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Experiments: A Gifted Series Prequel
Experiments: A Gifted Series Prequel
Experiments: A Gifted Series Prequel
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Experiments: A Gifted Series Prequel

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The Gifted Society, a race of people with special abilities, lives among humans. They have survived for thousands of years by hiding their special powers from the world. Now, someone is trying to manipulate human DNA to create the gene mutation that triggers these abilities. Nick, Robert, Jason and Ryan, newly graduated from the Gifted Society’s Elite Academy, are tasked with stopping whoever is behind these experiments.

Will the guys succeed with their first assignment? Will they be able to stop the experiments? Discover the beginnings of the Gift Series in this prequel novelette.

This is a novelette (only 40 pages) and includes the first five chapters of Discovery, Book One of the Gifted Series.

PublisherChar Webster
Release dateSep 26, 2016
Experiments: A Gifted Series Prequel

Char Webster

Char Webster weaves suspense, mystery, romance and humor into all of her books. She strives to make the paranormal world fit perfectly into real life, where anything seems to be possible. Reading and getting lost in a story have always been Char Webster's favorite things to do. She has also had a love for writing, which led her to her daytime career in public relations and marketing. After years of writing for others, Char decided to write something for herself. Her books fulfill a lifelong dream of creating a world where people can escape reality for a little while. Char Webster loves living in South Jersey because she feels like it is in the center of everything. She loves pizza, hot sauce, French fries, dancing, photography and trying new things.

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    Book preview

    Experiments - Char Webster


    A Gifted Series Prequel Novelette

    By Char Webster

    This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2016 by Char Webster

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.


    To my Gifted Society crew: love you all

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Sneak Peak of Discovery (first five chapters)


    I’ve met some truly awesome people in the indie book community that have I am so happy to call my friends. You all are amazing and a I love being a part of this community.

    My family and friends have been my biggest supporters and I couldn’t keep writing without all their love and encouragement. I love you all.

    I want to thank Teresa Gonzalez, my PA. I really appreciate everything you do for my books and me. I would be lost without you.

    Thank you to Dawn Yacovetta for beta-reading this novelette. It means so much to me to have your continued support and friendship.

    Chapter One

    Five years ago…

    Laughter filtered in from the hallway and Nick Taylor knew that his supposedly best friends were cracking up at his situation. He wished he could project his thoughts to his friends Jason Carter and Ryan Donovan without everyone hearing him, but he didn’t have that gift. If he dropped his shield, anyone in the area would be able to read his thoughts and he was in enough trouble as it was.

    Jason was in the hallway with his face pressed into the glass of the door making faces at Nick and laughing hysterically while Nick was being screamed at for something that they all had done. Nick was just the unlucky one to have been caught.

    Jason’s green eyes danced mischievously as he flipped him off and Nick couldn’t do a thing about it. Just wait until later, Nick thought.

    He tried not to visibly wince at the volume level of academy training officer Schultz’s voice. The man had been getting louder by the second and he didn’t seem to be any closer to finishing his lecture then he had been ten minutes ago. Nick glanced at the door again but Jason had disappeared. Ryan had shoved him out of the way to get his turn at laughing at Nick’s predicament. Nick could see the light reflecting off Ryan’s sun-bleached head.

    Nick and his friends had made the mistake of joking around in front of a group of new recruits. He also may have been mimicking the officer, but he wasn’t sure if the guy had caught that part or not. They had all tried to escape around the corner before Schultz had seen them, but Nick had not been quick enough.

    Everyone hated the strict trainer at the Association’s Elite Academy, even other officers barely tolerated the man. Nick had no idea why he was still allowed to teach the new students each session. He had asked the commanding officer once and ended up with guard duty for a month. The only answer he had received was that Schultz was from a very old and powerful family line within the Association. Nick couldn’t imagine that because the man didn’t have a gift worth mentioning. Everyone in the Association valued powerful gifts above all.

    You’re lucky they don’t throw you out of the Association, Schultz was still rattling on. I don’t care who your family is Taylor, or how strong your ability is. It doesn’t give you the right to walk around here like a god. So now, Nick was standing in front of the higher ranking officer who was determined to make an example of him.

    Nick tried to suppress his sigh. He really didn’t feel like listening to this officer berate him any longer. He was now yelling about the history of the Association and the Gifted race and how Nick was disgracing their ancestors from Atlantis. He also mentioned a few times how unfair it was that Nick had a powerful gift of energy manipulation and he was stuck with only enhanced sense of direction. Supposedly, the officer could be blindfolded and stuck anywhere and he could find the most direct route out of the area.

    Are you paying attention to me?

    Nick straightened up slightly to make it appear that he was paying a little bit of attention. He ran his hands through his dark brown hair to push the strands that had fallen forward out of his eyes. He liked to wear his hair a little longer than the regulation buzz cut. The Academy was run much like the military but a few key differences were incorporated into their curriculum. Physical conditioning and weapons training were a key part, but they also had to learn to utilize their extra abilities to their best advantage and determine how to minimize or neutralize an enemy’s gift.

    Schultz glared at Nick’s hair and Nick knew that he had unintentionally drawn attention to its length. It was just another thing that he was going to be yelled at for today.

    You’ve been disrespectful one too many times, Taylor! I’m sick of people treating you like the golden boy around here. You’ll learn a little humility before I’m done with you.

    Nick had flown through the Academy training with the highest scores in every area and beating records that had been held for more than 20 years. He had attracted the attention of the highest-ranking officials causing jealousy among some of the other recruits and officers. No matter what trouble Nick found, he managed to get himself out of it with hardly any consequences.

    Suppressing a laugh, he had to concentrate on keeping a straight face. Schultz was using every cliché and trite phrase there was and even a few that had been smashed together to form new clichés. He must not have been as good at hiding his mirth as he had thought because the officer raised his voice again even louder and slammed his fist into the desk in front of him.

    That’s IT! You think this is funny? You won’t think it’s funny when I demote your ass back to the academy so I can train you properly. Maybe another year under my command will beat some respect into you.

    Nick winced at the thought but was saved from hearing more threats, by Robert Tate opening the door and sticking his head into the room. Robert, Nick’s best friend, sauntered by, leaving the door wide open and ignored Schultz. Dude. Where’ve you been? Deckler’s looking for you. Robert was a few inches taller than Nick with hair just a shade darker. He was also at the head of the Academy class being edged out by Nick for the top spot. Nick’s active gift providing him with added strength and force had an advantage over Robert’s gift of determining others abilities and the strength of those gifts.

    TATE! You don’t walk into my classroom without properly acknowledging a superior officer.

    Robert raised an eyebrow at Nick and smirked. He was just about to open his mouth to reply with what Nick figured would get them both into serious trouble when the base commander entered the room. Robert’s smirk turned into a full grin when he noticed Schultz’s face turn fire engine red.

    Commander Deckler strode up to Nick, gave him a quick nod, frowned at Robert and ignored Schultz completely. The officer kept opening and closing his mouth but no sounds were escaping. He was stunned that Taylor was going to escape him once again.

    Nick, I need to brief you, Tate and your two buddies, hiding in the hallway, on a situation, Deckler began without any formal greetings. Jason and Ryan decided to stop hiding in the hall and join Nick and Robert to find out what the commander wanted to speak to them about.

    Sir. I’m – I’m not finished with Taylor, Schultz stuttered.

    Officer Schultz, you are dismissed, Deckler ordered, leaving no room for the man

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