead to the large cavern that had been the only known area. Anticipation filled her. She hoped to get to any treasure first, only leaving pots, or what-nots for the archeologists. She never tried to take everything, plus, a lot of the items were half buried, so she had to work fast, and usually she’d only get one or two treasures.

    Her best work had been in an old, closed up church in Elgin. The basement had been full of old artwork. She had found some very nice pieces, making her a small fortune from the sales. She knew it was probably one of the worst things she’d ever done, stealing from a church. But it was closed, water leaked down through the floor onto the priceless paintings, and she did say a small prayer asking for a sign if she should take them, an assurance that God wanted her to have them. At that moment, a dove had flown out one of the broken windows. That was the only sign she had needed. Besides, now people could actually enjoy the art. Otherwise, it would have most likely rotted and become damaged beyond repair.

    You okay?

    Maggie smiled. Mack always worried over her. He didn’t realize it, but he was the one that needed watching. All good. Almost there.

    Maggie walked a few more minutes and came to the familiar, spacious room. The beam of her flashlight went over a battery operated strobe light. She turned it on. Sure enough, a large hole resided in the far wall at the end of the room. Rubble covered the entire area where she had found the dagger. To think it might not have been found…ever.

    Carefully, she removed Mack’s gadget he had made for her from her pack, and turned on the small machine. A mini screen, three inches by three inches, flickered to life. Maggie smiled. Mack was a tech-nerd genius. He had tweaked a seismic, infrared, machine to where it could now show a grainy picture of what sat behind thick walls or below the earth, up to a few feet. Holding it with both hands, she slowly moved it across the floor and over to the hole. The opening was big enough for her small frame to fit through. She’d have to take her pack off though. After dropping her sack through the hole, she shimmied after, holding the infrared machine. A chill filled the stale, rank air. Happy thoughts, she mumbled to herself as she began humming the tune to Carry On, by Fun. Glancing around, she realized the room was enormous with what looked like five other doorways. She went to the middle one directly in front of her. The quartz sparkled all around her like it did in the other part of the cavern, but now, it felt as though eerie eyes were behind the rocks, in the walls, watching her every move. It was colder in this part of the cavern, her breath visible in the beam of her flashlight.

    Maggie shivered as she neared the doorway. Shining her light, the area turned out to be a small chamber, only about six foot by six foot. She glanced down at the floor. Piles of what looked like human bones filled the corners. Maggie’s breath caught. She had never seen anything like it. Was it a burial chamber? Crouching down, she picked up what resembled a femur bone and held it into the light. She had tried to do some research on this area before she’d begun her trips poking around. She didn’t know much about the nomads that might have lived here, but she didn’t remember reading anything that mentioned cannibalism in this part of ancient Scotland. They might have been Picts, which had human sacrifices, but that wouldn’t explain the scrape marks from teeth gouged into the bones. Something had gnawed and torn at the flesh...and that something had teeth bearing a resemblance to a human’s. Maggie dropped the bone and backed out, making a vow to never look in this room again. Once tonight was over, she’d move on to another job. She needed a break from creepy caves.

    She glanced in the other two rooms to the left. Slowly at first, not sure if she’d come across more bones, but both appeared empty. Raising up the infrared machine, she scanned the walls and floor of the left farthest room. Nothing. She went to the other room that had a stone dais or sacrifice table, of sorts, in the center and scanned. In the corner, the radar picked up an awkward shape. Setting the machine down, she propped her flashlight to aim at where she meant to dig. Using her hands, she quickly moved the dirt away. Her heartbeat raced. She couldn’t believe it. A gold chalice. Symbols, which looked like an ancient language, covered every bit of the outside of the cup. Was this what Eric looked for? Truthfully, it didn’t look like anything too special. She scanned the room again and then went out, placing the goblet in her pack.

    She pressed the button on her ear piece. How’s it look out there? I think I found what Eric’s been hunting for.

    We’re still good. One cop car left. The other moved to the gravel parking lot below. Looks like he’s talking on his cell. He’s laughing. Probably a personal call.

    Okay. I’ll be heading up.

    As she reached down to get her backpack, a muted thud sounded. Maggie froze. She waited. Nothing but silence. Mack, I’m alone, right? No one slipped through?

    All alone. Bet my life on it. You’re all good.



    Maggie jumped, stumbling to her backside. After steadying herself, she shined the light on the far side of the newly found cavern she occupied. At the very end, a hint of a dark passageway was outlined. The noise sounded from down that tunnel. Maggie pushed herself up, gulped, and wiped her sweaty palms on her black leggings. She had to go investigate. It was in her nature, and she’d kick herself if she never discovered what made that noise.

    She blew a wisp of hair out of her eyes. Here goes nothin’.


    The pitch-black cell, except for the miniature twinkling gemstones, had been his home for too many days to count. He had etched slash marks in every wall, on the door, ceiling, floor, and ran out of room. It was too much to hope that his friends were alive after the battle with Rowena and Cain. If they were alive, he’d sure as hell be free of his prison by now. He was sure that Rowena planned for him to go crazy and rot an eternity in this small hell hole.

    Ah, his friends, if only he could see them again…. Gideon rested his head back in its usual place on the side wall. The room was just big enough for him to sit up straight and have his legs spread out flat in front of him with his feet pressed up against the opposite wall. He wearily closed his eyes. How many minutes, hours, days, years had gone by that he’d tried to fall asleep? If he could only sleep, that might make time go by faster. But alas, Immortals didn’t need sleep. And he didn’t want to close his eyes. That’s when he saw her. Rowena. Fury and rage would build-up inside, filling him every time his lids shut. Hatred for her had grown so much over the centuries, she was all he could think about. Gideon gritted his teeth. He would not think of her. He cradled his head and rocked it back and forth. He would rip the bitch to pieces if he ever saw her again…if he ever got out.

    He pressed his head back against the wall as his breath evened out. His brow furrowed, sure he heard a noise, and not one that he had made. Laughing (those were the times he thought he was going crazy), yelling (which he had stopped soon after realizing no one would answer), and yes, even crying (when he realized he would miss life, having regrets for never seriously searching for his soul mate, and not seeing his mortal mother and father’s graves one last time). If he had found his soul mate, he would have turned human, and would have died, his mortal body void of any nutrients. But not this body. It kept healing itself, keeping him strong, but never strong enough to dig through stone, or kick down the thick, blasted iron door that led to his freedom!

    Gideon sliced his head to the right. The noise sounded again. A muffled murmur, like one made under a hundred pillows…but still, he heard it. If he got lost in his own thoughts, he’d miss it. Was that a voice? Recently, he didn’t know if he truly imagined hearing noises. It had been occurring as of late.

    Gideon ran his hands through his lengthy, scraggly, badly-in-need-of-a-wash, hair. It hung down to his torso, equal in length with his long, coarse beard. Years ago he had stopped trying to trim his hair with sharp rocks. He rubbed his bare legs, which cramped from time-to-time with staying in one position for so long. He sat naked as the day he was born, all his clothing, except for a couple scraps, disintegrated with the passing of time.

    He stood almost to his full height, without hunching over too much, and pressed his ear against the door. Someone talked. He listened more carefully. Silence. Mayhap, it was all a dream. He learned to stare and daydream, pretend that he was out amongst civilization, perhaps, dancing with a witty young lass, with eyes blue as the sky, black hair to match his own. He envisioned his own soul mate. At least, that’s what he used to think, but then the lasses would change and his mind would picture another one, maybe rounder and curvier this time, with long red hair or with green eyes.

    He groaned as he sat down. That was one thing he’d be more than happy to do…give up pleasuring himself. Being an Immortal, he had a stamina that wouldn’t stop. At first he couldn’t believe that part of his body reacted the way it did after being where he was and in the predicament that he was in for so long. But then, it occurred to him that his mind starved for company. If only he caught a glimpse of the outside world for an hour or a day…. He imagined bedding a lass so vividly, that his body took it for granted and what his mind started as fantasy, his nether region wanted to finish for real.

    Gideon stared into the dark. That voice again. It was muted, but real. Real. He was sure of it. It was so low, but he sensed that this might be his one and only chance.

    Like a mad man, he jumped up and slammed his body, full force against the hard, cold, iron door. Over and over and over….

    * * * * *

    Maggie crept down the cavern to the dark doorway.

    Bang, Bang, Bang.

    The noise grew louder. Pausing at the entrance, she said a silent prayer, hoping she wasn’t being beyond stupid. Poking her head around the corner, she sucked in a sharp breath. An entire room sat before her. Standing at her full height, the cavern ceiling stood a good five or six feet above her. Large stalagmites hung down as she shined her light above her. There had to be an underground spring above the room, an aquifer, or massive amount of percolation to cause the stalagmites to form. As she moved her light around the room, she discovered it was a long and narrow chamber. A good-sized one at that.


    Maggie jumped, fumbling with her flashlight. Shit! She steadied her light, which was hard to do with shaky hands. The beam landed on a huge, iron door at the end of the chamber. Maggie’s mouth slowly fell open. "Double shit," she barely managed to get out. Something behind that door wanted out.


    Mack, she said breathlessly, I think there’s something down here. I’m going to take a look.

    You sure? I mean, you’re in the clear. Looks like the cop is taking a nap. Maggie?


    Don’t do anything stupid.

    A smile twitched at the corner of her mouth. Too late for that.


    Maggie’s shoulders jerked with the noise. Unsteadily, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Her heartbeat sounded in her ears. Goosebumps covered her skin. She licked her lips. Slowly, she studied the closed door from where she stood, not taking another step. What was she thinking! She turned to head back out of the cavern. She wasn’t going to let tonight be the night she got caught.


    Maggie froze. A man’s voice? There was a person behind the door? Adrenaline pumped through her. She dropped her bag and ran toward the voice. I’m coming! Hold on!

    Maggie made her way over, jumping and stumbling over the unstable pieces of small rock littering the floor. Reaching out, her jittery fingertips barely grazed the key that stuck half-way out of the lock.


    Shooting back a foot, she yelled, "Would you stop that!" Maggie slowed her breathing once more and grasped the key. The lock clicked, and before she could blink, the door burst open in her face, sending her flying backwards to the ground, giving her not a moment’s second to see what came at her.

    Maggie sucked in a lung full of thick, black dust. Choking, fighting for air, she rolled over to her side. A sharp pain filled her ribs, surely bruised from the jagged rocks she landed on. Hopefully, she wouldn’t break any bones tonight. Coughing, trying to catch her breath from the cloud of dust that engulfed her, she looked up, following the path of her flashlight. The breath she was lucky to get, rushed right back out. A giant of a man, with a long, shaggy, black beard, and the most intense hazel eyes she’d ever seen stood before her, all wearing not a single stitch of clothing.

    Swallowing, she stared into those eyes. She couldn’t look away. All within a matter of seconds, the man posed over her, his hand at her throat. Where’s the witch? he growled. Maggie reached up, trying to pry the strong fingers off of her throat. Are ye helping Cain? he roared. Where’s Alexander? Kaelyn?

    A witch? Cain? Alexander? Kaelyn? I-I d-don’t know, she rasped out, through her already tender throat. The man narrowed his knife-like gaze at her and then quickly snatched his hand back and stood. Maggie continued coughing as she rubbed her neck. After catching her breath, she quickly scooted away toward one of the walls, noticing the man glancing around, almost as if he searched for something. The stranger’s face softened for a moment, but quickly hardened as he glanced back over to Maggie. In another instant, the naked man ducked out of the shadowy room.

    Maggie’s heart pounded in her chest. A million excuses for what just transpired raced through her head, but only one thought sounded right, none of them were right. She couldn’t explain what had happened, who the man could have been, why he was locked behind an iron door in a cave, and how long he had been there.... Chills racked her body.

    Maggie turned her head, staring into the dark chamber from which the man had sprouted. Slowly, she rose on legs of Jell-O. Reassuring herself, she glanced back toward the hole to the main cavern. She felt pretty sure the stranger was long gone, but it never hurt to double check. Especially, since she liked the way her neck looked, and from the massive strength she had witnessed from his grip, she felt positive he could break it for her if he wanted to. She glanced uneasily back into the utter darkness through the doorway the man had run out of. Gripping her flashlight tightly as if it were a life line, she began taking baby steps. One, two, three steps was all it would take and she’d be able to peek in. Were more disgruntled men in there?

    Licking her dry lips, she carefully crunched over the rock, making her way to the door. The beam of light shook as she tried to steady her usually still hand. Exhaling, she shined her light inside, immediately sucking the air back in. The chamber wasn’t even a chamber at all, but a mere closet. It looked to be three by four feet, about six foot high. Her breath stilled as she stared at the dark walls with crystals imbedded in them. Scratch marks, resembling tally marks, were etched into every inch of all four walls, even on the inside of the door and ceiling, until it appeared there was no more space.

    What the hell had she found? Quickly, she backed up toward the hole in the wall, tripping over a heavy object, stumbling onto her bruised butt. Hastily, she shined the light at the object. Relief flooded her when she realized it wasn’t a monster with hands coming up out of the floor, but a sword...a Scottish longsword. A good-sized chunk of money she’d get for it, too, the thief in her pointed out. On hands and knees, she slowly reached down and lifted the immensely heavy sword into her arms. The hilt was simple with deteriorated leather wrapped around it creating a good grip...or long ago it had. Setting the sword back down, she threw her bag over her shoulder. Stumbling to her feet with the heavy loot, Mack’s shaky voice rang in her ear.


    Yeah? she said breathlessly.

    A sigh of relief sounded. Thank God! What the hell was down there with you?

    The naked man was a shocker, wasn’t he? she said with a relieved laugh.

    "Fuck, Maggie! I swear to you, no one went in after you! I watched that entrance at all times."

    No one snuck in, Mack. He was down here before we even arrived. I’m ok. Almost crapped my pants, but okay, she wanted to add. Tell me when the naked man is gone. I don’t want to run into him again. She said the last part more to herself.

    After a long moment, Mack spoke into the earpiece. Our naked friend, well he just got the cops’ attention. You’re good to exit.

    Cool. I’m on my way. Keep me informed of what’s going on.

    On it. And, Maggie?


    Hurry your ass up.

    He didn’t have to tell her twice. Maggie climbed out of the secret chamber as fast as she could with her cumbersome loot. Upon reaching the above world, she paused at the telltale bend. Mack, am I still good? No answer. Mack!

    I’m here. Wait a minute, he rushed out in a hushed

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