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Serve: Seduced into Submission
Serve: Seduced into Submission
Serve: Seduced into Submission
Ebook160 pages3 hours

Serve: Seduced into Submission

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Pleasure ... One slow delicious inch at a time....

When Peyton Powell, a lonely housewife, lands a job at Independent Woman magazine, an erotic door opens that begins with curiosity and ends with a sexy, dominant stranger who has every intention of showing her the meaning of service before self. Sir ignites a fire that's nearly too hot and painful to handle yet pleasure has never felt so good. However, once the blindfold comes off, and Sir’s identity is revealed, her whole future is in jeopardy of a man her body refuses to forget. And now that he has her, he won’t tolerate anything less than complete submission. ** This is an erotic interracial romance.

PublisherAngie Daniels
Release dateNov 7, 2014
Serve: Seduced into Submission

Angie Daniels

Angie Daniels is a free spirit who isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind or even better, write about it. Since strutting onto the literary scene in five-inch heels, she’s been capturing her audience’s attention with her wild imagination and love for alpha men. The USA Today Bestselling Author has written over thirty novels for imprints such as BET Arabesque, Harlequin/Kimani Romance and Kensington/ Dafina and Kensington/Aphrodisia Books. For more information about upcoming releases, and to connect with Angie on Facebook, please visit her website at

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    Book preview

    Serve - Angie Daniels


    Seduced into Submission

    Angie Daniels

    Caramel Kisses Ink

    Copyright © 2018 by Angie Daniels at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Sneak Peak

    Other Books By Author

    About the Author

    Seduced into Submission Series

    Start the series from the beginning.

    You don’t know what you’ve been missing!

    Seduced into Submission: CURIOUS

    Seduced into Submission: SERVE

    Seduced into Submission: OBEY

    Seduced into Submission: SURRENDER


    Seduced into Submission

    Angie Daniels

    Caramel Kisses Ink

    Chapter One

    What did you say?

    You heard me. His hand lifted to cup my cheek. You will be the new senior editor.

    My mouth moved soundlessly as I drew back and gazed up into Creed’s guarded eyes, searching for some sense to all the changes happening in my life. "Senior editor? Me?" There was no way I had heard him right.

    Yes, you, he murmured, then his fingers shaped my jaw and lifted my face. My mind went blank for a moment. It was hard to think with desire curling in my belly.

    Sir, I can’t—

    Shhh. His voice was soft, but firm. It’s not up for discussion. I’ve made my decision, he confirmed.

    Something wild and primitive flared in his dark gray eyes. The hand at my waist tightened, and long fingers dug into my flesh. I think it’s time for some fresh new talent around here. His other hand slid up and cupped the back of my neck and dragged me closer. I hope you agree, he growled and lowered his insatiable mouth to mine.

    Instant heat exploded and my temperature spiked under the sudden onslaught of desire. It started at the corner of my mouth and slowly traveled downward, warming every inch of my body. His lips were warm, soft, and downright delectable.

    Peyton. I loved hearing my name in that too-sexy voice of his and my kitty throbbed.

    Sir, I moaned, as Creed’s tongue dipped inside, hot and delicious, causing lust once more to bolt through my body. He tasted so good and smelled so virile, I never could get enough.

    Powerful hands tightened in my hair and tilted my head back, almost painfully, as he deepened the kiss. Moaning softly, I arched against his hard chest. Creed deepened the kiss, feasting on my mouth until I was gasping for air. He rotated his hips and I felt his hard length pressed against my belly. With a carnal growl, his hands went to my ass, cupped both cheeks and lifted me off the floor. It was crazy! Insane even. Yet I desperately wanted to feel Creed’s erection, stroking my inner flesh again. So imagine my frustration when I heard laughter on the other side of the door and he abruptly ended the kiss.

    Eyelids blinking, I stared up at him in confusion.

    I’m late for a meeting. He gazed at me with heavily-lidded eyes before he released his hold and steered me aside. I was panting heavily and my knees almost buckled, so that I barely managed to lean against one of the executive chairs before collapsing. Creed stood, removing his powerful body from the edge of the table. I watched as he sauntered toward the head of the long conference table and opened his briefcase.

    Sir, I can’t do this, I panted between breaths.

    I didn’t ask if you could do this. I’m telling you… when Ross leaves you will take her place. When it came to Creed, there was no asking, only demands.

    But why?

    He raised dark penetrating eyes to appraise me. I’m a man of my word. I told you if you surrendered yourself to me, then you would be rewarded.

    As my breathing slowed, I moved in his direction. I don’t mean the job. I mean this … us. I’m … It was hard to say. "I’m a wife, a mother and this … this thing between us is wrong."

    Ignoring my outburst, Creed started reading something in the thick manila folder he was holding in his hand. Impatiently, I waited, tapping my index finger against the table’s wooden surface. I took a moment to admire his impossibly broad shoulders in the Armani jacket. It should be against the law for a man to look that damn good.

    When the silence became unbearable, I spat, Did you hear what I said?

    He drew back, straightening, holding my gaze for several charged moments before I forced my gaze away. It was clear he was not at all happy with my tone of voice. Peyton, I don’t like to be questioned.

    Oh … so I’m just supposed to agree with everything you say, Sir? I said with disbelief.

    As he shoved papers into his briefcase, his smile returned. That’s exactly what I expect you to do.

    I stared across the table, bathed in Creed’s dark gaze that was hot and luxurious. He could be such an ass, and yet that was what attracted me the most. You can’t expect me to fill her shoes.

    Peyton, you are more than capable of replacing Ross.

    My body was numb with shock. Did he truly believe that? But I’ve barely been here six months. There’s no way I’ve earned a promotion. I was new, inexperienced, and with a promotion like that everyone was certain to know.

    I was fucking the boss.

    Correction, Creed Kirkland was fucking me, and quite well. In a bed. On a chair. Across a conference room table. I felt my nipples bead just thinking about his massive erection, pounding inside of me only moments ago before he ruined it with his ridiculous announcement.

    I shook my head. It’s too soon. Give the job to someone else.

    I’ve already made my decision, he retorted and shut the briefcase with a click.

    I hated the way my body got all hot and bothered every time he talked in that authoritative tone. What was wrong with me that I was allowing a man I barely knew to dictate my life? At this point I knew I should be quiet, but I felt my lips moving and mumbling under my breath, I can’t. I won’t.

    You’ll do whatever I say, he repeated. That includes addressing me as Sir whenever you’re speaking to me.

    Heeding the lethal warning in his narrowed eyes, I swallowed before saying, But this is ridiculous! I don’t know the first thing about being a senior editor. I can’t, I said and at the heat in his eyes I quickly muttered, Please, Sir.

    Creed released a long impatient sigh. Very well. Since you prefer to behave like an ungrateful brat, then you need to make a decision. You can either say, ‘thank you, Sir,’ and accept the promotion, or you can quit and walk out that door.

    I raised a defiant chin. I can find another job.

    In three long strides, Creed crossed the short distance. Leave, but I guarantee you’ll never work for another magazine. I’ll make certain of that.

    My body stiffened, aghast. Why would you do that? I asked gazing up at him, and quickly added, Sir.

    He scowled impatiently. Because I see something in you that you obviously don’t. Potential.

    I stared mutely at him.

    But since you’re not interested, you can close the door on your way out.

    My gaze shifted to the floor. How dare he just dismiss me? I’m not going to stand here and let you keep talking to me like that.

    Then leave before I have you escorted off the premises, he charged in a cool, controlled voice. Reluctantly, I lifted my eyes to his face, praying he couldn’t hear the hammering of my heart. Creed stood in front of me, feet planted slightly apart. I stared in disbelief. His eyebrow rose and his expression probed my face.

    Sir, I can’t—

    Peyton, you’re dismissed. He flicked his wrist with an impatient gesture and frowned down at the Rolex, then regarded me in shrewd silence, showing no reaction to eliminating me from his life. I finally fled from the conference room, hurried past the administrative offices and down the hall to a bank of elevators. How dare he! One moment he’s kissing me, and the next Creed was speaking to me like I was a child who had just been called to the principal’s office.

    I stepped into the elevator and combed my fingers through my hair. My mind was reeling; the blood soaring through my veins. I leaned back, breathlessly, against the elevator wall, dazed and confused. This couldn’t be happening.

    Sir was Creed Kirkland!

    I knew when I first met Sir and made the decision to have sex with him it was wrong. I just had no idea how wrong it would turn out to be. And that was why I not only had to end the affair, but terminate my job as well.

    I groaned as the car traveled downward. I had no idea what I was going to say to Boss Ross when I told her I was quitting. Marlene was going to be disappointed, but probably not the least bit surprised. When she had first interviewed me, she admitted being hesitant about hiring someone with so little work experience. Desperate for the position, I assured her I would work hard and my personal life would never interfere with the job. Little did I know, my personal life and professional career had intertwined the day I made the decision to fuck my boss.

    The problem was I’d had no idea who he was… but he had known all along.


    Was this some kind of sick game to him?

    The elevator opened and I stormed across the main level then out to the parking lot, calling Creed every name I could come up with, and even made up a few when I ran out of words. It wasn’t until I reached my car I remembered I didn’t have my purse or keys. Damn him! Leaning against the trunk of my Altima, I heaved a weary sigh. I was allowing my emotions to get the best of me. The solution was simple. I would just finish out the rest of the day, then pack my desk and leave Independent Woman magazine forever.

    Turning on my heels, I went back into the building and hurried into the ladies room to splash water onto my face. I was feeling hot and flushed,

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