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The Terror Of The Water-Tank
The Terror Of The Water-Tank
The Terror Of The Water-Tank
Ebook25 pages19 minutes

The Terror Of The Water-Tank

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Crowning the heights on the outskirts of a certain town on the east coast is a large, iron water-tank from which an isolated row of small villas obtains its supply. The top of this tank has been cemented, and round it have been placed railings, thus making of it a splendid “look-out” for any of the townspeople who may choose to promenade upon it. And very popular it was until the strange and terrible happenings of which I have set out to tell.
Release dateOct 19, 2016
The Terror Of The Water-Tank

William Hope Hodgson

English author William Hope Hodgson (1877-1918) was known for his works of horror and science-fiction. His first story, The Goddess of Death, was published in 1904. The Night Land, his last printed effort, was published in 1918. Hodgson was also renowned as a photographer and a bodybuilder. He died in battle during World War I at the age of 40.

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    The Terror Of The Water-Tank - William Hope Hodgson

    The Terror of the Water-Tank

    by William Hope Hodgson

    Start Publishing LLC

    Copyright © 2015 by Start Publishing LLC

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    First Start Publishing eBook edition July 2015

    Start Publishing is a registered trademark of Start Publishing LLC

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    ISBN 13: 978-1-68299-538-9

    The Terror Of The Water-Tank

    by William Hope Hodgson

    Crowning the heights on the outskirts of a certain town on the east coast is a large, iron water-tank from which an isolated row of small villas obtains its supply. The top of this tank has been cemented, and round it have been placed railings, thus making of it a splendid look-out for any of the townspeople who may choose to promenade upon it. And very popular it was until the strange and terrible happenings of which I have set out to tell.

    Late one evening, a party of three ladies and two gentlemen had climbed the path leading to the tank. They had dined, and it had been suggested that a promenade upon the tank in the cool of the evening would be pleasant. Reaching the level, cemented surface, they were proceeding across it, when one of the ladies stumbled and almost fell over some object lying near the railings on the town-side.

    A match having been struck by one of the men, they discovered that it was the body of a portly old gentleman lying in

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