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Enslaving Sarah
Enslaving Sarah
Enslaving Sarah
Ebook53 pages37 minutes

Enslaving Sarah

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Sarah Conway has just hit thirty—and she’s ready for some fun! Adventurous and naughty, this young woman is desperate to experience the worst of humanity’s depraved pleasures. After answering a mysterious and steamy proposition for depraved sex, Sarah Conway might get the sensations she’s always craved. But, how far will she go to keep her new Lord and Lady’s wanton interest?

Sarah could perceive a man with short golden blond hair and erotically beautiful. He was tall; the color of his black eyes was unusually charming. He could have been a sculpture directly coming from some British museum. The man was examining her through the lighted place. His face was beautiful like china. Almost without thinking, she rested her eyes down between his legs, wondering what his cock would be like and came back to the attractive features of his face. It all excited her. She suddenly harbored the desire to be taken by this strange man.

“This is Sarah,” Lady Boleyn said, breaking the silence.

“Very pleased to meet you, Sarah,” he said, shaking her hand.

“It seemed that Sarah and us, are sharing certain interests.” The countess said.

“That’s good,” Sterling said.

“You didn’t break the rules this time. You have taste, she’s very attractive.

“I was sure you liked her.”

“Did you have a master before?” Sterling insisted, turning to Sarah.

“No, Sir.”

“I think she need to learn a lot more.”

Sarah’s desire to make love had been increasing. She wanted to feel this beautiful man into her. It all enhanced her excitement, but it was out of question to make the first move. She was there to obey and nothing else.

“Take off your clothes,” Sterling ordered.

Sarah started to undress before both of them. She took everything off but her thigh high boots.

“Kiss her” Sterling said to the countess.

The countess approached Sarah and took her into her arms, kissing her on the mouth, and mingling her tongue with hers. Sarah felt a surge of pleasure, she sucked the woman tongue into her mouth and swallowed all the saliva. The countess kept kissing as her hands caressed Sarah’s back. Sterling was now laid on the bed, rubbing his erect cock. The countess took a blindfold and attached it around Sarah’s eyes, plunging her eyes into the dark.

“Is it necessary?” Sarah asked.

“Yes, it is.”

Then, she took her two wrists and bounded them behind her back.

“She is ready for you,” my lord.

“Lead her over here, I want her to suck me.”

The countess pushed Sarah to where Sterling was lying and ordered the young woman to suck him.

Blindfolded, Sarah parted her red lips and allowed Sterling glans to slip into her hot open mouth. Sarah was driven by her own lust. She had what she wanted, his sex organ between her lips. She licked and sucked like she never did before. Sterling gasped as his cock butted against the back of her throat.

“Suck it bitch,” he said.

“You’re big enough to impale her now,” my sir.

The countess raised Sarah head to hers and kissed her, sucking and feeling the scent of Sterling. The countess’ hand came around Sarah’s breast, and cupped the whole flesh, her fingers plucking at her large nipples. Sterling stripped off his trousers while the countess Boleyn placed Sarah in a spooning position, ready to receive her master. What could be more perfect than to have a man’s phallus, hot and big, ready to piston into her, Sarah thought.

Release dateSep 17, 2016
Enslaving Sarah

Tracy Frances

Pardon my French, but here’s the real dirt. As a horny French woman, I love writing searing erotic novels contemporary of our time, stories too often reflecting on the sexuality of many people from strange countries and lands. It’s been said that every town in America has its scandal-mongers, its gossipers, its muckrakers—those persistent people, who keep digging and looking for something they can either label immoral or use to their advantage. Well, you got nothing on the French!

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    Book preview

    Enslaving Sarah - Tracy Frances


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5


    Author’s Note

    Kinky Exotica

    BDSM Erotica

    Other Novels

    Chapter 1

    Before she met James, Sarah had been with a few men like any other girl of her time. She knew she was successful with the other sex gender. But she deeply hoped that her existence would change with somebody to be in love with. Unfortunately, with him her sex life became a real chore, for like most women her age she needed more than she could have. She was constantly in search of erotic excitement that gave you thrills and sensations. Alas, her love affair turned out to be a waste of time as the others before him. James wasn’t the clue. She knew, however, he was a married man; that was maybe why it hadn’t been a successful relation. He was just a nice guy, and certainly that was the major problem with him. He was married and too well fixed on a usual routine.

    He never fucked her as she wished, and always turned all his sexual preliminaries into a boring way. He never knew how to renew his feelings like the first time. As all married man, he became more often predictable with a lack of search of how to spice things. As usual he would follow his common preliminaries as a print letter, springing first his fat dick in the air to be sucked, then he would end up without any other purpose by fucking her with no deep enthusiasm nor eroticism. Never ate her pussy, nor dared fucking the erogenous zone of her bum. That was why Sarah always ended up her nights, masturbating like mad to relieve herself. Lately, she realized that her sexual life was becoming a real bore, and after work she started to glance at some erotic adverts she could find in the evening papers to meet new people from the British community.

    Thumbing through one magazine, ‘The Riviera’, she had just bought, she noticed an advertisement in particular that caught her attention:

    Attractive lady seeks beautiful females for sexy time, willing to try the ultimate. Must be very AC/DC, and have tendency to submission. Contact: Lola Paterson.

    Sarah felt her heart beating as she read the last words: tendency to submission. It seemed to coincide with her search of sexual enlightenment, and experienced the most darker side of her.

    The picture described a woman with her back into view. Her face was hidden. She had long blond hair that ran down to her kidney, while holding her butt cheeks apart that revealed a slack gaping brown eye. Aroused by the sight of the picture, Sarah stared intensely at the woman body. She seemed to be of a certain age, but very attractive in shape. Having nothing to lose, she decided to answer the advert at the bottom of the page. She just had to fill the application form. Her stomach churned with nervousness, when she took the pen for filling in the advert. Then, she slipped it in the envelope, joining

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