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Children and Spirituality: Spiritual Parenting, Children's Meditations & Spiritual Activities
Children and Spirituality: Spiritual Parenting, Children's Meditations & Spiritual Activities
Children and Spirituality: Spiritual Parenting, Children's Meditations & Spiritual Activities
Ebook97 pages2 hours

Children and Spirituality: Spiritual Parenting, Children's Meditations & Spiritual Activities

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About this ebook

Spirituality entails reaching from inside oneself to something transcendent. Some come near that light through service or devotion. Some find incomprehensible oneness in nature. We also find the spiritual in everyday moments. Spirituality may be seen as a worldview and as a process of development. How we address the answers to the questions of “who am I and what am I doing here?” affect the way we live in the world.
As we make practices to nourish the spirit within, we teach children to do the same. In actuality, it is the children who are our teachers. No one can teach us how to be in the present moment, the ever unfolding "Now", the way that children can. Children are our very best teachers to remind us of being "in the moment". Children are already in their spiritual existence and most are already spiritually gifted. It is not about helping them reach up and transcend, it is more about drawing out the spirituality that is already there and giving them space and time to explore their own sacred inner world through Spiritual Parenting, nature, God, spiritual exercises, physic games and guided meditation scripts.

Release dateSep 12, 2016
Children and Spirituality: Spiritual Parenting, Children's Meditations & Spiritual Activities

Sheri-Therese Bartle

Your author, Sheri-Therese Bartle, has spent most of her adult life as a spiritual teacher, practitioner and speaker. Living on beautiful Mount Tamborine in Queensland, through meditation, she works with esoteric and practical methods to help heal the emotional, physical and mental self. Her works are practical guides for you to use as the vehicle you can use to “go home”, to visit the place where you originated, the path you can travel to bring yourself into the realisation of “home” and "self", to awaken your consciousness to its true nature, to bring you a deeper level of healing, confidence and understanding by using your mind and emotions to effect positive change in your physical world.​ She openly invites you to join her as we celebrate everyone’s uniqueness and lovingly acknowledge that we all have a life purpose and she is blessed to become a part of your life journey into spiritual awareness.​​

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    Children and Spirituality - Sheri-Therese Bartle

    Children and Spirituality

    Spiritual Parenting, Children's Meditations & Spiritual Activities

    By Sheri-Therese Bartle

    Copyright 2016

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to your favourite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Design by Sheri-Therese Bartle

    Table of Contents

    Children's Spirituality

    Spiritual Parenting




    Practicing Forgiveness: A Guided Imaginary Journey



    Four Steps of Prayer




    - Awareness Walk

    - Outside Adventure

    - Beholding the Moment

    - Listening to the Living Past Through Nature

    Teaching Spirituality Through Daily Life

    Teaching the Spirit Day By Day

    Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life

    Talking to Children About God

    Prime Time

    Questions About the Nature of Life and Its Meaning


    Children's Meditation Scripts

    - The Star Prelude

    - The Grandfather Tree

    - The Little White Cloud

    - The Fairies

    - The Butterflies

    - The Rainbow

    - The Waterfall

    - New Years, Birthday or at the End of the Day

    Spiritually Gifted Children

    Crystal and Indigo Children

    When Working with Children


    - The I am Psychic Game

    - Find the Photo Game

    - What's in the Gift Box Game

    - Coin Toss Game

    - It's in the Cards

    - Holding the Bag

    - Guess the Colour of the Marble

    - Get in Touch Game

    - Energy Ball

    - Sensing the Energy Game

    - Weather Forecaster

    - Psychometry Game

    - Feel the Light Vibration Game


    - Heart Lock

    - Heart Ball

    - Heart Mapping

    - Turning Pessimism into Optimism

    - Appreciating Your Day

    - Freeze-Frame Pictures

    - Heart Animal Game

    - Music Listening Activity


    About the Author

    Children’s Spirituality

    All things, including us, are sacred and are infused with part of spirit. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Tobin Hart says in his book, The Secret Spiritual World Of Children (2003), Spirituality is an intimate influence of the divine in our lives… Spiritual moments are direct, personal, and often have the effect, if only for a moment, of waking us up and expanding our understanding of who we are and what our place is in the universe. It involves an invitation to dwell as near as possible to the channel in which our light, or spiritual essence, flows.

    Spirituality entails reaching from inside oneself to something transcendent. Some come near that light through service or devotion. Some find incomprehensible oneness in nature. We also find the spiritual in everyday moments. Spirituality may be seen as a worldview and as a process of development. How we address the answers to the questions of who am I and what am I doing here? affect the way we live in the world.

    As we make practices to nourish the spirit within, we teach children to do the same. In actuality, it is the children who are our teachers. No one can teach us how to be in the present moment, the ever unfolding Now, the way that children can. Children are our very best teachers to remind us of being in the moment. Hart says in his book, The Secret Spiritual World Of Children (2003), "Play, joy, laughter, ecstasy, beauty, dance, and celebration

    of all sorts tease open the heart. Children are already in their spiritual beingness. It is not about helping them reach up and transcend, it is more about drawing out the spirituality that is already there and giving them space and time to explore their own sacred inner world. Hart writes, A child’s openness and directness of perception allows for this intimate and intuitive awareness of the world; the child seems to dwell nearer the light… The world’s sacred traditions tell us that the process ultimately unfolds in the direction of love and wisdom."

    Spiritual direction is not only of the mind but is understood as a matter of the heart. We are providing children with an opportunity to develop a connection to a higher power, which increases their sense of security, confidence and well‐being. We are here to help them to see the bigger picture of life and show them that there is a spiritual place to turn for comfort and protection. We must establish a spiritual dialogue for questions and concepts. We can create

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