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Doomed Seas
Doomed Seas
Doomed Seas
Ebook155 pages1 hour

Doomed Seas

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A fast paced young adult adventure that will captivate the hearts of pirate lovers.

Caesar knows he's running out of time to find his father, who's been missing for over a year. When he discovers his own grandfather, Victor, is behind not only his father's kidnapping, but the kidnapping of innocent Neptunians all over the globe, Caesar sets sail to find what Victor wants most.

In the company of his best friend Markus, and ex-girlfriend Darya, the pirates begin their journey across the seas. But things aren't always as they seem. The more Caesar discovers, the more he questions his loyalty. Then Caesar is given an important clue to the location of the treasure Victor hunts. Can he untangle the strings of desire, history, and hope in time to find the treasure, or will this hunt be his last?

PublisherJE Hunter
Release dateOct 2, 2016
Doomed Seas

JE Hunter

J. E. Hunter lives in Saskatchewan, Canada, and began writing as an excuse to stay inside during the cold winters. Tales of a Redheaded Sea-Witch was born from the author's love of the ocean, which she didn't see for the first time until she was eighteen. Tales of a Redheaded Sea-Witch is the first book of the Black Depths series.

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    Book preview

    Doomed Seas - JE Hunter

    Chapter 1

    Maybe this journey would be my death. 

    Maybe I was doomed right from the start. 

    Or maybe, hopefully, the journey would lead me to my father.  

    The ocean tugged at my soul like it tugged on the boat. It wanted me out there; it wanted me to ride the waves and do what I did best: find hidden treasures in return for whatever protection and respect I could offer. So I went. After all the months I’d spent on shore, it was heaven to call the open seas home again. 

    It was heaven, even if I was leaving the girl I loved behind. Even if I would never see Nessa again. It was heaven, even if it was bittersweet. But it was better for her this way. Safer. Nessa would be safe. I’d make sure of it.

    They’ll probably never forgive us, you know, Markus muttered, coming up beside me. Like myself, Markus had broken up with his girlfriend, Amynta, before we set sail. We were leaving to find friends who’d been stolen, and we weren’t coming back until Shia and Colleen were found, dead or alive, or we died trying. I didn’t know when—or if—I’d be back, and I hadn’t wanted Nessa to wait for me. I needed to focus on the journey ahead, and Markus felt the same. But he hadn’t spent the last couple months competing against an Irish selkie who liked to walk around with his shirt off. Maybe what I had with Nessa wasn’t love. Love wasn’t supposed to be so easily poisoned by jealousy, was it?

    I sighed, resting my forearms on the back railing of Markus’s father’s catamaran. The sky was grey, dark, foreboding. The sea beneath us reflected the clouds above. It hardly looked promising. It wasn’t the sort of day that was good for beginning journeys. When Dad had been around, before he went missing, he had taught me to never leave the harbour unless the sun was in the sky. There was no sun today, but I wasn’t going to wait any longer. I was going to find my friends. I was going to rescue the girls, and no one was going to stop me.

    They might not forgive us, I answered Markus, heavily. "But this is best for everyone. We’re young. If it’s meant to be, Nessa and I will find our way back together. And if not, I sighed, I just need to find my father. Shia and Colleen, too. But I have to find out what happened to Dad. I have to know. And I can’t have my feelings for Nessa tugging me back here. I can’t split my focus right now. And since she can’t come along…" I let that last bit trail off. Nessa had asked her grandmother, Shannon, if she could come with me, but the older sea-witch had many reasons to keep her granddaughter from coming: everyone was in danger right now; the island needed more guarding now than ever before; Nessa wasn’t fully trained; Nessa’s mother believed she was attending outdoor school, not gallivanting across the globe. Oh yeah, Shannon had more than enough reasons to keep Nessa and I apart.

    I get it, Markus replied, leaning up against the railing beside me. Below us, the water parted into white, foamy waves, marking our journey as we sailed into the endless grey expanse of sea and sky. Now that we know your grandfather… Markus paused, as if reassessing his words. "Now that we know that the pirate, Victor Jimenez, is alive, and is behind the kidnapping of Neptunians around the globe; and now that Dad’s actually letting us do something about it, I understand. I feel the same way you do, Caesar. This mission—this hunt—is more important than a hot make-out session, Markus smirked. No matter how much I love that siren, this is something my pirate blood needs me to do. This is a hunt I cannot pass up."

    Did Amynta ask to come? I wondered out loud.

    Markus nodded. She did. But Shannon stepped in and spoke with Amynta’s mother back in Greece. They decided it would be best if Amynta didn’t go running off with her eighteen-year-old boyfriend, even if all we’re trying to do is save our friends, Markus scowled. I think they’re just trying to keep her safe. Actually, I know they are. Because that’s exactly what I want to do.

    You can’t really blame them, I said. Do you think we’re fools for going out there? I’d been wondering that since we’d first convinced Markus’s father to come get us. Shouldn’t I want to stay on the island, safe and secure behind Shannon’s spells and wards?

    I think it’s in our nature to go, Markus answered. Can’t you feel the thrum?

    I closed my eyes for a moment, letting the wind brush my face. It was there, in my veins, just like Markus said. Yes, I whispered, of course I can. I’ve felt it ever since Dad didn’t return last spring.

    Markus turned to me, his blue eyes somber, serious. If I could have, I would have gone with you last year to search for your father. The fact that all the adults thought it was an accident, or your father’s choice… Markus paused and shook his head. We were seventeen then, but now we’re eighteen. We’re adults in this world. And with all the other kidnappings, they believe us now. They believe you. The world is breaking apart, and someone needs to find a way to bind it together. It might as well be us.

    I clasped my hands together and rested my weight on my arms. Things aren’t right, are they? Kids being kidnapped. Neptunians being murdered so one man can rule the seas?

    Markus reached over and squeezed my shoulder. We’ll find a way to fix it, Caesar. I promise. Markus gave me a nod and headed to the foreship again, leaving me to my thoughts. 

    If Victor Jimenez wasn’t my grandfather this would all be so much easier. But because his blood ran through my veins, I couldn’t help but feel responsible for his actions. My own grandfather was behind the kidnapping of two of my classmates, Shia and Colleen: two innocent, sixteen-year-old girls who were close friends of mine. What kind of tyrant was he to keep kids as his prisoners? What use could he possibly have for them? My anger grew as I thought of Shannon O’Shea, sea-witch, school matron, and keeper of secrets. She knew—I was sure she knew more than she’d told me. She knew just what my grandfather’s end game was. She had to know what he needed Shia and Colleen for, but she’d refused to tell me. Shannon O’Shea was the most stubborn person I’d ever met. She’d never tell me anything she thought wasn’t good for me.

    I glanced over my shoulder. Mischa was heading my way. Great. Another witch I couldn’t trust, especially with her ulterior motive: trying to mother me into being a gentleman. But she was only my step-mother. And she hadn’t believed me last year when I told her Dad’s disappearance wasn’t normal. She was the last person I wanted to listen to, yet I was now stuck on a boat with her for who knows how long, and it wasn’t a big ship, not by a long shot. 

    Hi Caesar, Mischa said, taking up the space Markus had vacated. 

    She was taller than Markus, and thin. She had dark skin and deep brown hair tinged with just a hint of red, which meant the sea had marked her as its own. It was a sign that she’d been gifted with powers to control the water. 

    What do you want? I spit out between clenched teeth. Mischa had shown up on the island a few months back, full of apologies but still unwilling to go out and actively look for my father. She’d begun to believe that Dad hadn’t just gone off on a never-ending treasure hunt, but since she didn’t know how to start looking for him, she’d refused to let me go looking for him as well. Until now.

    You know me well enough to know I don’t apologize, Mischa began, So listen carefully: I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not believing you sooner. I’m sorry for not telling you your grandfather was behind the attacks the moment I found out. I want you to know that I don’t plan on keeping anything from you anymore. I think you’ve earned the right to my honesty, and I hope we can move forward and work together. I want to find Raul as much as you do, Caesar. And I want to find Shia and Colleen. Those girls, we can’t let Victor exploit them. We can’t let Victor have the world.

    Is that what this is about then? Stopping Victor’s power grab? I asked. I wasn’t about to acknowledge Mischa’s apology. It hardly sounded like one. Who begins an apology by saying they didn’t apologize? 

    Victor has always been after power. He can use Shia to gain control over the merkingdoms. A merprincess is a precious resource. With Shia as collateral, Victor stands to gain control over shipping lanes and fishing grounds. He can control the economy.

    And what about Colleen? I asked my step-mother, scanning her face for any clues.

    She looked back at me, her dark, navy eyes almost pleading. I told you I won’t keep secrets from you anymore. I don’t know why your grandfather wants Colleen. If I did, I would let you know. Believe it or not, Shannon doesn’t tell me everything either.

    I laughed, small and short, but it came out anyway. Oh, I believe you.

    I just… Mischa sighed and reached for my clasped hands. I didn’t shake her off. She’d been my step-mother for years, and even though we didn’t see eye to eye, sometimes it was just nice having someone there. You didn’t seem happy to learn I was coming along. I just want you to know that I’m doing this to help you—to be there for you. So if you need anything—

    I’ll let you know, I finished for her, biting my tongue to keep myself from saying that I didn’t need anything from her. Because she was a powerful sea-witch, and there likely would come a day when I needed something from her.

    Mischa nodded. Alright then. I’ll see you in the morning. She disappeared the same way Markus had, but I continued to stand on the deck. The island was long gone now. We were making our way south, and I could just make out the ghostly outline of land to my right. I watched it for a while, and was just getting ready to go down to my cabin when someone else joined me.

    So, been a long time. The voice was dark and rich and utterly familiar. I couldn’t help but smile as I turned around.

    Over a year, I said to Darya, Markus’s younger sister. While I’d spent the summer sailing with Markus and his father, searching for my own dad, Darya had been with her mom, dealing with some kind of drama. I knew a bit about her mom being sick, but I wasn’t about to pry. I’d missed her over the summer, especially since the last time we’d been together—at Christmas over a year ago—we’d had a rather…romantic relationship.

    Miss me? Her bright red lips curled up into a suggestive smirk.

    Damn. Was I supposed to tell her about Nessa now, or later?

    I shrugged. Time to play it cool. Well, school’s kept me pretty busy.

    That girl on the beach looked pretty upset to see you go.

    There it was. If Darya was anything, she was observant. She stood beside me, on my left, much closer than either Markus or Mischa had. She was so close that our forearms touched. I glanced over at her elfin features and short, choppy black hair. She was so different than the sea-witch I’d left behind.

    That was Nessa. She was my girlfriend. It was usually better to be honest, right?

    Darya’s smile dropped momentarily, and then picked up again when she realized exactly what I’d just said. Was? So there’s still hope, then.

    I bumped her with my side. I knew you’d never be able to forget a rogue like me.

    Who could? After what we went through together? Darya plucked at the fine silver bracelet around her wrist. It held a single, dangling charm that looked something like a shark tooth but was something entirely more powerful.

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