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Ebook62 pages44 minutes


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About this ebook

The six monologues of the six Scarers of Guatemalan tradition written by Claudio Valerio Gaetani from the point of view of personal judgment of character. In I oral tradition of Guatemala there are many characters, walkers and ghosts, ghosts and banshees, ancestral traditions sended from one generation to another constantly, is telling the people of a village, with their fears and fears, with their tells and their stories are elements that settle the unique identity of a people and bond with their land and their past.

Release dateSep 29, 2016

Claudio Valerio Gaetani

Claudio Valerio Gaetani (Ciudad de Guatemala, 25 de octubre de 1967) es un artista italo-guatemalteco, dedicado a la pintura, el diseño gráfico, la escritura, la poesía, la ensayística y el teatro.Nacido en el ambiente del arte en Guatemala, en medio a escritores, dramaturgos, y gente del medio artístico, crece bajo la influencia de grandes autores y directores.En el 1992 parte al exilio en Italia, su segunda patria, tomando residencia en Nápoles, en dónde vive, trabajando, hasta noviembre del 2011 en que hace retorno a Guatemala. Durante su estadía en Nápoles, se dedica al diseño gráfico publicitario y frecuenta cursos especialísticos en la Universidad Carlo Cattaneo di Castellanza, Italia y en la Escuela de Ártes Gráficas de Como, Italia, trabajando con artistas meridionales, colabora con la Academia de Arte de Nápoles. Colaborando con artistas del diseño y la pintura, asi como con grandes damaturgos y actores.En el 1996 inicia en Nápoles a promover entretenimiento en los restaurantes introduciendo, Cena con Delito, un tipo de juego que apareja el teatro como espectáculo interactivo al interno de una cena en restaurante, siguiendo la tendencia creciente de los Murder Party en los países anglosajones, inicia a producir y promover el teatro como instrumento para la Cena con Delito, llegando en breve tiempo a ser uno autor prolífico, sus obras, hoy en día traducidas en varios idiomas y representadas en toda Europa y Estados Unidos como juego de sociedad en sus variantes Murder Party,5 Mistery Dinners, etc.

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    Book preview

    Scarers - Claudio Valerio Gaetani


    A monologues by Claudio Valerio Gaetani

    with a contribute by Marta Octavia Mena

    Claudio Gaetani & Compañía



    The Duende

    The Sombreron

    The Siguanaba

    The Cadejo

    The Tatuana

    The Llorona


    First edition March 2012

    ©Copyright 2012-2020 by Claudio Valerio Gaetani

    Produced by: Gaetani & Co.

    Original text by: Claudio Valerio Gaetani with the contribute of Marta Octavia Mena

    Cover illustration and diagramming: InArt Design Studio

    All rights reserved for all countries. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and didn’t purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Smashwords Edition

    Table of Contents




    The Duende

    The Sombreron

    The Siguanaba

    The Cadejo

    The Tatuana

    The Llorona


    The Duende (Monologue)

    The Sombreron (Monologue)

    The Siguanaba (Monologue)

    The Cadejo (Monologue)

    The Tatuana (Monologue)

    The Llorona (Monologue)

    About the Author

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    Monologues by Claudio Valerio Gaetani with the contribute of Marta Octavia Mena


    The six monologues of the six Scarers of Guatemalan tradition written by Claudio Valerio Gaetani with contribute of Marta Octavia Mena (The Duende), all monologues written from the point of view of personal judgment of character. In oral tradition of Guatemala there are many characters, walkers and apparitions, ghosts and banshees, ancestral traditions last from one generation to another constantly, is telling by the people of a village, with fears and apprehensions, with their tells and their stories are elements that settle the unique identity of a people and bond with their land and their past.


    The Duende

    Often confused with The Sombreron, is a playful fright, generally said that The Duende likes to play hide and seek, to lose things in the house and replace them in the most unlikely places like The Sombreron, he is credited taste braiding the manes of the horses and the hair of the girls with tight knots not s can unleash. The Duende is a ghost town, very rarely been seen in the field, likes old houses where you can hide and where can hide their antics.

    The Sombreron

    Even though this character is also known by the names of Tzizimite, Tzipitio.

    The general characteristics are the same: A character of short stature, dressed in black, with a thick belt bright buckle. Use a large black hat that covers the face and boots that make a lot of noise when walking. He likes to mount horses and braid their manes. When no braid horses or dogs. He also likes the girls with long hair and big eyes. When any likes the dogs, she braids her hair and sings with his guitar silver. But he also puts soil on the plate with food, not able to neither eat nor sleep. The Sombreron appears to dusk, dragging a mule patacho saithe with which crosses the city and neighborhoods. When it is reciprocated by a woman, tied their mules to the house where she lives post, pick up

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