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The kingdom of demons has lasted many years. Encased by a barrier, the beasts may not exit and wreak havoc upon the goodly folk of Cierta. Every ten years, the barrier weakens and an elite team of four must be sent to stop the demons from breaking it entirely. Along with this, they are tasked with finding and killing the elusive demon lord. Arkheld must find the paladin's strength within him, call out to his god, and guide his companions to victory.

PublisherAndrew Mowere
Release dateSep 26, 2016

Andrew Mowere

Much like most authors, it is best to describe myself as just a guy. There's really little to set myself apart. I grew up understanding what kind of talent and hard work can create a Tolkein or a Rothfuss, a Martin or Salvatore or a Goodkind. Such talent I was never able to replicate myself, and so such authors I refer to as beasts. They're giant roiling clouds of words, for their sentances strike our hearts with the ferocity of a lightningbolt. Writings like these, they're what is called symbolic fantasy. middle earth or the underdark, they aren't like our own countries. Yet they carry uncanny similarities, and so you end up taking much more with you than just a story, once you put a book down.I'd say Drizzt Do'Urden would make a good philosopher in our own world. This is the kind of book I strive to write, without sounding too preachy. After all, I might end up having no idea what I'm talking about. Worse yet, I may be a horrible writer. That is not for me to judge. A memorable character's sentance comes to mind, "only 1% of prospective writers are authors. the rest are gamblers until they get published." Not much in this passage counts as a personal bio. hmm. I studied english, live in a quiet enough town, and have learnt to appreciate a good mug of coffee. There.

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    Heroes - Andrew Mowere


    Published by Andrew Mowere on Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Andrew Mowere

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes Thank you for downloading this ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please

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    Usually, people steer away from anything that heralds a deep sense of foreboding. It was a helpful instinct for surviving dangerous situations, Arkheld thought as he stepped softly on dark cobbled stone. At least, Arkheld stepped as softly as one could in full plate armour, which was to say he clanked. He could barely see where he put his feet despite the unnatural green lighting, for mist rose thick if not high enough to cover his party sneaking about this night. Behind him, the knight sensed more than saw an elf’s grimace, and he turned to Seida with an apologetic smile. The ranger tipped back his green hat and fully exposed Arkheld to his scowl. The man scratched at his clean shaved jaw, but before he could say anything his counterpart pushed forward in order to

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