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Episode 3 of 7 - Nail It: Breaking into the Black Elite (De-BUST, then a Debut)
Episode 3 of 7 - Nail It: Breaking into the Black Elite (De-BUST, then a Debut)
Episode 3 of 7 - Nail It: Breaking into the Black Elite (De-BUST, then a Debut)
Ebook70 pages1 hour

Episode 3 of 7 - Nail It: Breaking into the Black Elite (De-BUST, then a Debut)

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Episode 3 of 7

Black, educated, and on the rise, Sahara and Noah Kyle move to North Carolina ready to break into the area's black bourgeoisie social circle. This is a world governed by black socialites and movers and shakers, who hold membership in the Sphinx, Darlings, The Shield, Belles & Beaus, The Coalition, and the black fraternities and sororities. Being in the right circle could position the Kyles for even greater affluence, but being shut out could be the death knell for more than their social life.

Noah appears to quickly catch his stride, but Sahara struggles navigating this world of pearls, poise, and protocol. The sky’s the limit, but will secrets, lies, and double crossings keep them on the outside of this powerful network looking in? Or, when it comes to entering the world of the black elite, do they have what it takes to NAIL IT?

Release dateOct 4, 2016
Episode 3 of 7 - Nail It: Breaking into the Black Elite (De-BUST, then a Debut)

Shonette Charles

Shonette Charles is the author of GAME ON and NAIL IT: Breaking into the Black Elite and an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and The Links, Incorporated. Ms. Charles holds degrees from Harvard University and the University of Michigan. A former freelance writer and editor, she resides in Raleigh, North Carolina with her family. Visit her online at, and check out her blog— Pearls, Poise, Protocol. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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    Book preview

    Episode 3 of 7 - Nail It - Shonette Charles


    Breaking into the Black Elite

    Episode 3 of 7

    Shonette Charles

    Seamare Press


    Copyright 2016 by Shonette Charles.

    Smashwords Edition.

    All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Seamare Press LLC

    PO Box 99095

    Raleigh, NC 27624

    Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organizations and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, organizations, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

    NAIL IT: Breaking into the Black Elite/Shonette Charles.

    This is not a whole book. This is the second episode of the novel, NAIL IT: Breaking into the Black Elite. There are a total of seven episodes. The first was released on September 13, 2016. Episode 2 was released on September 27. Episode 3 was released on October 4. Episode 4 will be released on October 11. Episode 5 will be released on October 18. Episode 6 will be released on October 25. Episode 7, the final episode, will be released on November 1.

    NAIL IT: Breaking into the Black Elite (A Novel) can also be purchased in its entirety in paperback and ebook.


    Chapter 7 - Sahara

    Chapter 8 - Sahara

    Chapter 9 - Sahara: 9 Months to the Sphinx Ball

    Chapter 10 - Sahara: 8 Months to the Sphinx Ball

    Message to the Reader

    About the Author

    Breaking into the Black Elite Series

    Connect with Shonette Charles



    Sahara put the shoo-fly pie in the oven and started getting everything together to make the macaroni salad. Tomorrow was the fourth of July, and she was looking forward to tomorrow’s Coffee Moms picnic. This would be their first holiday in North Carolina, and it would be nice to spend it with some of their…okay her…new friends. She and the kids went to the weekly Coffee Moms play dates and enjoyed getting to know the other members—well most of them. Liz, Helena, Alicia, and Janet were consistent and at every play date.

    Sahara really liked Liz and Helena. They were both funny and sweet. Alicia was a character, but Sahara respected her. Janet…well, Janet still disagreed with everything Sahara said, apparently because Sahara was the one that said it. Janet always seemed to have a chip on her shoulder when it came to her, but Sahara didn’t know why. She tried to avoid Janet as best as she could.

    Zora Montgomery, the one with the baby, was still trying to get the hang of being a new mom, so she only made it to one other Coffee Moms play date since the first one that Sahara attended. But, since she lived close to Sahara in Walnut Forest, they’d met a few times at Jordan Lake (Walnut Forest was on the north side of the lake and Sugarberry Grove was further south). They would push Trevor and Darius in their strollers, while talking and listening to Clarissa point out the birds and other interesting discoveries along their path.

    Many Coffee Moms were like Rozlyn, who hadn’t been to a play date since that first one that Sahara attended. Sahara would see them at one or two activities, and that was it. But, she and Rozlyn kept in touch and talked on the phone or texted once or twice a week.

    Sahara enjoyed talking to whoever showed up at the play date. The Coffee Moms discussions ranged from how to discipline kids to the Kardashians latest antics. It was a good thing that Alicia, aka Fight the Power, came to everything because she always kept the conversation hopping.

    But, it would be nice to see everyone at one time at the picnic. Well, almost everyone. Zora and Rozlyn told her yesterday that they weren’t coming.

    As Sahara covered the bowl with the macaroni salad and put it in the refrigerator so that the flavors could settle, she heard the garage door rise. Noah was home. When he walked through the door, he was immediately greeted by Clarissa dressed as Doc McStuffin.

    Daddy, I have to take your temperature and listen to your heart.

    Do you? Noah crinkled his eyes and nose. Why do you have to do that? He put his briefcase down by the door, walked over, and gave Sahara a quick kiss on the lips.

    "Because I want

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