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The Leopard and the Galogalo
The Leopard and the Galogalo
The Leopard and the Galogalo
Ebook30 pages25 minutes

The Leopard and the Galogalo

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In this children's book a gullible Leopard makes friends with a wily animal called the Galogalo, and suffers great misfortunes in consequence.Leopard makes friends with a crafty and evil animal called Galogalo. Soon after Galogalo eats all of Leopard's cubs.While trying to take revenge Leopard suffers humiliation and is eventually killed by Galogalo. What happens eventually to Galogalo? It also ends up in the same wicked way in which it had treated everyone else.
Release dateOct 17, 2013

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    Book preview

    The Leopard and the Galogalo - Rotimi Ogunjobi

    The Leopard and the Galogalo

    By Rotimi Ogunjobi

    Auntie Mimie Children Series

    © 2013 Rotimi Ogunjobi

    ISBN: 978-978-49837-3-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


    The story in this book was adapted from several Yoruba folk tales.

    Purchase Enquiries:

    Xceedia (Media and Publishing) Ltd.


    Galogalo Meets Leopard

    Galogalo Kills Leopard’s Cubs

    Leopard Plans to Revenge

    Galogalo at the Big Feast

    Death of Leopard and Galogalo

    Galogalo Meets Leopard

    Long ago, there was a very strange-looking and cunning creature which looked like a fox, but also had a shell on its back like a tortoise. The animal was called Galogalo. Even though it was neither strong nor fierce, all other animals avoided Galogalo because it was a very crafty creature. One of its favourite tricks was to make friends with a small animal and thereafter lead it to the lion's den. And when the lion came out, Galogalo would quickly climb up a tree, because it could climb very well, leaving the other animal behind to its sad fate.

    Somehow Galogalo and Leopard became good friends, and all that the other animals could do was watch; some in amusement and some with anxiety. When Leopard's wife went out one day, she overheard some animals talking about the strange friendship between her husband and Galogalo, and she decided to find a way to end this friendship. When she got home, she called her husband and said to him:

    'My dear husband, mighty one of the jungle, come closer to me for a heart-to-heart discussion. What is it with you and Galogalo? Why does he come here so often? There is really nothing that you both have in common as far as I can see, as you are not related in any way. What is it then that makes you to love this ugly creature so much that you are both seen together in all places as if

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