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Transcending Scientism: Mending Broken Culture's Broken Science
Transcending Scientism: Mending Broken Culture's Broken Science
Transcending Scientism: Mending Broken Culture's Broken Science
Ebook319 pages6 hours

Transcending Scientism: Mending Broken Culture's Broken Science

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About this ebook

In an increasingly uncertain world, we are witnessing symptoms of an existential crisis. Where Christianity once provided the basis for unity, new atheists now promise an enlightened age of secular reason based on science. But there is a problem with their empty promise... their science has ceased to be scientific.

Likewise, Darwinian evolution by natural selection is inconsistent with nature and the law of entropy. It omits a crucial ingredient that is essential to life’s ability to resist disorder (entropy)... Mind. There exists a theoretical framework for the mind stuff, however, in the semiotic sciences, and this enables Stephen Jarosek to articulate the problems that are playing out in our zeitgeist. He provides a solution that is of scientific and cultural relevance.

Science can become more spiritual only by becoming more scientific. Transcending Scientism is Stephen Jarosek’s answer to a world where science has ceased to be scientific and democracy has ceased to be democratic.
Release dateFeb 17, 2017
Transcending Scientism: Mending Broken Culture's Broken Science

Stephen Jarosek

Stephen Jarosek began questioning cultural differences in his teens, when he first began to wonder why people believe the things they do, and why people from different cultures believe different things. But he found theories about culture lacking. His first degree in engineering reflects his analytical approach, from first principles. The engineer asks, "Will this bridge stand?" He asks, "Does this theory hang together?" He applies his engineer's rigor to his published research in semiotics, culture and the life sciences. Questioning why people from different cultures believe different things would invariably bring Stephen to question why men and women believe different things. His book, Tyrants of Matriarchy, is a practical, interdisciplinary application of theories in the cognitive and life sciences, directed at a general readership, with particular emphasis on gender roles. He thus establishes a framework for interpreting matriarchy and patriarchy within the context of biology and culture, in non-technical language that is easy to understand.

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