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Falling Backwards
Falling Backwards
Falling Backwards
Ebook48 pages34 minutes

Falling Backwards

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*** This novella was originally published as a part of the Passion in Portland Anthology. It is a short novella of 9,300 words. ***

Lon Whitlock and Allyea Taff have been best friends since the day they crashed into each other while moving into in the old brick apartment building in downtown Portland.
Allyea is a friend unlike any other he’s had. First of all, she’s a girl, and that’s never happened, most women are unable to resist his good looks and charm. Second, she’s more like one of the guys, working as the best wing man he’s ever had; someone he can just hang with and be himself.
From day one Allyea saw right through Lon’s prince charming act. That boy had player written all over him. Lucky for her he turned out to be a great friend. They were two peas in a pod, which was probably the reason she had trouble keeping a boyfriend. It was hard for men to understand their friendship.
When Lon’s brother comes for a visits and manages to catch Allyea eye, Lon is caught off guard by feelings of jealousy, forcing him to consider their friendship in another light.
After a declaration from Lon that he wants to take their friendship to the next level, there’s no going back to the easy friendship they had. Faced with the possibility of not only losing her best friend, but her heart, Allyea has a big decision to make.
Can she survive falling backwards into love?

PublisherA.K. Layton
Release dateSep 20, 2016
Falling Backwards

A.K. Layton

A.K. Layton has always been one to play by her own set of rules. In her youth she enjoyed writing poetry as it gave her a creative outlet that had no restrictions. Now, after years of reading all types of romantic novels she decided that she wanted to write stories her way. She pushed ahead as only a natural born Taurus can, with sheer stubbornness and determination.She resides in Oregon with her husband and two children. When she isn't over committing herself for school functions, playdates, and volunteer activities she enjoys watching MMA fights, taking advantage of the beautiful Oregon Coast, and reading until the wee hours of the night.

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    Falling Backwards - A.K. Layton



    Smashwords edition

    Copyright © 2016 by A.K. Layton

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    A.K. Layton

    The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

    I want to dedicate this book to my good friend, Heather Carver.

    Without you this story would have never been.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter One

    I know why you won’t let me go out with you tonight. You’re worried I won’t be able to resist his charm.

    Pacing around the studio apartment Allyea Taff rolled her eyes at her friend. She checked the time on her cell phone—it was a little after nine. Lon would be knocking on her door shortly so they could hit the town.

    We can go out tomorrow night, Allyea promised …And I know you won’t be able to resist his charm.

    What’s the deal? He’s your friend. I’m your friend. We should all be able to go out together.

    Allyea walked past a pouting Sauvvie, and let out a heavy sigh, as she went to the bathroom to put the final touches on her make-up.

    Sauvvie, don’t get mad, she called from the bathroom. He’s my best friend. You’re my work friend. It’s better to not mix you two.

    Allyea didn’t know how else to phrase her brush-off without offending Sauvvie. She’d learned quickly that introducing her female friends to Lon Whitlock was never a good idea. It was the same story each time. Lon took no time in weaseling his way into their panties and after a short affair they were easily forgotten. As much as she didn’t approve of his player style, he was her friend. And she did warn her friends that he was the kind of guy who didn’t typically call after a night of debauchery. But when Lon didn’t call and avoided their advances, her ‘friends’ invited themselves over to her house in hopes of seeing her hot neighbor and best friend. She caught on quickly that they were no longer interested in a friendship with her.

    Lon had an undeniable way with women. They couldn’t resist his good looks. Tall and fit, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a bright infectious smile that more often than not, got him whatever he wanted. Although she had swooned a bit at first, she seemed to be immune

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